Managing Objects Using the CLI

You can set and move tags.

You can delete workflows, modules, processes, and tags.

You can rename workflows, modules, and metadata.

Deleting a Workflow/Module Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    delete <option> <arg>
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "delete <option> <arg>"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--deleteModule <arg>

Remove the module with given name

--deleteWorkflow <arg>

Remove the workflow with given name


  • Interactive mode

    delete --deleteWorkflow 'Invoice Supplier A'
  • Script mode

    startcli -u jh -p inubit --execCommand "delete --deleteWorkflow 'Invoice Supplier A'"

Renaming Objects Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    rename <option> <arg> --renameTo <arg>
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "rename <option> <arg> --renameTo <arg>"

Only characters from a to Z, from 0 to 9, -, _, ., and spaces are allowed for both the old and the new name.

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--renameMetadata <arg>

To rename metadata

--renameModule <arg>

To rename modules

--renameTo <arg>

New name

When renaming a Repository file or a Repository directory, the new name must not contain the path.

--renameWorkflow <arg>

To rename workflows

--renameDirectory <fullPath>

To rename a repository directory

--renameFile <fullPath>

To rename a repository file


  • Interactive mode

    rename --renameWorkflow Orders_DRAFT --renameTo Orders
    rename --renameDirectory /Root/jh/IBIS-17024 --renameTo IBIS-17024_new
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "rename --renameWorkflow Orders_DRAFT --renameTo Orders"
    startcli --execCommand "rename --renameDirectory /Root/jh/IBIS-17024 --renameTo IBIS-17024_new"

Starting Queue Manager Entries with Error Status

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    processErrorStart <processId>
  • Script mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>] --execCommand "processErrorStart <processId>"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

processErrorStart <processId>

Start a failed process with the given processId from the Queue Manager

Currently, only processes with status Error are supported. When starting a process with another status, an error message is displayed.


  • Interactive mode

    processErrorStart 10007

  • Script mode

    startcli -u miller --execCommand "processErrorStart 10007"

Deleting a Process Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    kill <processID>
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "kill <processID>"


  • Interactive mode

    kill 123

  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "kill 123"

Deleting a Process with the Status Error Using CLI


To delete processes with the status error

Processes with other statuses cannot be deleted with this command. An error message is displayed.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli - u <username> -p <password>
    processdelete <status>
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "processdelete <status>"


  • Interactive mode

    processdelete error

  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "processdelete error"

Setting, Moving, and Deleting a Tag Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    tag <option> <arg> --tagUser {<User>|<Group>|<Higher-level group>}
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "tag <option> <arg> --tagUser {<User>|<Group>|<Higher-level group>}"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--tagDiagram <arg>

Name of diagram to be tagged

--tagDelete <arg>

Deletes the tag from workflows, modules, and the repository

--tagMove <arg>

Moves/sets the tag specified

--tagRemove <arg>

Deletes the tag only from the repository


Removes active tag from user, user group, or higher-level group specified with the ‑‑tagUser option

--tagRepositoryPath <arg>

Repository path to be tagged

--tagSetActive <arg>

Sets active tag to user, user group, or higher-level group specified with the ‑‑tagUser option

--tagUser <arg>

User, user group, or higher-level group for the corresponding operation

--tagWorkflowGroup <arg>

Name of diagram/workflow group(s) to be tagged Multiple diagram groups must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks. To tag all diagram groups, use the ‑‑tagWorkflowGroup option.

--tagWorkflowGroupExclude <arg>

Exclude these groups from tagging

--tagWorkflowType <arg>

Name(s) of diagram types to be tagged.

Multiple diagram types must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks.

To export all diagram types, use all as the argument.

  • technical: Technical Workflows

  • organigram: Organizational diagrams

  • systemdiagram: System diagrams

  • constraintsdiagram: Business Object Diagrams

  • bpd: Business Process Diagrams

  • processmap: Process maps


  • Interactive mode

    • tag --tagMove 3.2 --tagWorkflowType technical --tagWorkflowGroup OrdersIn --tagUser inubit

    • tag --tagDelete 1.1 --tagUser root

    • tag --tagRemove 1.1 --tagRepositoryPath /Root/root/abc

  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "tag --tagMove 3.2 --tagDiagram sample --tagWorkflowType technical --tagWorkflowGroup OrdersIn --tagUser inubit"

Automated Deployment

Process of deployment

For the automated deployment, the export and import features of the INUBIT Process Engine are used:

  1. First, you export all artifacts (diagrams and Repository files) which should be deployed using the appropriate StartCLI command from the source system. Then you let the artifacts’ properties extract and summarize to a new XML file.

  2. You adjust the properties’ values, for example with shell commands or XSLT. Based on the adjusted properties file, you use a StartCLI command to create a new zip archive.

  3. You use further StartCLI commands to let the zip archive import into the target system.

If there is no direct network connection between the source and the target system, you need two scripts: one for the export and one for the import.

Call up

startcli[.sh|.bat] <Options> <Server URL>


startcli --execCommand "export <export commands> [<option>] [<argument>] [<option>] [<argument>] ...]" <server URL>


`startcli --execCommand "deploy <deploy commands> [<option>] [<argument>] [<option>] [<argument>]" <server URL>`


startcli -u root --execCommand "import --importUser <user group> --importFile <filename>.zip" <server URL>

Server URL

URL of the Process Engine where the CLI is executed, for example:


The following table explains the process of the deployment in and lists the required commands for the command line tool StartCLI:

No Procedure StartCLI Command and Explanation


Call up StartCLI

StartCLI terminates itself after each call. This means you need to start StartCLI in each of the following steps with the according command.

  • In the client directory:


  • In the Process Engine’s directory if no INUBIT Workbench was installed:

    <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/bin or *.bat -u <UserName> -p <Password> <server URL>


Exporting workflows from the source system

  • --exportWorkflowUser <User|Group|Higher-LevelGroup>

  • --exportTag <Tagname> (optionally, if not defined otherwise, the head version is exported)

  • --exportWorkflowGroup <DiagramGroup> (Separate multiple groups with commas) If there is no group selected using the "" argument all groups are exported.

  • Using the option ‑‑exportWorkflowGroupExclude one or more groups can be excluded from the export.

    --exportWorkflowGroupExclude Comma-separated exclude list. No group listed is exported.

  • --exportWorkflowType <technical|constraintsdiagram|bpd|processmap> (Per export only one diagram type is allowed, for different diagram types you need one export each.)

  • --exportFile <AbsolutePath_NameExportFile>.zip <URL_INUBIT Process Engine> (The export file is always a *.zip archive), example:

    --exportFile /home/MyUser/tmp/auto-deploy/

  • --includeHistory (optional): Add this option to retrieve version history of all diagram and modules that are being exported. In presence of this option, a new file versionHistory.xml will be created and included within the same file path as provided for exportFile option. It contains metadata like user or timestamp for each version, but not the actual content.


Exporting Repository files from the source system

  • --exportRepositoryPath <RepositoryPath>, e.g. /Root/INUBIT

  • --exportTag <TagName> (optionally, if not defined, the head version is exported)

  • --exportFile <AbsolutePath_NameExportFile>.zip (The export file is always a *.zip archive)


Extracting the property XML from source workflows

  • --deployWorkflowArchive <AbsolutePath_NameExportFile>.zip

  • --deploySystemName (Any string. It is written into the property XML, for example, the hostname. The string marks the origin of the properties when using multiple property XML).

  • --deployConfiguration <AbsolutePath+DeploymentConfigFile>, for example, /tmp/ibis_deploy.xml

  • --deployCreateProperties <AbsolutePath_NamePropertiesFile> (Name and location where the newly generated properties file is to be stored)


Adjusting the property XML for the target system based on the just created source property XML

No StartCLI command available. Use for example shell commands or XSLT.


Generating workflows for the target system based on the source workflows and the target property XML

  • --deployWorkflowArchive <AbsolutePath_NameOfExportedZipArchive>.zip

  • --deployMergedProperties <AbsolutePath_NameOfNewPropertiesFile>

  • --deployMergedArchive <AbsolutePath_NameOfNewImportArchive>.zip (Workflow archive containing the adjusted properties)


Importing Repository files to the target system

  • --importRepositoryPath <RepositoryPath> (target of the import)

  • --importFile <AbsolutePath_NameExportFile>.zip <URL_target-inubit Process Engine>


Importing workflows to the target system

*--importWorkflowActive oder --importWorkflow (one of the commands must be given, importWorkflowActive activates the workflows after the import, importWorkflow does not activate them) * --importFile <AbsolutePath_NameImportArchive>.zip (Workflow archive containing the adjusted properties) --importUser <User|Group|Higher-LevelGroup> <URL_Target-inubit Process Engine>


Setting the active tag for the target system

  • --tagSetActive <TagName>

  • --tagUser <User|Group|Higher-level group> <URL_target-inubit Process Engine>