Deprecated Functionality

Discontinued functionality initially remains in INUBIT and can continue to be used. However, no further development or updates will be made to it.

This functionality may be removed in an upcoming release. Therefore, switch to one of the recommended alternatives as soon as possible.

Also have a look into the list of removed functionality.


Application - Process Engine, Workbench

Support for the functionality for tunneling communication between client and process engine via an intermediate process engine is being discontinued. This enabled workbenches and CLIs to communicate with process engine instances that were not directly accessible to them.


  • Use of modern network infrastructure

  • Use of modern applications such as load balancers or reverse proxies


BPC - INUBIT Monitoring

Support for the BPC module INUBIT Monitoring is being discontinued. The module can still be used in the BPC, but will no longer be updated.


  • Use BPC Reports module in connection with the INUBIT REST API

  • Use ViMon

  • Implement your own BPC module

8.0.25 Winter 2023

Connector - DBO

Support for the Database Object Connectors is being discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


Connector - Livelink PDMS

Support for the Livelink PDMS Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


  • Use existing Livelink API

  • Implement your own plugin

Connector - OSCI

Support for the OSCI Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


  • Use existing OSCI API

  • Implement your own plugin

Connector - Secrypt

Support for the Secrypt Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


  • Use existing Secrypt API

  • Implement your own plugin

Connector - Security Token Service

Support for the Security Token Service Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


  • Implement your own plugin

Connector - Selenium

Support for the Selenium Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


  • Use existing Selenium API

  • Implement your own plugin

Connector - VFS

Support for the "FTP" protocol has been discontinued and is no longer supported.

For FTP access, only use the FTP Connector.

Converter - FO

Support for the “XMLmind XSL-FO” processor that can be configured on the FO Converter is discontinued. The processor can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive updates.


  • Use of the “Apache FOP” processor


Support for the operating system Windows Server 2012 is being discontinued. The version can still be used, but INUBIT is no longer tested on it and problems with it are no longer fixed.


8.0.18 Spring 2023

Application - Process Engine

Support for the following database versions is being discontinued:

  • MSSQL: All versions from 2017 and older

  • Oracle: All versions from 18c and older

  • Postgre: All versions from 9.6 and older

Switch to a newer version of the respective database as soon as possible.

Connector - OFTP2

Support for the OFTP2 Connector will be discontinued. The plugin can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive any updates.


Connector - VFS

Support for the FTP protocol in the VFS Connector is being discontinued. The protocol can still be used in INUBIT, but will no longer receive updates.


Liferay - General

Support for the following Liferay portlets is being discontinued:

  • INUBIT Monitoring

  • Process Viewer

  • Report viewer

  • Task list

  • WebApp

Furthermore, the integration of the Liferay portal will be discontinued. This particularly applies to:

  • Portal configuration

  • Portal/portlet deployment

  • Process user server configuration

  • XSLT/XPath functions


  • Switch to the Virtimo Business Process Center

  • Implement your own Liferay portlets and retrieve the necessary data from INUBIT via the REST API or workflows