Execution Modes of the Command Line Interface

Many CLI commands can be executed in both the interactive mode and the script mode.

Some commands can also be used in the offline mode. That means you don’t need to log on to the Process Engine to execute these commands.

Only in exceptional cases and after consulting the support of Virtimo AG you should use the cache mode.

Interactive CLI Mode

Most CLI commands can be executed in the interactive mode. For this purpose, you need to start the CLI with an (administrator) user account.

Call up

  1. Change to one of the following directories:

  2. Start the CLI:

    startcli [-u <user>] [-p <password>] [option(s)] [Process Engine URL]

    The username can be entered case-insensitive.

    Process Engine URL

    URL of the Process Engine to connect with: http[s]://<hostname>:<port>/ibis/servlet/IBISSoapServlet

    If you do not specify a password, you are prompted to enter a password after the program has started. After you have entered the password, the CLI prompt appears.

Display a list of commands, options, and help

If you execute the startcli script with the -h option or if you execute the startcli script without any option, a list of commands, their options and their usage is displayed.

usage: CLI [OPTIONS] [Url]
Opens a shell to the INUBIT Process Engine.
 -a                                      List IPv4 addresses for local
    --backupFile <arg>                   Output file for backup
    --backupRepository                   Backup the whole repository
 -c,--check                              Check if the INUBIT server is

Display commands available after start up

By pressing the Tab key you can view all commands available.

Help with a command

With <command> --help, you call up the help/usage for the specified command.

Command call up

<command> <options> <arguments>


library --upload --type plugin /tmp/example.jar

Script Mode of the CLI

Most CLI commands can be executed in script mode. For this purpose, you need to use the --execCommand command for most of the commands.

Call up

  1. Change directory to one of the following directories:

  2. Start the CLI:

    startcli{.bat|.sh} [-u <user>] [-p <password>] --execCommand "[option(s)] [argument(s)]" [Process Engine URL]

    The login via CLI is case-insensitive.

    Process Engine URL

    URL of the Process Engine to connect with: https://<server>:<port>/ibis/servlet/IBISSoapServlet

    If you do not specify a user, root is used.

    If you do not specify a password, you are prompted to enter a password after the program has started.

    If you do not specify a Process Engine URL, https://<server>:<port>/ibis/servlet/IBISSoapServlet is used.

    If you start the CLI without any parameter/option, the usage is displayed.


startcli.sh --execCommand "library --upload `‑‑`type plugin /tmp/example.jar"

The actual command must be enclosed in double quotes.

Cache Mode of the CLI

The cache mode commands give direct access to the configuration stored in the cache. These commands are intended for internal purposes and diagnosis only.

ATTENTION: The wrong usage of cache commands can destroy the complete server configuration and can cause that the Process Engine’s data are no longer reachable. The particular commands and their options can be changed without prior announcement. Using these commands can void the warranty.