Line Reader


By using the Line Reader you can copy text line-by-line from a text-based input message, as e.g. an HTML or XML files, into the output message.

Line Reader Properties Dialog

This dialog offers the following options:

Basic settings

  • Character encoding

    Enter the character encoding of the input messages or select an entry from the list.

  • Start index

    Define the line where copying text is going to start. The line numbering starts with 0.

  • Block size (lines)

    Define how many lines ought to be copied beginning with the start index. To copy all lines including the start index enter -1.

  • Line breaks

    To keep all line breaks contained in the input messages, activate the option Preserve.

    To convert the line breaks of the input messages, if for example further processing requires other line breaks, select the designated target type (Unix or Windows) from the list.