Extended Tab in the Web Service Editor

Proxy settings

(Medium and Output Connector only)

You can only define proxy settings, if the option compatibility mode with version 5.0 (use Axis2 framework) is activated. If the compatibility mode is activated, the following fields are displayed:

  • Override global proxy settings

    If this option is not activated, the proxy server is used which is configured for the INUBIT Process Engine.

    If this option is activated, the fields are activated, and you can overwrite the global proxy settings.

  • Server name/Port

    Address and port number of the proxy server.

  • Domain

    Enter the domain from which the proxy server will be addressed.

  • Exceptions

    The proxy settings do not apply for the given systems.

  • Authentication required

    Activate this option, if the proxy server requires an authentication.

  • Login name

    Username for the proxy server.

  • Password


Attachments/Binary data

By using these options you can optimize sending and receiving binary data, for example, PDF or JPG files, which are attached to SOAP messages.

The options for handling binary data are functioning only, if the incoming resp. outgoing SOAP message contains an element with the attribute xmime:contentType.

  • Enable MTOM attachments for the response message

    (Medium/Output Connector only) When activated, you can send the content of elements having the type xmime:base64Binary as MTOM attachments. The content is filled with data from WSAttachment* variables.

  • Extract binary data from the response message and set it as variable values

    (Medium/Output Connector only)

    When activated, the received SOAP message is searched for the attribute xmime:contentType. The content is written in WSAttachment* variables.

  • Store attachments in file system

    (Medium/Output Connector only)

    When the called Web service sends attachments, these are stored in the corresponding MTOM variables. Check this option to store the attachments into the file system. You find the paths in the MTOM variables.

    When the option is not selected, the attachments remain in the workflow variables.

  • Extract binary data from the input message and set it as variable values

    (Input Listener Connector only)

    When selected, the received SOAP message is searched for elements with the attribute xmime:contentType. The content is written into WSAttachment* variables.

  • Enable MTOM attachments for the response message

    (Input Listener Connector only)

    Select this option, if you want to send responses with the content of elements having the type xmime:base64Binary as MTOM attachments. The content is filled with data from the WSAttachment* variables.

  • Delete the referenced files after the response

    (Input Listener Connector only)

    Activate this option to delete files referenced via the WSAttachmentFileName.* variables after the response has been created.


(Input Listener Connector only)

  • Authentication required

    Activate this option, if the Web service is to be accessible only via HTTP basic authentication.

    • Use static login data

      • Login name: Login name.

      • Password: Password.

    • Select from Credentials Manager

      For authentication, you can also use credentials managed by the Credentials Manager.

  • On error send response with status 500 (Internal server error) (instead of status 401)

    When having activated this option the connector behaves like a connector in earlier INUBIT versions and returns the HTTP status 500 if the authentication fails. In this case, the preemptive authentication must be configured in the client, that is, the client must send the authentication data together with the request instead of waiting for a 401 HTTP status code response.

W3C Standards

  • WS-Security

    For securely transferring Web service messages. Requires an authentication at the Web service via certificates. The authentication of the Web service consumer is optionally.

  • WS-ReliableMessaging

    (Input Listener Connector only)

    • Asynchronous Web service communication

      If activated, the WS-Reliable Messaging protocol is used for transferring the Web service calls to the INUBIT software.

      The reception of a request is confirmed as soon as the message has arrived in the workflow in which the Input Listener Connector is used.

    • Synchronous Web service communication

      WS-ReliableMessaging is not required for a secure transfer, because the reception of the Web service responses signals the reception of the calls.

      WS-ReliableMessaging can be used anyway, in order ensure the correct order of processing for calls.


The validation is useful for testing. It can impair performance, though. Thus, it can be sensible to deactivate the validation on production systems.

  • Validate request message

    • Input Listener Connector

      If activated, all incoming requests are validated against the WSDL.

+* Output/Medium Connector

+ If activated, all incoming requests are validated against the WSDL.

  • Validate response message

    • Input Listener Connector

      When activated, the outgoing responses are validated against the WSDL.

    • Output/Medium Connector

      When activated, the incoming responses are validated against the WSDL.

  • Start workflow in spite of an invalid request (validation result becomes the workflow input)

    (Input Listener Connector, only; compatibility mode must be activated)

    Adds the result of the validation to the output message. Starts the workflow independently of the validation result and hands over the validation result to the subsequent module.

Asynchronous message exchange

Callback Listener-specific settings

  • Listener receives response messages (instead of request messages)

    (only Callback Listener Connector)

    Incoming and outgoing messages are saved to the following log file:


    Refer to Creating a callback listener connector in section Calling an Asynchronous Web Service.

Error handling

  • Throw exception if error response is received

    When activated, an error is thrown during workflow execution if the Output Connector receives an error message (with SOAPFault).

    In case the error is defined as one of the possible error responses in the WSDL, the error gets the name defined in the WSDL.

  • Return HTTP response code from web service as a field in the SOAP message

    When checked, more detailed error information are returned.


Further options

  • Disable automatic adaptation of the service address in the WSDL

    • If the option activated:

      The host/port part of the service address in the published WSDL is not adjusted.

    • If the option is not activated:

      The host/port part of the service address is copied from the URL of the WSDL request. The service address in the published WSDL is adjusted as follows:

      • WSDL is called via https://<server>:<port>/ibis/ws/HelloWorld?wsdl

        In the WSDL, the service address `https://localhost:8000/ibis/ws/HelloWorld `is used.

      • WSDL is called via https://<server>:<port>/ibis/ws/HelloWorld?wsdl

        In the WSDL the service address https://<server>:<port>/ibis/ws/HelloWorld is used.

  • Activate logging of SOAP messages (webservice.log)

    (can only be activated for METRO framework)

  • Compatibility mode with version 5.0 (use Axis2 framework)

    Activate this option to ensure that Web Services Connectors which were created in an INUBIT version < 5.1 can be executed.

    In the current version, Metro is used as Standard Web service framework, while INUBIT versions < 5.1 used the Axis2 framework.