Creating Static SQL Queries Using the Database Connector


You need the metadata of your database, at least table and column names need to be known.

Proceed as follows

  1. Create a Technical Workflow containing a Database Connector.

  2. In the dialog Database Connection and query type in the Function area of the Database Connector, activate the option Execute static query.

  3. Click Next. The dialog Static SQL query is displayed.

  4. Enter the SQL query.

    Please note that the SQL query can only consist of standard requests (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CALL). Database-specific syntax is not supported.

  5. Click Next. The dialog Query result is displayed.

  6. Define how the query’s result should be output.

  7. Click Finish to close the wizard.

  8. Publish and activate the Technical Workflow.

The SQL query is sent to the database when the Database Connector is executed.