RabbitMQ Connector


The RabbitMQ Listener Connector receives messages from a RabbitMQ server, the so-called message broker, and forwards messages to the subsequent module in the workflow.


You have access to a properly configured RabbitMQ server


  • Producer

    The producer is a program that sends messages that one or more queues or one or more exchanges can receive.

  • Exchanges

    Exchanges receive messages sent from a producer and route them to connected queues or other connected exchanges based on the selected exchange type or the configured routing keys or headers.

  • Queue

    The queue is a temporary storage device that contains the message sent by the producer. The messages can also be received from an exchange the queue is connected with. It does not have any limit on how many messages it can contain.

  • Consumer

    The consumer is a program that receives messages from one or more queues.

Connector types

  • Input Connector

    The Input Connector retrieves messages from the Message Queue.

  • Output Connector

    The Output Connector send messages to exchanges.

Dialog Connection Configuration

Connection Configuration

  • URL

    URL of the RabbitMQ server

  • Port

    Port number to access the RabbitMQ server, by default 5672.

    The specified port must not be used by other applications.

  • Virtual host

    Tenant-specific name to limit access to queues the connector can read

  • Enable Encryption

    TLS encryption is supported. Click module guide 1115 1 to add a truststore file. Refer to https://www.rabbitmq.com/ssl.html.


Connection test

Click the Test connection button to try to establish a connection to the RabbitMQ server with the credentials specified above.

Dialog Exchange Configuration

Communication settings

  • Exchange type

    • Default

      In the Default exchange type, messages are read only from the queue specified in the Queue name field in the Queue settings section.

    • Fanout

      In the Fanout exchange type, messages are read from all queues of the exchange specified in the Exchange name field in the Exchange settings section.

    • Topic

      In the Topic exchange type, messages are read from one or more queues of the exchange specified in the Exchange name field in the Exchange settings section. Messages are read based on the Routing keys specified in the same-named list.

    • Headers

      In the Headers exchange type, messages are read from one or more queues of the exchange specified in the Exchange name field in the Exchange settings section. Messages are read based on one or more Headers specified in the same-named list.

      In both the Routing keys list and Headers list, you can use the following icons:

    • Click the Add item icon module guide 1116 1 to create a new entry.

    • Click the Delete item icon module guide 1116 2 to remove an entry.

    • Click the Search icon module guide 1116 3 to search for an entry.

Exchange Settings (not available for Default exchange type)

  • Exchange name

    Enter the Exchange name from where you want to read messages.

  • Durable (survives a broker restart)

    Check this option if the exchange shall be durable.

  • Delete automatically if unused

    Check this option if the exchange shall be deleted automatically if it is unused.

    In addition to that, you can configure a queue.

Routing Keys (for Topic exchange type only)

The routing key acts as a message attribute. In the exchange, the routing key will decide in which way the message is transmitted.

Headers (for Headers exchange type only)

To specify one or more key-value pairs and routing keys as header attributes to filter messages.

If you have specified more than one key-value pair, you also have to add the x-match key with one of the values any or all.

If you set x-match to any, the filter condition is met if one key-value pair is true.

If you set x-match to all, the filter condition is met if all key-value pairs are true.

Message properties (for Output Connector only)

Message properties can be added to the output connector in the Exchange Configuration dialog. Adding these properties is optional. Values of message properties can be added to the Value column or via the mapping of variables.

Queue settings

  • Queue Type

    Select one of the following options:

  • Queue name

    Enter the Queue name from where you want to read messages.

    The following options are available for Classic queue type only.

  • Durable (survives a broker restart)

    Check this option if the queue shall be durable.

  • Delete automatically if unused

    Check this option if the queue shall be deleted automatically if it is unused.

  • Exclusive (for one connection only)

    Check this option if the queue shall be used by only one consumer at the same time. As long as the consumer is connected to this queue, connection attempts from other consumers are rejected.

Execution settings

Synchronous Mode

  • Checked

    The listener reads a message from queue/exchange and starts the workflow. Once the workflow is done, the listener sends back an acknowledgement to the server. If the workflow execution fails, the message remains on the server.

  • Unchecked

    The listener sends an acknowledgment after reading the message from the server and starts the workflow. If the workflow execution fails, the message can be restored from the INUBIT Queue Manager and the workflow can be restarted.