Dialog Provided Web Service

(Input and medium listener connector)

In this dialog, you specify whether the connector accesses a WSDL, which is stored at the connector itself or a WSDL, which is available for the complete workflow.

WSDL definition

  • Store WSDL definition with the module

    Select this option, if the WSDL is to be stored at the Connector. In this case, the WSDL is not available for other connectors in the same workflow.

  • Use WSDL definition stored with the workflow/PartnerLink

    Select this option, if the WSDL is to be saved in the workflow. In this case, the WSDL can also be used by other Web Services Connectors, which are used in the same workflow. The field Workflow displays the workflow name, as soon as the connector is used in a workflow.

Create new WSDL

  • Callback listener specific setting

    (Medium listener connector only)

    • Import WSDL from related caller module

      Select the appropriate module in order to configure the callback listener.

  • Service name

    This field is preset with the module’s name.

  • Namespace

    This field is preset with a namespace generated from the module’s name.

  • WSDL binding

    For selecting an existing WSDL binding or for creating a new WSDL binding.

  • Type

    For selecting the SOAP messaging protocol, to which the Web service is to be bound.

  • Binding style

    You specify the SOAP message structure by selecting either:

    • document/literal

      The SOAP message body contains an XML element with the SOAP message data. The structure of this XML element is defined by a corresponding XML schema element.

    • rpc/literal

      An RPC-SOAP message corresponds to a method call with operations names and several parameters (with simple data types). The body contains the operation name of the sub-element. Below this, several parts of the WSDL message are listed, which structure is defined by XML schema types.

    • rpc/encoded

      This corresponds to the rpc/literal style, but with the difference that the message parts type is specified explicitly with the attribute xsd:type.

      For a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of WSDL styles refer to https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-whichwsdl/

  • Adopt/integrate existing WSDL

    Activate this option to reuse an existing WSDL. Use one of the following options:

    • Add as WSDL import

      A wsdl:import element containing the given URL as reference is added to the WSDL.

    • Adopt content

      The content of the file which is defined in the URL field is copied into the WSDL.

    • Source

      A click on the module guide 1214 0 button opens a menu for entering the URL of the WSDL or for selecting a repository file or a module.