AS4 Connector

An AS4 Connector sends and receives business messages and receipts in accordance with Applicability Statement 4 (AS4).

AS4 allows B2B (business to business) Web-Services-Messaging based on the ebMS 3.0 specification.

AS4 describes how to exchange business messages securely in a peer-to-peer network using the HTTP protocol. AS4 defines how to establish the connection and how to validate, send, and acknowledge the business message.

To trust the initiator, business messages are signed and to ensure data security, messages are encrypted. Based on the AS4 communication standard, the initiator receives a digital receipt (Message Disposition Notification, MDN) to be evidence of delivery on time.

Before sending, for each message a SOAP envelope is created.

Business messages can be sent in the XML format, EDI format (e.g. ASC X12, HL7 or UN/EDIFACT) or in any other structured format.

Refer to AS4 Specification.


The AS4 Connector can be used as Input, Medium, or Output Connector. Thus, two INUBIT Process Engines are able to communicate with each other via AS4, for example:

  • AS4 Output Connector to send AS4 messages

  • AS4 Input Connector to receive AS4 messages

Communication modes

The AS4 Connector supports both synchronous and asynchronous communication with an AS4 partner.

  • Synchronous mode: The initiator waits for the receipt.

    module guide 951 0

  • Asynchronous mode: The initiator does not wait for the receipt, which is received by another AS4 Listener Connector (callback listener).

    module guide 951 1

The communication is controlled via Collaboration Protocol Agreements (CPA). In INUBIT, these CPA files must be stored in XML format in the INUBIT Repository.

Refer to

AS4 Gateway

The AS4 Gateway enables communication with an AS4 Gateway of another AS4 partner.

The INUBIT AS4 Gateway is based on the Jentrata Open Source B2B Gateway.

The AS4 Gateway is installed during the INUBIT installation and is started together with the Process Engine.

Configuring AS4 Gateway

The AS4 Gateway is configured in the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/as4-gateway.xml file, which is delivered with INUBIT.

The AS4 Gateway logging is configured in the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/ file, which is delivered with INUBIT. does not support passing xml configuration. If you need to adapt configuration with properties refer to

For productive use, it is recommended to use a database that is different to the H2 database installed by default as AS4 message store.

Copy the corresponding database JDBC driver to the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/webapps/as4-gateway/WEB-INF/lib directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
    <!-- The ActiveMQ server (broker) that is needed for
          communication between Process Engine and AS4 gateway
          binds locally on this port. May be changed to any other valid port number -->
    <entry key="broker.port">61620</entry>
    <entry key="broker.url">failover:(tcp://localhost:${broker.port})?initialReconnectDelay=2000&timeout=60000</entry>
    <!-- Proxy settings -->
    <entry key="http.proxyHost"></entry>
    <entry key="http.proxyPort"></entry>
    <entry key="http.proxyScheme">http4</entry>
    <entry key="http.httpClientOverride"></entry>
    <!-- AtiveMQ memory limit configuration -->
    <entry key="activemq.memoryLimit">5mb</entry>
    <!-- SQL script file name. This script is run during AS4 gateway start up -->
        <entry key="sql.script.filename">sql-script.sql</entry>
    <!-- JDBC Message Store Database Properties -->
    <!-- Select exactly ONE section from the following sections to support your database -->
    <!-- H2 -->
    <entry key="messagestore.type">H2</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.driverClass">org.h2.Driver</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.url">jdbc:h2:../../ibis_root/ibis_data/as4/message-store;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.username">jentrata</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.password">jentrata</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.validationQuery">select 1</entry>
    <entry key="messagestore.jdbc.connectionProperties">h2.socketConnectTimeout=180000</entry>
    <!-- Oracle -->

    <!-- MySQL -->
    <!-- SQL Server -->
    <!-- PostgreSQL -->


Parameter Description


To specify which port the AS4 Gateway shall use to communicate with the Process Engine. Changing the port number is only necessary, if port 61620 is used for other purposes.


URL of the broker the client shall connect to


Defining the maximum size of a message. If the size of a message exceeds this value, the message is rejected. By default, `activemq.memoryLimit `is set to 5 MB.

When setting the activemq.memoryLimit to a value greater than 5 MB, you also need to adjust the properties in the systemUsage section in the activemq-broker-context.xml file accordingly, e.g. for memoryUsage limit ideally about 100 * activemq.memoryLimit. The activemq-broker-context.xml file is part of the activemq-broker-6.0.*.jar archive in the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/webapps/as4-gateway/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.

When having changed the parameters, you have to change them again after a patch installation.


Optionally names an SQL script that is executed when the AS4 Gateway is started. The script must be located in the same folder as the AS4 Gateway configuration file:


The content of SQL script is provided by the user. In case of a SQL exception while executing any statement, the previous executions are rolled back. The rollback extent depends on the AS4 database type.

After execution the script is renamed as backup file with the current timestamp.


Database type (ORACLE, MYSQL, POSTGRES, H2)


Database JDBC driver class



JDBC URL of the database

true: Allows to use more than one schema (not recommended).


Database username


Database password


Query to validate connections from the pool before returning them to the caller .


Connection properties that will be sent to your JDBC driver when establishing new connections.

The AS4 MessageStore contains the following two tables:

  • Status table IBIS_AS4_MSG_STATUS

    This table contains the status of the messages. The following status are distinguished:

    Status Description


    inbound message received


    outbound message to be sent


    outbound message sent


    inbound message not accepted, outbound message not sent


    sent and receipt received


    wrong inbound message


    fault, AS4 error\

  • Content table IBIS_AS4_MSG_CONTENT

    This table contains the contents of the messages.

    There is no automatic purging of AS4 MessageStore database tables. You have to plan and execute the cleanup, based on your business needs, by yourself.

Configuring an AS4 Gateway proxy

If the AS4 Gateway shall communicate via a proxy with the AS4 partner(s), you have to configure a proxy accordingly.

The AS4 Gateway proxy is configured in the as4-gateway.xml file in the path <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ ibis_root/conf/as4.


Parameter Description


Proxy hostname


Proxy port number


Proxy scheme


Client override

If you apply more than one protocol for the communication with the proxy and with the partner, you have to use the last parameter (proxyScheme) to explicitly set the scheme for the proxy. In case of a local proxy addressed per HTTP the parameter must be set to the fixed value http4. The value corresponds to the end point scheme of the Apache Camel HTTP4 component in the AS4 Gateway.

Configuring AS4 Communication

In order to configure communication between two AS4 partners, you use XML files that contain Collaboration Protocol Agreements (CPAs) definitions. These XML files are stored in the INUBIT Repository. An example file is included in the scope of delivery and can be found using the following Repository path:

Global/System/Mapping Templates/AS4/as4-cpa-repository.xml

Copy this file to your own Repository folder and adjust it accordingly. Thus, you ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.

You can use the Partner Management to configure the CPA ID (module property cpaId) and the CPA file name (module property AS4CPAFilePath).

You can configure the security settings in the following section in the partnermanagement_config.xml configuration file using the INUBIT Workbench menu Configuration > Partner management:

  • Incoming messages

    Section <Protocol name="AS4" plugin="AS4 Connector" inbound="true">

  • Outgoing messages

    Section <Protocol name="AS4" plugin="AS4 Connector" outbound="true">

Refer to

You can create any number of CPA files.

The CPA ID of each partner agreement must be unique over all CPA files of your INUBIT installation.

On the CPA Configuration tab of the AS4 Connector, select the CPA file and - depending on the connector type - one or more of the containing CPA IDs that configure the communication parameters of two communication partners.

When selecting multiple CPAs for a listener connector, ensure that all the selected CPAs refer to the same signing/private key alias (signingKeyAlias).

Once you have changed the partner agreement configuration, you have to deactivate and re-activate each AS4 Connector that uses this partner agreement in order for the changes to take effect.

The given CPA file is validated automatically using an AS4 schema file. You can find a copy of the AS4 schema file in the Repository (as4-cpa-repository.xsd) in the following directory:

/Global/System/Mapping Templates/AS4

The sections of two partners must be identical, except for the element address. The address element contains the partner address with the following syntax for an INUBIT AS4 Connector:



You can find an example xml with example messages in the Repository (as4-cpa-repository.xml) in the following directory:

/Global/System/Mapping Templates/AS4

Security Settings Using the Partner Management


To configure CPA ID, CPA file, key store, trust store, and the corresponding passwords using the INUBIT Partner Management


  • You have created a workflow containing an AS4 Connector that is located within a Partner Management frame.

    Example of a medium/output connector

    module guide 956 0

  • You have configured the Partner Management frame properly.

  • You have published the workflow containing the AS4 Connector within the Partner Management frame.

  • You have created a System Diagram with at least a Communication cloud element.

module guide 956 1
  • In the Partner Management settings dialog (Edit partner management settings context menu of the Communication cloud), you have configured the following settings:

    • You have added the Partner Management frame containing the AS4 Connector in the Referencable workflow panel as a new reference.

    • In the Partner section, you have added at least one partner.

    • In the Referenced workflows section, you have added at least the workflow with the AS4 Connector added in the Referencable workflows panel.

    Refer to

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the System Diagram with the Communication cloud to be connected to the AS4 Connector for editing.

  2. Open the Partner Management settings dialog using the Edit partner management settings context menu of the Communication cloud.

    → The following dialog appears:

    module guide 957 0
  3. In the Details (AS4) section, configure the parameters accordingly to the security settings for the corresponding partner.

    To display the details valid until, serial number, and subject click the module guide 957 1 icon in the row with the file name of the keystore or of the truststore.

  4. Click OK to save the changes.

  5. Publish the System diagram.

CPA Element Namespace

The CPA file contains the XML namespace for the AS4 Connector:

<cpaRepository xmlns="">

Section partnerAgreement

This section contains all properties how to exchange messages with one or more partners.

General Partner Agreement Properties

  • id

    Unique ID to identify a configuration for a communication partner within an INUBIT installation.

    If two different CPAs define the same ID, the CPA published most recently to the gateway will overwrite any other CPA using the same ID published to the gateway before.

  • agreement

    A unique URI used to configure the communication between two partners.

  • mep

    To specify the URI of a message exchange pattern:

  • mepBinding

    To specify the URI of a message exchange pattern binding:

CPA Sub-Section Protocol

In this section, you configure the SOAP endpoint address and – optionally – the SOAP version of the remote system, that is, the receiver message handler, for example, for Jentrata.

  • address


    To send messages to an INUBIT AS4 Connector, the address element must look like this:

    • Synchronous mode


    • Asynchronous mode


  • soapVersion

    Optional: SOAP version running on the remote system.

Only SOAP 1.2 compliant messages are generated.

CPA Sub-Sections Initiator and Responder

The initiator and responder sections contain the same elements for the sender resp. the addressee of the message.

  • party

    Unique ID of the initiator or responder of the message. It must be a valid URI if the `type `attribute is not set.

    • type

      The optional type attribute classifies the semantic of the used ID, for example, a catalog with customer numbers.

      The type attribute must not be used with ENTSOG.

  • role

    The initiator or responder role, e.g. Buyer or Seller.

Sub-section authorization (must not be used with ENTSOG)

Username and password of the initiator or responder to authenticate at the resp. partner system.

  • username

    Initiator or responder name

  • password

    Initiator or responder password

  • digest

    Indicates whether the password must be Base64 encoded or can be plain text. Possible values:

    • true

      The password must be Base64 encoded.

    • false

      The password can be plain text.

  • created

    The Boolean value of this parameter indicates whether the WSS UsernameToken element should have a Created timestamp element.

    Possible values:

    • true

      The WSS UsernameToken `element should have a `Created timestamp element.

    • false

      The WSS UsernameToken `element must not have a `Created timestamp element.

CPA Sub-Section BusinessInfo

The service and action elements contain values to specify how to handle the message sent with this CAP ID.

Each service/action combination may only be used for a single CPA ID system-wide.

  • service

    Unique service ID

    Using the AS4Service module property, you can set this element via variables mapping. When having configured the AS4Service module property, this value takes precedence over the settings in the CPA repository file, and it is used by the AS4 Gateway. Otherwise, the value set in the CPA repository file is used.

  • action

    Unique action ID

Using the AS4Action module property, you can set this element via variables mapping. When having configured the AS4Action module property, this value takes precedence over the settings in the CPA repository file, and it is used by the AS4 Gateway. Otherwise, the value set in the CPA repository file is used.

CPA Sub-Section Security

The security section defines the settings for sending a receipt as well as for signing and encrypting the message.

  • Sub-section sendReceipt to specify how receipts are to be handled

  • Sub-section x509 to configure encrypting and the signing of messages

    Refer to Sub-Section x509

Sub-Section sendReceipt

  • replyPattern

    To specify whether the receipt should be sent as a callback or as a response in the same communication channel of the message.

    Possible values:

    • Response

      Synchronous response receipts are sent (default).

    • Callback

      Asynchronous callback receipts are sent.

  • nonRepudiation

    To define whether a signed non-repudiation receipt should be sent. Possible values:

  • true

    Non-Repudiation receipts are sent (default).

  • false

    Non-Repudiation receipts are not sent.

Sub-Section x509

The security section contains attributes required for signing and encrypting the message.

Sub-section encryption

  • certificate

    To identify the alias of the public certificate of the communication partner to be used for encryption. The public certificate must be available within the specified truststore (at the AS4 Connector) under the given alias.

  • algorithm

    URI to specify the encryption algorithm, by default:

  • keyEncryptionAlgorithm

    To optionally configure the encryption method algorithm if you want to use the settings recommended by ENTSOG. If keyEncryptionAlgorithm is not set, is used. Recommended by ENTSOG:

  • maskGenerationFunction

    To optionally configure the mask generation function if you want to use the settings recommended by ENTSOG. If maskGenerationFunction is not set, is used. Recommended by ENTSOG:

  • digestGenerationFunction

    To optionally configure the digest generation function if you want to use the settings recommended by ENTSOG. If digestGenerationFunction is not set, is used. Recommended by ENTSOG:

Sub-section encrypt

  • element

    Specifies the element to be encrypted.

    • namespace attribute

      URL of the namespace that must be used for signing

    • encryptionModifier attribute

      Possible values:

      Content: Encrypt the element’s content only

      Element (default): Encrypt the element’s content and the element tag itself, too.

      If the encryptionModifier attribute is not set or if it is set to any other value but not Element or Content, the following setting is used: encryptionModifier="Element"

  • includeAttachments

    Specifies whether attachments are to be encrypted, too.

    Possible values:

    • true

      Attachments are encrypted (default).

    • false

      Attachments are not encrypted.

  • useBinarySecurityToken

    To set the authentication mechanism Possible values:

  • true

    The resulting SOAP message will use the BinarySecurityToken mechanism for authentication.

  • false (default)

    The resulting SOAP message will use the default IssuerSerial mechanism for authentication.

Sub-section sign

  • element

    Specifies the elements to be signed, default.

    <element namespace="">Messaging</element>
    <element namespace="">Body</element>
    • namespace attribute

      Specifies the namespace URL to be used for signing.

    • encryptionModifier attribute

      Possible values:

      • Content: Encrypt the element’s content only

        When using ENTSOG, the encryptionModifier attribute must be set to Content for the Body element.

      • Element (default): Encrypt the element’s content and the element tag itself, too. If the encryptionModifier attribute is not set or if it is set to any other value but not Element or Content, the following setting is used: encryptionModifier="Element"

  • includeAttachments

    Specifies whether attachments are to be encrypted, too. Possible values:

    • true

      Attachments are encrypted (default).

    • false

      Attachments are not encrypted.

Sub-section signature

  • signingKeyAlias

    To specify the private key alias to be used when signing messages. The private key must be available within the specified truststore (at the AS4 Connector) under the given alias.

  • hashFunction

    To specify the algorithm that is used to compute the digest of the message being signed, by default:

  • algorithm

    To specify the algorithm that is used to compute the value of the digital signature, by default:

  • requireSignedElements

    Optional section to define elements of an incoming user message to be checked for a valid signature references in the security header of the SOAP message. If no reference is found, an exception is thrown. To disable signature validation, remove the requireSignedElements section from the CPA file used in the AS4 Connector.

  • Messaging

    Optional element to validate the signature of the messaging.

  • Body

    Optional element to validate the signature of the message body.

  • includeAttachments

    Optional element defining whether the signature of the attachments are to be validated.

    • true

      Attachments are validated.

    • false

      Attachments are not validated.

  • useBinarySecurityToken

    To set the authentication mechanism Possible values:

    • true

      The resulting SOAP message will use the BinarySecurityToken mechanism for authentication.

    • false (default)

      The resulting SOAP message will use the default IssuerSerial mechanism for authentication.

  • signatureValidationCertificate

    The specified certificate must be available in the truststore used for the AS4 connector. If no signatureValidationCertificate is specified, the signature will be considered valid as long as a certificate within the truststore matches the private key used to sign the message.

CPA Sub-Section receptionAwareness

In this optional section, you can configure, among other things, whether the message shall be resent if an error occurred when sending a message. Furthermore, you can configure whether message duplicates are to be detected.

  • retry

    To specify whether the message shall be resent if an error occurred. Possible values:

    • true

      The message will be resent (default).

    • false

      The message will not be resent.

  • Sub-section retryParameters

    To specify the retry parameters.

    • Sub-section entry

      To specify none, one, or more key value pairs to configure retry parameters.

      • key

        To specify the parameter name.

      • value

        To specify the parameter value.

        The following parameters are supported using the following default values if they are not set:

      • maxretries

        Maximum number of retries, by default 5.

      • period

        Time in milliseconds between the occurrence of an error when sending a message and the next retry, by default 30000.

      • sockettimeout

        Timeout in milliseconds for the socket connection, by default 60000.

      • connectiontimeout

        Timeout in milliseconds for the connection, by default 60000.


  • duplicateDetection

    For receivers only: To specify whether message duplicates are to be detected. Possible values:

    • true

      Duplicates will be detected (default).

    • false

      Duplicates will not be detected.

AS4 Keystore/Truststore

Store the Java keystore file, required for secured communication, to your Repository folder and select it during the AS4 Connector configuration.

Refer to

Using MessageProperties as Workflow Variables


To transmit user-specific data in addition to the payload of an AS4 message, you can add MessageProperties to the header of the message. This could be a customer ID or a reference number. Applications or workflows can use these values to build efficient message dispatching or correlation without the need of parsing the complete payload.

If a message sent f[#read_message_properties]rom your communication partner contains a section MessageProperties, the AS4 Connector sets a variable for each property.

If your communication partner expects custom-specific properties in messages sent from you, you can write them to the input message using the variable mapping.

Reading MessageProperties from an Input Message


To read MessageProperties of an incoming message and set workflow variables to process the MessageProperties.

The AS4 Connector analyzes the input message. For each property in the MessageProperties section, the AS4 Connector automatically sets a variable.

The AS4 Connector expects a XML structure like this:

    <eb:Property name="CustomerID">123</eb:Property>
  </eb:MessageProperties >

The variables are named as follows: as4.input.messageproperty.<propertyName>, e.g.: as4.input.messageproperty.CustomerID.

In the workflow, the subsequent modules can access these variables.

Writing MessageProperties to an Output Message


To add the value of workflow variables as properties to the output message to meet the requirements of your communication partner.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the workflow containing the AS4 Output Connector for editing.

  2. Add a predecessor module and connect it with the AS4 Connector if necessary.

  3. At the predecessor module of the AS4 Connector, define a workflow variable mapping as follows:

    • Source

      Static value, e.g.: 123

    • Target

      Variable: as4.output.messageproperty.<propertyName>, e.g.: as4.output.messageproperty.CustomerID

      module guide 966 0

      → The following AS4 Connector will add a structure like this to the output message:

          <eb:Property name="CustomerID">123</eb:Property>
        </eb:MessageProperties >
  4. Publish the workflow including the modules.

Using PartProperties as Workflow Variables


To simplify the processing of messages, you can use PartProperties to specify the payload content. This can be a customer ID or a reference number. Applications or workflows can use these values to build efficient message dispatching or correlation part-by-part without the need of parsing the complete payload.

  • If a message sent from the communication partner contains a section PartProperties, the AS4 Connector sets a variable for each property.

  • If the communication partner expects custom-specific properties in messages, you can write them to the output message using variables mapping.

Reading PartProperties from an Input Message


To read PartProperties of an incoming message and set workflow variables to process the PartProperties of the message.

The AS4 Connector analyzes the input message.

For each property in the PartProperties section, the AS4 Connector automatically sets a variable.

The AS4 Connector expects AS4 messages with a structure like this:

        <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/xml</eb:Property>
        <eb:Property name="CustomerID">123</eb:Property>

The variables are named according to the following pattern:` as4.input.partproperty.any_name`, e.g: as4.input.partproperty.CustomerID

In the workflow, the subsequent modules can access these variables.

Writing PartProperties to an Output Message


To add the value of workflow variables as properties to the output message to meet the requirements of the communication partner.

The default PartProperties CompressionType, MimeType, and CharacterSet can only be set as a module property of the AS4 Connector.

When sending a ENTSOG compliant messages, the action of the called service is set to in the CPA, and the message to be sent is an EDIG@S XML document, then the AS4 Connector must set a PartProperty with the name EDIGASDocumentType and a value that matches the top-level type element in the EDIG@S XML document.

For this purpose, you need to create a variables mapping to set the value of the top-level type element to the as4.output.partproperty.EDIGASDocumentType module property.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the workflow containing the AS4 Output Connector for editing.

  2. If the AS4 Connector has no predecessor module, add one, e.g. an Assign module, and connect it with the AS4 Connector.

  3. At the predecessor module of the AS4 Connector, define a workflow variables mapping as follows:

    • Source

      Static value, e.g.: 123

    • Target

    • Variable: as4.output.partproperty.<propertyName>, e.g.: as4.output.partproperty.CustomerID

      module guide 967 1

      → The following AS4 Connector will add a structure like the following one to the output message:

              <eb:Property name="CustomerID">123</eb:Property>
  4. Publish the workflow including the modules.

Selecting the Partner Agreement Dynamically


For Output Connectors only: To select the partner agreement depending on the communication partner set for a message to be sent


  • You have created a CPA file containing multiple partner agreements.

  • The CPA file is stored in the INUBIT Repository and can be accessed from the AS4 Connector.

  • A module previous to the AS4 Connector provides the partner name, its CPA ID, and the name of the CPA file where the partner agreement is stored.

  • You have set a workflow input variable that contains the CPA ID determined dynamically depending on the receiver.

  • You have set a workflow input variable that contains the path to the CPA file with the partner agreement for the desired partner.

Proceed as follows

  1. In the Designer, open the workflow with the AS4 Connector for editing.

  2. Open the variables mapping for editing.

  3. Create a variables mapping for the module properties the cpaId and the AS4CPAFilePath:

    1. To set the cpaId module property, create a variables mapping to assign the workflow input variable containing the CPA ID to the cpaId workflow property.

    2. To set the AS4CPAFilePath module property, create a variables mapping to assign the workflow input variable containing the path to the CPA file to the AS4CPAFilePath workflow property.

    3. Click OK to save the changes.

      → The variables mapping is assigned to the AS4 Connector.

  4. Publish the workflow.

Receiving Timestamps of Incoming Messages


  • To provide the date and time of receipt of an incoming message in the as4.message.receive.timestamp workflow variable

  • To allow analyzing the timestamp in order to decide how to deal with the message in the following modules in the workflow.


  • You have created a workflow containing an AS4 Input Connector configured to receive incoming messages

  • The workflow has been started in order to receive an incoming message.

    → In the result file, the date and time of receipt is displayed in the as4.message.receive.timestamp variable when clicking the watch point module guide 968 0 icon next to the AS4 Connector.

    module guide 969 1

AS4 Connector Dialog Description

Dialog AS4 Configuration

AS4 Output/Medium Connector

CPA Selection

  • File

    To select the file containing the Collaboration Protocol Agreement(s) (CPA) with the communication parameters for one or more partners.

  • CPA ID

    To select the Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) for a partner system, use one of the CPA IDs configured in the given file.

  • Refresh CPA list

    Click this button to re-read the CPA IDs stored in the given Repository file.

AS4 Message Format

  • MIME type

    Select the MIME type of the data to be transferred from the pull-down menu or enter another one. You can transfer data, for example, in several EDI formats, in XML, GZIP, and in octet-stream format.

  • Character set encoding

    Select the character set encoding of the data to be transferred from the pull-down menu or enter another one. You can transfer data, for example, in UTF-8, UTF-16, or ISO_8859_1.

  • Compression type

    Select the compression type of the data to be transferred from the pull-down menu. You can transfer data in GZIP or select none.

    These message formats have to be supported by the receiver.

AS4 Input Connector


You can use the AS4 Input Connector to receive both, AS4 messages and asynchronous receipts, send from your partner.

CPA Selection

  • File

    To select the file containing the Collaboration Protocol Agreement(s) (CPA) for one or more partners.

  • CPA ID Selection

    To select the Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) for a partner system, activate the checkbox next to the CPA ID with the service–action combination that suites your needs. The CPAs must be configured in an XML file located in the user’s Repository folder.

  • Refresh CPA list

    Click this button to re-read the CPA-IDs stored in the given CPA file from the user’s Repository folder.

AS4 Call Back Listener Connector

This connector is configured in the same way as the AS4 Input Connector. However, but it must be created on the sending system to receive the asynchronous receipt.

Dialog AS4 Security Configuration


  • File

    To select the truststore file that matches the CPA-ID from the Repository

  • Truststore password

    Password of the truststore file

  • Valid until

    Truststore is valid until the displayed date.

  • Serial number

    Serial number of the truststore is displayed.

  • Subject

    The subject (CN tag) of the truststore is displayed.

    To retrieve the certificate details, the alias for the truststore is taken from the certificate element of the CPA file.


  • File

    To select the keystore file that matches the CPA-ID from the Repository

  • Keystore password

    To enter the password of the keystore file

  • Private key alias

    Displays the alias of the private key defined as signingKeyAlias in the selected CPA file. This alias is used to retrieve the certificate details.

  • Private key password

    To enter the password of the private key

  • Valid until

    Keystore is valid until the displayed date.

  • Serial number

    Serial number of the keystore is displayed.

  • Subject

    The subject (CN tag) of the keystore is displayed.

SSL Configuration