XML Enveloper


The XML Enveloper generates an XML-formatted output message from text-based input messages.

You need to convert data which does not comply with the XML syntax before using the XML Enveloper. You can, for example, encode binary data with the base64 algorithm.

Dialog XML Enveloper Properties


  • Character set of the source data/Character set of the target document

    The default setting is the UTF-8 character set. In addition, the following character sets can be selected: CP437, CP850, ISO‑8859‑1, US-ASCII, UTF‑16, UTF-16BE und UTF-16LE. You can also enter any other character set, if needed.

  • XML root element name

    The default name is DATA. You can choose any XML-compliant name.

  • CDATA element (ignore special characters)

    Select this option if the input message contains reserved XML special characters, such as <, >, or /. When the option is selected, the entire content of the input message is enclosed in a CDATA element (beginning with the tag <![CDATA[ and ending with ]]>). CDATA segments will be ignored in the syntax analysis.


  • Input text file:

    The number 9 is greater than the number 7, displayed as: 9 > 7
    For divisions, the / character can be used.
    In XML, tags are enclosed in angle brackets.
    <ITEM> is an example.
  • XML file output:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
       <![CDATA[The number 9 is greater than number 7, displayed as 9 > 7
       For divisions, the / character can be used.
       In XML, tags are enclosed in angle brackets.
       <ITEM> is an example.]]>