Exporting and Importing Model Data Using the CLI

You can export diagrams, metadata, and Repository data.

Exporting Diagrams Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    export --exportWorkflowGroup [<diagram group>] --exportWorkflowUser <diagram group
    owner> --exportWorkflowType <workflow type> --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive> [--exportWorkflowGroupExclude <exclude list>] [--exportTag <tag>]
  • Script mode

    startcli --execCommand "export --exportWorkflowGroup [<diagram group>] --exportWorkflowUser <diagram group owner> --exportWorkflowType <workflow type> --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive> [--exportWorkflowGroupExclude <exclude list>] [--exportTag <tag>]

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--exportFile <arg>

Absolute path to export output file (ZIP archive)

--exportTag <arg>

Optional: Tag to be exported. If no tag is set, HEAD is exported.

--exportWorkflowGroup <arg>

Name(s) of diagram groups to be exported.

Multiple diagram groups must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks.

To export all diagram groups use the --exportWorkflowGroup option

--exportWorkflowGroupExclude <arg>

Optional: Exclude diagram group(s) from export.

Multiple diagram groups must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks.

--exportWorkflowType <arg>

Diagram type(s) to be exported.

Multiple diagram types must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks.

To export all diagram types, use all as argument.

  • technical: Technical Workflows

  • organigram: Organizational diagrams

  • systemdiagram: System diagrams

  • constraintsdiagram: Business Object Diagrams

  • bpd: Business Process Diagrams

  • processmap: Process maps

--exportWorkflowUser <arg>

User, user group or higher-level user group owning the diagram group selected.


Optional: To retrieve version history of all diagram and modules that are being exported. In presence of this option, a new file versionHistory.xml will be created and included within the same file path provided for exportFile option.


Exporting the metadata Duration and Costs into the ZIP archive c:\temp\export_INUBIT_2014_09_10.zip.

  • Interactive mode

    export --exportWorkflowUser jh --exportFile c:\temp\export_inubit_2014_09_10.zip --exportWorkflowType bpd --exportWorkflowGroup '' --exportWorkflowGroupExclude 'HR processes, iS60SP3'
  • Script mode

    startcli -u jh -p inubit --execCommand "export --exportWorkflowUser jh --exportFile c:\temp\export_inubit_2014_09_10.zip --exportWorkflowType bpd --exportWorkflowGroup '' --exportWorkflowGroupExclude 'HR processes, iS60SP3'"

    The user whose diagrams are to be exported, must be logged in at the Process Engine via CLI, that is, users can only export their own diagrams.

Exporting Metadata Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    export --exportMetadata --exportMetadataNames '<metadata name(s)>' --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive>
  • Script mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>] --execCommand "export --exportMetadata --exportMetadataNames '<metadata name(s)>' --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive>"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--exportFile <arg>

Absolute path of the export output file (ZIP archive)


Exporting metadata

--exportMetadataNames <arg>

Name(s) of the metadata to be exported Multiple metadata must be comma-separated and put in single quotation marks.

With the --exportWorkflowGroup option all metadata are exported.


Exporting the metadata Duration and Costs into the ZIP archive c:\temp\export_metadata_2014_09_10.zip.

  • Interactive mode

    export --exportMetadata --exportMetadataNames 'Duration, Costs' --exportFile c:\temp\export_metadata_2014_09_10.zip
  • Script mode

    startcli -u jh -p inubit --execCommand "export --exportMetadata --exportMetadataNames 'Duration, Costs' --exportFile c:\temp\export_metadata_2014_09_10.zip"

Exporting Repository Data Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    export --exportRepositoryPath <Repository path> --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive>
  • Script mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>] --execCommand "export --exportRepositoryPath <Repository path> --exportFile <file path to ZIP archive>"

Command options

Option Description


Displays the usage

--exportFile <arg>

Absolute path of the export output file (ZIP archive)


Repository path whose data are to be exported

--exportTag <arg>

Optional: Tag to be exported. If no tag is set, HEAD is exported.


Exporting the /Root/jh/BPM Rules Repository path into the ZIP archive c:\temp\export_jh_repository.zip.

  • Interactive mode

    export --exportRepositoryPath '/Root/jh/BPM Rules' --exportFile c:\temp\export_jh_repository.zip
  • Script mode

    startcli -u jh -p inubit --execCommand "export --exportRepositoryPath '/Root/jh/BPM Rules' --exportFile c:\temp\export_jh_repository.zip"

Importing Data Using CLI


Import any data (workflows, repository files, users, user groups, and metadata) into the Process Engine.

The options ‑‑importUser, ‑‑importUserGroup, ‑‑importWorkflow may be both primary and secondary options. The primary option determines what data will be imported.

Call up

startcli -u<User> [-p<Password>]
import <Option> [<arg>]

Command options

Option Description


Display help

--importFile <arg>

File path to the archive to be imported (required parameters for importing users, repository data, metadata, and workflows)


If this option is set, Workflow mode is active.


In Workflow mode, you can use this option to automatically activate the imported workflows after import. If this option is not set, you need to subsequently activate the imported workflows using the Workbench.

--importUser <arg>

In User mode (only this option is specified), the argument specifies the name of the user group into which the user is to be imported.

In Workflow mode (option --importWorkflow is also specified), the argument specifies the user into which the workflows are to be imported.

--importUserGroup <arg>

In User Group mode (only this option is specified), the argument specifies the name of the higher-level group.

--overwriteUserRoles <arg>

In User mode and User Group mode, you can replace the rights of the roles already allocated in the Process Engine with the rights of the roles to be imported. If the option is not set, the rights of the roles in the import archive are ignored and the rights set in the Process Engine are used.


Import metadata

--importRepositoryPath <arg>

Import repository data As an argument, you need to specify the target path to the user in whose directory the data is to be imported, e.g.: /Root/admin

--importLDAPDetails --importFile <file path>

Provide the LDAP details which are mentioned in the enclosed XML file LDAP_CLI_Sync_Template.xml (see below) to import LDAP server configuration details. The same XML can be given in the path as the argument.

This server configuration is subsequently used for the synchronization of user details.

In the XML, the user must provide the mapping of the fields from the LDAP system to the INUBIT system which need to be synchronized.

The user has to explicitly set the Role, UserGroup and UserDefaultPassword to the newly imported user. The properties Host, Port, LoginDN and Password are mandatory along with proper SearchDN.


This is the command used to update the INUBIT user details that have already been imported from the LDAP system, or import a new user from the LDAP system into the INUBIT system.

When this command is executed, the details provided in the mapping details are updated or the new user is added into the INUBIT system along with updated details.

For existing users, the user role, user group and default password will not be updated.


If the option is set while importing workflows, users or user groups, the import log will be returned as a protocol.


The option ‑‑importWorkflow allows you to import workflows. With the additional option ‑‑importUser inubit, you specify the user inubit, into which the workflows are to be imported.

startcli -u root --execCommand "import --importWorkflow --importUser inubit --importFile "E:\iS61test\inubit.diagramgroup_2014_09_16.zip""

With the options ‑‑importUser and --importFile, you import a user archive into the given user group.

startcli -u root --execCommand "import --importUser inubit_group --importFile C:\inubit\ExportImport\inubit.user_2014_09_16.zip"


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Property name="LDAPProperties" type="Map">
  <Property name="AutoSynchronization" type="Boolean">false</Property>
  <Property name="LoginCaching" type="Boolean">false</Property>
  <Property name="UpdateInterval" type="TimePeriod">5400</Property>
  <Property name="Host"></Property>
  <Property name="Port" type="Integer">389</Property>
  <Property name="EnableEncryption" type="Boolean">false</Property>
  <Property name="ServerAuth" type="Boolean">false</Property>
  <Property name="ServerCertPath"></Property>
  <Property name="LoginDN">cn=user,dc=company,dc=com</Property>
  <Property name="Password" type="Password" encrypted="false"></Property>
  <Property name="SearchDN">dc=company,dc=com</Property>
  <Property name="Filter">(objectclass=*)</Property>
  <Property name="Group" type="Boolean">false</Property>
  <Property name="GroupFilter">(objectclass=*)</Property>
  <Property name="GroupAttribute">member</Property>
  <Property name="Role">Business Analyst</Property>
  <Property name="UserGroup">admin</Property>
  <Property name="UserDefaultPassword" type="Password" encrypted="false"></Property>
  <Property name="LDAPAttributes" type="Map">
    <Property name="Email">mail</Property>
    <Property name="UserName">uid</Property>
    <Property name="FirstName">givenName</Property>
    <Property name="LastName">sn</Property>