Web Services Connector


The Web Services Connector is a central component of an SOA. The ways in which a Web Services Connector can be used depend on its configuration.

  • Input Listener Connector

    Offers the functionality of a Technical Workflow externally as a Web Service.

    As input listener, the Web Services Connector is suitable for integrating legacy systems that typically do not have Web Service interfaces available. For that purpose, the legacy systems interface is transformed into a Web Service in the Technical Workflow and made available as a service by using an Input Listener.

    The input listener connector receives a request, starts the workflow, waits for the workflow result, and then sends the result and the HTTP status message 200 back.

  • Medium Listener Connector

    Waits for the answer of a Web Service that was called asynchronously.

    A medium listener connector is thus always positioned in a workflow after a medium connector calling an asynchronous Web Service.

  • Medium/Output Connector

    The Connector sends a request to an external Web Service or to a Web Services Input Listener and waits for the response.

    As soon as the connector receives the response, it passes the response on to the subsequent module in its workflow and fills the variables ISHttpResponseCode (e.g. with value 200 if ok) and ISHttpResponseText.

    You can define the list of OK codes yourself before the Connector’s execution by adding the element <Property name="ISHttpStatusCodesOk"> to the Properties tab of the module and enter all HTTP codes which must not cause an exception. Enter the HTTP codes as a comma-separated list


The INUBIT Web Services technology is based on the Axis Web Services server. Axis is an open-source product from the Apache Software Foundation and is supplied with the INUBIT software.