Installing the INUBIT Process Monitor

The following sections describe how to install the INUBIT Process Monitor. Follow the instructions in the following sections in the specified order.

You require a license for the INUBIT Process Monitor. To check your license, select About in the Help menu in the Workbench. If you have a valid license, the Process Monitor will be displayed under Licensed plug-ins on the License Information tab.

Without a license, you cannot install the INUBIT Process Monitor.

Importing and Activating Diagrams

You have to import the supplied technical workflows and the system diagram into INUBIT. In the system diagram, you centrally manage the access data for the database.

Proceed as follows

  1. Start INUBIT.

  2. Log on to the Workbench. Choose a user who is authorized to edit the technical workflows whose data flow is to be monitored.

  3. Show the Designer tab.

  4. Import the provided zip file to a user group.

    Virtimo AG recommends importing the file to a higher-level user group so that the INUBIT Process Monitor can be used by all lower-level user groups and their applications.

    After the import, the diagrams are available in this user group:

    process monitor guide 1311 0

  5. Activate all technical workflows including their modules in the user group.

Configuring the Database Connection

Depending on the database you use, you may have to define the connection parameters.

Proceed as follows

  1. Show the Designer tab.

  2. Open the BPC_PM_FunctionalLogDB module in the BPC_PM_Query_LogDB workflow for editing.

  3. Open the Database connection and query type tab.

  4. In the Database connection section, edit the database connection settings by choosing the Presetting and adjusting the values afterwards.

  5. Publish the the module and the workflow.

Installing Database Drivers

You must install a driver for the database you use, refer to Managing Libraries.

The database driver used for the Process Monitor database must be also installed in the BPC Monitor environment.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the Configuration > Library Manager menu item in the Workbench.

  2. In the Library Manager dialog, click the New icon. The Upload library dialog opens.

  3. In the File field, click the process monitor guide 1312 2 button. A file explorer opens.

  4. Navigate to the desired driver and click Open. The file name is displayed in the File field.

  5. In the Type pull-down menu, select Driver library.

  6. Click OK.

    → The file is loaded. If the upload is successful, you receive a confirmation.

    The uploaded library can be used only after both the Process Engine and the Workbench is restarted.

  7. Click OK to close the Library Manager dialog.

Specifying the Database Type

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the technical workflow BPC_299_PM_Configuration in the BPC__configuration diagram group for editing.

  2. Open the variable mapping of the BPC_Assign_hook module.

  3. Select the XSLT Source variable.

  4. In the Source section, click the Edit button next to the Style sheet label to open the XSLT editor.

  5. Set the database element according to your database type using one of the following values: oracle, mssql, mysql (also for MariaDB), or postgresql

  6. Close the variable mapping by clicking OK.

  7. Publish the workflow.

Generating Database Tables

The INUBIT Process Monitor writes the data to be logged to the defined database. The INUBIT Process Monitor expects a particular table structure, which does not exist initially. This section describes how to generate it.

If you want to add additional table columns to the preconfigured table columns, you have to define these additional columns prior to creating the tables in the BPC_Assign_hook module in workflow BPC_299_PM_Configuration.


Database management system and database schema are already available and can be accessed by INUBIT. For Oracle databases, one user mostly corresponds to one schema and the schema was thus already created implicitly. When using other databases, a schema must be created and assigned to the intended user.

When using Oracle, the user requires the system authorization CREATE VIEW.

Proceed as follows

  1. Display the technical workflow BPC_PM_LogDB_Administration in the BPC_Monitor_hook diagram group.

  2. Select the BPC_PM_startWFHere Empty module in the top left create log table frame.

  3. Open the context menu and click Set start point. A green start point appears.

  4. Select the start point, open the context menu, and click Start test without file.

→ The workflow starts and generates the database tables and views. With the factory defaults, the workflow generates database table for five Process Monitor grids. These Process Monitor grids illustrate the options for displaying individual grids and multiple Process Monitor Grids (grouping in GridGroups, Tabbing).

Refer to

Activating the Portal Server and Adding the BPC Monitor

Before you can use the INUBIT Enterprise Portal and thus you are able to access the visualizations of the process information, you must activate the portal server and deploy the Process Monitor to the portal.


  • You have administrator rights for the portal.

  • You are logged in as an administrator to the INUBIT Workbench.

Proceed as follows

  1. Configure the Portal Server:

    1. Display the Configuration > General Settings tab in the Workbench.

    2. Select the configuration area Portal > Portal Server.

    3. For the Portalserver option, select the value Liferay.

      → The Liferay portal version option is set to 7.x/DXP automatically.

    4. If Liferay is not installed on the same computer as the Process Engine, you have to set the URL of the Portal Server option to the name/IP address of the computer on which Liferay is installed instead of localhost.

    5. Click the process monitor guide 1313 1 icon to save the changes.

      → The INUBIT Enterprise Portal is now configured.

  2. Configure the Process user server:

    1. Display the Configuration > General Settings tab in the Workbench.

    2. Select the configuration area Process user > Process user server.

    3. For the Process user server option, select the value Liferay.

      → The Liferay process user server version option is set to 7.x/DXP automatically.

    4. If Liferay is not installed on the same computer as the Process Engine, you have to set the URL of the process user server option to the name/IP address of the computer on which Liferay is installed instead of localhost.

    5. Click the process monitor guide 1313 1 icon to save the changes.

      → The Process user server is now configured.

  3. Deploy the Process Monitoring:

    1. Display the Configuration > General Settings tab in the Workbench.

    2. Display the configuration area Portal > Portal Deployment.

    3. Next to the option Portlet archives (Administration/Deployment), click process monitor guide 1313 2.

      → A dialog opens.

    4. In the Action column of the Currently available portlets area, select all portlets that you want to deploy together as an archive.

    5. Click the Deploy Archive button.

      → A dialog opens.

    6. Enter the name of the archive. If there is already an archive with the same name on the portal server, only the portlets that are not already in the archive on the portal server are added to the existing archive.

    7. Click OK to close the dialog. The portlet archive is deployed in the portal. As soon as the deployment is finished, all deployed portlets are displayed in the Archive in Portal area.

    8. Close the dialog.

  4. Open a browser and enter the following URL with the computer name/IP address and the port where your Liferay portal is installed: https://<server>:<port>.

  5. Log on to the Liferay portal as an administrator.

  6. Add a new page to the community that is supposed to use the portlet and name this page.

  7. Add the Process Monitoring widget to the page:

    1. Display the page to which you want to add the Process Monitoring widget.

    2. Click the Add icon to open the Widgets panel.

    3. Open the Virtimo section.

    4. Next to the Process Monitoring widget, click Add.

    5. Close the dialog.

→ The Process Monitoring widget is displayed.

In the default configuration, the included Process Monitor grids and dashboards are displayed. Since the database does not contain any log entries yet, both components are blank.

Generating Test Entries

After activating the portal and deploying the Process Monitor, all created grids and dashboards are still empty. To display an example of the visualizations of logged data, you can generate test entries.

The Technical workflow BPC_PM_LogDB_Administration contains the create test data frame to generate example database entries.

Proceed as follows

  1. Display the workflow BPC_PM_LogDB_Administration in the BPC_Monitor_hook diagram group.

  2. Select the BPC_PM_startWFHere module in the create test data frame.

  3. Open the context menu and choose Set start point. A green start point appears.

  4. Select the start point, open the context menu, and click Start test without file.

→ The workflow starts and generates the example entries. If you now go into the portal, an evaluation of the generated log entries in the form of dashboards and process and status overviews are displayed in the Process Monitor.

Configuring BPC Monitoring Settings


To configure the BPC Monitoring Settings

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_199_BPC_Configuration workflow in the BPC__configuration diagram group for editing.

  2. Open the Variables mapping dialog of the BPC_Assign_hook module.

  3. Set the variables as follows:

    Variables not mentioned in the following list should neither be changed nor removed.

    • conf.isUrl

      URL of the INUBIT Process Engine, e.g.:


    • conf.sessionDuration

      Validity period of the session

    • conf.sessionStore

      Storage of session information, default: jvm

      Possible values

      jvm: Session information are stored in the RAM of the INUBIT JVM

      db: Session information are stored in the INUBIT database

    • conf.storageName

      Key under which the session information is stored

    • conf.bpcServerUrl

      URL of the BPC server, e.g.:


    • conf.bpcFrontend

      Not configurable, leave source value untouched.

    • conf.portletHeightOffset

      Indentation of the portlet in pixels, default: 0

    • conf.bpcAdminUser

      Name of the BPC admin user, default: bpcadmin

    • conf.bpcAdminPassword

      Password of the BPC admin user, default: bpcadmin

    • conf.auditLogUser

      Name of the BPC audit log user, default: virtimo

    • conf.auditLogPassword

      Password of the BPC audit log user, default: berlin

    • conf.liferayIntegration

      • false: Display settings are not adjusted to Liferay; Liferay is not used when logging in with the INUBIT Identity Provider (default).

      • true: Display settings are adjusted to Liferay; Liferay is used when logging in with the INUBIT Identity Provider.

  4. Close the Variables mapping dialog.

  5. Publish the workflow.

Setting up BPC


To setup the BPC instance for using the INUBIT Process Monitor with it

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_PM_LogDB_Administration workflow in the BPC_Monitor_hook diagram group.

  2. Set the start point on the BPC_PM_startWFHere module in the BPC Setup frame.

  3. Open the context menu of the start point and choose the Start test without file menu item.

  4. Wait until the workflow has finished successfully.

Configuring the BPC Database Connection


To configure the BPC database connection

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_399_Converter_Configuration workflow in the BPC__configuration diagram group for editing.

  2. Open the Variables mapping dialog of the BPC_Assign_hook module.

  3. Set the variables as follows:

    Variables not mentioned in the following list should neither be changed nor removed.

    • conf.db.password

      Database user password

    • conf.db.url

      Database URL

    • conf.db.user

      Database user name

    • conf.db.type

      Database system

  4. Close the Variables mapping dialog.

  5. Publish the workflow.

Configuring the BPC Data Management


To configure the BPC Data Management

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_499_VAM_Konfiguration workflow in the BPC__configuration diagram group for editing.

  2. Open the Variables mapping dialog of the BPC_VAM_Assign module.

  3. Set the following variable:


    ID of your organization

  4. Close the Variables mapping dialog.

  5. Publish the workflow.

Configuring the BPC Documentation Module


To configure the BPC Documentation module

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_doc_Konfiguration workflow in the BPC__configuration diagram group for editing.

  2. Open the Variables mapping dialog of the BPC_doc_initializeConfig module.

  3. Set the variables as follows:

    Variables not mentioned in the following list should neither be changed nor removed.

    • var.InstallationUserGroup

      Name of the user group where the workflows are located, by default BusinessProcessCenter

    • var.ReportsDirectory

      Repository folder for caching PDF reports

    • var.rootUser

      Name of the root user, by default root

    • var.rootpwd

      Password of the root user

    • var.docExportUser

      User who shall execute the data export. This user needs access to the diagrams/modules to be exported, for example, using an additional user group.

    • var.docExportUserPassword

      Password of the user configured in the var.docExportUser variable

    • var.pdf.color

      Color of the PDF file to be exported, by default: #96bebe, gray)

    • var.pdf.adresse

      Address as XML structure in the PDF file to be exported

  4. Close the Variables mapping dialog.

  5. Publish the workflow.

Creating BPC Monitor


To create a BPC Monitor instance


  • You have configured the Business Process Center settings.

  • You have configured the BPC Config Converter.

  • You have followed the checklist to configure the following settings:

    • You have configured both workflow variables PortletArchiveName and var.mandantId of the BPC_WFC_PM_initLoadConnector module.

    • You have correctly set the variables used in the BPC_PM_getConfig module.

    • You have correctly configured the workflow variables of the BPC_Assign_hook module in the BPC_199_BPC_Configuration workflow in the BPC__configuration diagram group.

      Refer to

    • Configuring BPC Monitoring Settings

    • Configuring the BPC Database Connection

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the BPC_PM_configureBpc workflow in the BPC_Monitor diagram group.

  2. To create or update your BPC configuration right-click the BPC_Empty module in the upper Start frame and set the start point.

    1. Right-click the start point and choose the Start test without file menu item.

    2. Wait until the workflow has finished successfully.

  3. To change the BPC IdentityProvider to INUBIT or to Liferay if the Liferay integration is enabled right-click the BPC_Empty module in the lower Start frame and set the start point.

This could have an impact on the credentials needed to authenticate against the BPC!

Before executing this workflow:

Please check the BPC credentials in the configuration whether they match the credentials within INUBIT (or Liferay if the Liferay integration was enabled).

  1. Right-click the start point and choose the Start test without file menu item.

  2. Wait until the workflow has finished successfully.