Diagnosis Commands

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user name>] [-p <password>]
    <Option> [<arg>]
  • Script mode

    startcli [-u <user name>] [-p <password>] --execCommand "<Option> [<arg>]"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the help


Returns the current client version (in script mode only)


Returns all local IPv4 network interfaces (in script mode only)


Starts the interactive CLI mode using the trace mode

When the CLI has exited the trace mode is deactivated automatically.

debug {on|off}

In the interactive CLI mode, switch on/off the trace mode of the interactive mode


  • Interactive mode

    debug on

  • Script mode

    startcli -v
    Copyright (C) Virtimo AG
    Supported INUBIT Process Engine versions from 4.0.1 to
    startcli -a
    <IP address> (<hostname>)
    startcli --debug

Display Running Processes using CLI

You can use the ps command to display the details of all processes or to display only specific workflows.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    ps [option(s)]
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "ps [option(s)]"

Command options

Option Description


Shows all entries.


Shows only the number of entries.


Uses CSV output format instead of table.


Shows only error workflows.

-f,--filter '<filterExpression>' [<options>]

Filters processes using the workflow and/or the tag argument

-f 'workflow=<workflowName>' [-a|-e|-q|-w]

Filters processes with the given workflow name

The -f option must be used together with one of the options -a, -e, -q, or -w.

To filter both the workflow name and the tag, use the following syntax:

-f 'workflow=<workflowName> AND tag=<tagName>' [-a|-e|-q|-w]

The filter expression must be single-quoted.

  • AND (must be written in upper-case letters)

    To combine two conditions

  • OR

    Is not supported directly but indirectly while using inFile and in.

    • inFile (must be written in camel case spelling)

      To specify a variable as a path to a CSV file that contains filter values, e.g. user-defined column values

    • in (must be written in lower-case letters)

      To specify multiple values

-f 'tag=<tagName>' [-a|-e|-q|-w]

Filters processes with the given tag name

The -f option must be used together with one of the options -a, -e, -q, or -w.

The filter expression must be single-quoted.

  • AND (must be written in upper-case letters)

    To combine two conditions

  • OR

    Is not supported directly but indirectly while using inFile and in.

    • inFile (must be written in camel case spelling)

      To specify a variable as a path to a CSV file that contains filter values, e.g. user-defined column values

    • in (must be written in lower-case letters)

      To specify multiple values


Displays this help.

-l <arg>

Limits output to X rows.


Shows only queued workflows.

-u <index>

Shows specified user-defined column(s) as well. Possible indices: 1..5. Leave index blank to show all columns.

-u '<filterExpression>'

Optionally: Filtering user-defined column(s) to be displayed based on user defined data.

The filter expression must be single-quoted.

  • AND (must be written in upper-case letters)

    To combine two conditions

  • OR

    Is not supported directly but indirectly while using inFile and in.

    • inFile (must be written in camel case spelling)

      To specify a variable as a path to a CSV file that contains filter values, e.g. user defined column values

    • in (must be written in lower-case letters)

      To specify multiple values


Shows only waiting workflows.


  • Interactive mode

    startcli -u root
    ps -a
    CLI|root@be6vw0149> ps -a
    __NotAssigned__ jh 7 normal Waiting 2016-05-31T15:42:30 ErrorExit FTP(2120723586) alpha
    <hostname>.......... miller 8 normal Error 2016-05-31T17:13:15 InvoiceSupplierA Invoice openTRANS ..
    <hostname>.......... jh 19 normal Error 2016-05-31T17:42:57 ValidationWorkflowCreate_Query(21223..
    <hostname>.......... jh 20 normal Error 2016-05-31T17:54:08 Location_Hamburg Wait10m(4)
    Total: 4
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "ps -a -csv"
    <hostname>,miller,8,normal,Error,2016-05-31T17:13:15,InvoiceSupplierA,Invoice openTRANS output(16066),
    Total: 4
    startcli --execCommand "ps -a -f 'workflow=Location_Hamburg AND tag=1.4Beta'"
    __NotAssigned__ jh 26 normal Waiting 2016-05-31T22:27:42 Location_Hamburg Wait10m(4) 1.4Beta
    Total: 1

Displaying and Configuring the Database Connection Tolerance

You can use the dbconnectiontolerance command to both display and set the parameters to configure the disconnection tolerance to the internal databases.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    dbconnectiontolerance [option(s)]
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "dbconnectiontolerance [option(s)]"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the help.


Displays the current settings

  • Error level

    Current short-term database disconnection amount percentage of the Fault threshold parameter configured

  • Fault threshold

    Number of database disconnections that must not exceed within the time period specified in the drop interval parameter

  • Drop rate

    Percentage of database disconnections the number of disconnections that is removed after the interval has expired

  • Drop interval

    Time interval in seconds within which the number of database disconnections must not exceed the value specified in the Fault threshold parameter. If the number of database disconnections exceeds the value specified in the Fault threshold parameter within the Drop interval, the disconnection is considered as a permanent problem and the node is shut down.


Sets the values for the following parameters:

  • threshold <positive integer value>

    Number of database disconnections that must not exceed within the interval specified, default value: 25

  • droprate <positive integer value>

    Percentage of database disconnections the number of disconnections is reduced after the interval has expired, default value: 4%

  • interval <positive integer value>

    Time interval in seconds within the number of database disconnections must not exceed the value specified in the threshold parameter, default value: 3600 seconds


  • Interactive mode

    CLI|root@be6vw0149> dbconnectiontolerance set interval 180
    Error level: 0%
    Fault threshold: 25
    Drop rate: 4%
    Drop interval (s): 180 seconds
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "dbconnectiontolerance show"
    Error level: 0%
    Fault threshold: 25
    Drop rate: 1%
    Drop interval (s): 180 seconds

System Monitoring Using CLI

You start the commands for system monitoring directly as a CLI option, but in distinction from the script mode without the execCommand command.

Call up

startcli [-u <user name>] [-p <Password>] \{Option} [Process-Engine-URL]

If you do not specify a user, root is used.

If you do not specify a password, you are prompted to enter a password after the program has started.

If you do not specify a Process Engine URL, https://<server>:<port>/ibis/servlet/IBISSoapServlet is used.

Among others, the following commands/options are available:

Command/Option Description


Displays all users who are logged in at the Process Engine via Workbenches.

Users are not displayed if they are logged in using the StartCLI in the interactive mode at the Process Engine.


Number of Workbench users who are logged in


Number of processes in Error state


Number of processes in Processing state, that is, currently executed processes


Number of processes in Waiting state


Number of processes in Queued state


Display queue


Display the Process Engine’s product version


Display information about JVM memory consumption


Display the Process Engine’s maintenance mode status


Returns the Process Engine’s version


Returns the Process Engine’s current time and uptime


Returns the Process Engine’s date and time.

free <option>

Displays amount of free and used Virtual Machine memory.

  • -i <arg> interval for display data in seconds

    Press the Enter key to stop displaying data.

  • `-k `display output in KByte

  • `-m `display output in MByte

  • `-p `percentage of used memory


Shows local directory content.


Sends message to specific user or a group.

  • -f Read in the contents for the message from a text file.

  • -s <arg> Message subject

    Only the first argument after the -s flag is used as a subject.

    If the subject contains white spaces, it must be single-quoted.


Returns a list of ID, subject, sender, date, and time of incoming messages

msgread <ID>

Displays the content of the user message specified by the message ID. Y ou can determine the ID by the msglist command.


Deletes user messages.

  • <ID> Message ID

    You can determine the ID by the msglist command.

  • -a Deletes all messages.


License timeout

  • -td License timeout in days

  • -ts License timeout in seconds


startcli -who
<host name> (<user>) Toolset OK Head 0:00:07s
msgsend inubit_group -s 'Please log out ...' Your Process Engine will switch to
maintenance mode at 6.00 p.m.

Setting Server Trace using CLI

You start the trace command in interactive mode after being logged in to the CLI.

Call up

startcli [-u <user name>] [-p <password>] [Process Engine URL]

The following commands/options are available:

Command/Option Description

trace -l [fatal|error|warn|info|debug]

Setting the Trace level

trace [on|off]

Switching Server trace on/off


To display the current trace state (on/off)


Execute the following commands to set the Trace level to error, to switch the Server trace on, and to display the current trace state.

startcli -u root
trace -l error
Successfully changed level to ERROR
trace on
Trace is currently on.

Getting the Blocking Queue Size Using the CLI

The blocking queue size is configured in the logsDbConfig.xml file. The value is based on how the workflows are designed and executed. The size of the blocking queue at any given point of time should be known to decide on the actual size of the queue. This CLI command is required to get the current value of the blocking queue size.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    getBlockingQueueSize [option(s)]
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "getBlockingQueueSize [option(s)]"

Command options

-h, --help Displays the help.

Return value

The current size of the blocking queue as an integer value.


  • Interactive mode

    CLI|root@localhost> getBlockingQueueSize
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "getBlockingQueueSize"