Removed Functionality

However, removed functionality can no longer be used in the affected version. A removal is usually preceded by a discontinuation, the time for a change to one of the alternatives mentioned admits.

Also have a look into the list of deprecated functionality.


Liferay - Report Viewer

The FusionCharts library has been removed. It was needed for the Liferay portlet "Report Viewer". This has been discontinued and the library has now been removed.

8.0.25 Winter 2023

Application - Process Engine, Application - Remote Connector

The jettison and jersey-json libraries have been removed because they were no longer used.

Application - Process Engine

The apache-ant library was no longer used and could be removed.

Converter - Task Generator, Converter - XSLT

Saxon 10 does not support debugging and profiling of XSLT scripts. The functionality has therefore been removed from the XSLT editor.

Workbench - Reporting

The 3D chart types have been removed in Workbench Reporting. All values and settings of the reports are retained. All existing reports that previously used a 3D type will be displayed with the 2D chart type.



The Active-Active Cluster is no longer supported as of version 8.0.0 and has been removed. Switch to Virtimo Cluster Manager.

User Manager

Direct LDAP user synchronization into the internal INUBIT user management is available from version 8.0.0 no longer supported and has been removed. Instead, use Keycloak and configure the LDAP integration there.