Changing INUBIT Workbench Settings

Burger menu > Preferences menu

The settings dialog displays general information on the INUBIT Workbench and the operating system. You can change base settings such as the way diagrams are displayed or the INUBIT Workbench logging.

Clicking on a configuration area displays its configuration options. To obtain an explanation of an option in the table, click it.


  • Default font type

  • Default font size

  • Time format
    Option to switch time display format between 12h and 24h. When using of 12h format, "AM" or "PM" is added to the time.

  • Auto refresh interval
    Configure the auto refresh interval of Workbench Designer in milliseconds. The default value is 30 s.

  • Auto save artifacts
    When this option is selected, the 'Local' artifacts of the workbench will be automatically saved after a given time interval to prevent loss of data in case of a workbench crash.

  • Auto save interval
    This option is used to set the time interval after which the 'Local' artifacts will be automatically saved in the workbench. To set the time interval, click the workbench user guide 439 2 button.

  • Process Engine URL cache
    More than one INUBIT Process Engine URL can be stored in the login dialog. Use this option to specify how many URL are listed for you to select from.

  • Connection timeout
    Defines how long the INUBIT Workbench waits for an answer of the INUBIT Process Engine. To change the timeout, click the workbench user guide 439 2 button.

  • Documentation URL
    The given URL is used to open the online documentation once the Workbench help is called. Change the path if you have access to a self-hosted INUBIT online documentation. However, this requires a running web server application.

General > Logging

As a default, all INUBIT Workbenches write logs into the shared log file <Operation system_specific_user_directory>/INUBIT/Toolset/<Version>/log/toolset.log.

Under Windows you can find the log file in the directory C:\Users\[User name]\AppData\Roaming.

For information about the log files in the Workbench, refer to Workbench Trace Log

  • Enable Logging
    This option enables the logging of the program flow into the log file for error tracing.

  • Log level
    For specifying the trace level.

  • Log output to console
    When selected, and the INUBIT Workbench has been started in a Unix console, then the trace log is additionally output on the shell.

  • One log file per Workbench
    Select this option if you want to use one log file per INUBIT Workbench. Without selection all INUBIT Workbench instances write into one log file.

  • Size of log files
    If the given size is reached, the currently used log file is closed, labeled with a running number, for example log.2, and archived.

  • Number of log files
    Defines how many files are created at maximum for archiving the INUBIT Workbench log. The INUBIT Workbench uses rolling logs: If the maximum number of files is created and the newest file has reached its maximum size, then the oldest file is overwritten.

Under Windows, this procedure is not supported if multiple Workbenches on the same system are connected with the same Process Engine.

General > Background image

  • Default background image
    Set the background image displayed after login into the Workbench. Leave the entry empty to get a blank background.

  • Login background image
    Choose the folder containing the background images to be displayed on the Workbench login screen. Leave the entry empty to get a blank background.

  • Rotate login background image after
    Set the time delay after which the login background image should be switched to the next one.

Colors > Deployment/Diagram/Tree/XSLT Converter

You can change the display of the elements in the INUBIT Process Engine and local directories, the display of modules/ diagrams during deployment as well as the display in the XSLT Converter. The following are the default colors:

Green: Element is new.

Blue: Element has been changed.

Colors > Diagram > Variable Mapping

Use option Contains XSLT script to set the color of the variable mapping icon if the mapping contains an XSLT script. Default value is set to light blue.

Colors > Fields

You can change the color for mandatory fields, hints, and warnings.

Editor options

  • Max. file size
    Specifies the maximum file size for structured file display. Larger files are displayed in plain text mode.

Editor options > XPath Assistent

  • Auto Complete
    This option is used to auto complete in the XPath Assistant. To enable auto complete in the XPath assistant, select the checkbox next to the option name.

  • Custom functions (list of Java classes)
    Enter a list of Java class names (with package, e.g. java.lang.Math). These classes will be shown in the XPath functions tree.

Editor options > XSLT Editor

  • Save source and target files in the Process Engine
    When this option is selected, the source and target files are saved in the Process Engine by default for all new XSLT Converter.

    This might lead to a performance issue if XSLT Converter modules are used extensively, and the option is set for all cases.


Offers the option to modify the display in Designer.

  • High diagram quality
    When selected, diagrams are drawn in a higher quality. Deactivate this option in order to improve the performance of your computer.

  • Break module names
    In this option, you specify for Technical Workflow, after how many characters module names are wrapped. If you specify too small a number of characters after which the name is wrapped, the whole name may sometimes not be displayed as only one line-break is allowed per module name (maximum two-line display).

  • Snap to grid
    For aligning drawing elements. When selected, diagram elements snap to invisible grid-points when dragged and dropped.

  • Grid size intervals
    Specifies the spacing between the grid-points.

  • Show workflow Connector links
    When selected (default setting), where two Technical Workflows are connected an indication is displayed in the target workflow that a particular module is connected to a Workflow Connector in the other workflow.

  • Display intersections of lines as line jumps
    When selected, intersecting lines are displayed as bridges. The bridge signals that the lines are not connected.

  • Use animations
    When selected, some actions, as for example the auto-layouting in the INUBIT Workbench are animated. Deactivate this option in order to improve the performance of the INUBIT Workbench.

  • Drop shadows
    For activating/deactivating drop shadows at diagram elements. Deactivate this option in order to improve the performance of the INUBIT Workbench.

  • Sort metadata alphabetically
    When selected, the metadata allocated to a diagram element are displayed in alphabetical order in the Metadata Manager and in the dialog properties of the diagram element.

  • Comment indicator
    When selected, a comment indicator is displayed on diagram elements that have a comment. By default, this option is always enabled.

  • Save and preselect the deployment target for next deployment
    If selected, for first deployment User is preselected in Deployment in field. Further deployments use the target that was used in the previous deployment. If deselected (default), the Deployment in field in the Choose remote Process Engine dialog is automatically preselected if applicable.

    • If the deployment is triggered in a user context and if the target username is same as the source username, then the user is preselected in the wizard.

    • If the deployment is triggered in a user group context and if the target user group is same as the source user group, then the user group is preselected in the wizard.

    • If the deployment is triggered in higher-level group context and if the target higher-level group is same as the source higher-level group, then the higher-level group is preselected in the wizard.

    • If the deployment is triggered from an additional user group and if the same additional user group exists in the target, then the same additional user group is preselected in the wizard.
      In the following cases, the Deployment in field cannot be preselected. It will be left empty, and you have to choose the user/group on the target system manually.

    • The user/user group/higher-level group names of source and target do not match.

    • Objects are selected from multiple sources, for example from a user and a user group.

  • Show comments in all diagram elements

    When selected, comments are displayed when hovering over diagrams.

  • Show comments on Technical Workflow modules

    When selected, comments are displayed when hovering over Technical Workflow modules.

  • Enable diagram preview
    If selected (default), a preview of the diagrams is displayed when selecting a node in the designer tree. If deselected, folder icons with the diagram names are displayed when selecting a node in the designer tree. Deselect this option to improve the performance of the INUBIT Workbench. Click on any folder icon or preview to navigate to the diagram.

Designer > Server/Local

To clearly show in Designer whether a displayed diagram is located on the INUBIT Process Engine or your local computer, you can for each case configure different backgrounds in Designer’s workspace.

  • Show grid

    When selected, a grid is displayed in the background.

  • Grid size

    Use this option to specify the size of the diagrams' grid. A figure < 100 reduces the spacing between the gridlines; a figure > 100 increases the spacing. The value specified must be between 20 and 200.

  • Use onSelect menu (local diagrams only)

    If this option is activated, all BPD elements display in their graphical context menu the elements that are useful and available in the respective context.

Designer > Side bar

  • Display icon

    If selected, the tool icon is displayed.

  • Display name

    If selected, the tool name is displayed.

  • Display tooltip

    If selected, tool tips are displayed, explaining the tool.

  • Align name

    Align the name in relation to the icon.

  • Font size

    Specifies the size of the name.

  • Expand only one group

    If selected, only one group can be opened at a time. Otherwise, any number of groups can be opened.

Designer > Virtual workspace

  • Show virtual workspace

    If selected, a rectangular area is highlighted in the Designer. You can use this area, for example, to define for all diagram types a fixed size which is oriented at the size of a printed page.

  • Width

    Width of the workspace in pixel.

  • Height

    Height of the workspace in pixel.


  • Ignore user-defined columns

    If this option is checked, in the Queue Manager no values in user-defined columns are displayed for "queued" processes.

  • Delete all Queue Manager entries with same Process ID

    If this option is selected, pressing the [Del] key on the keyboard will delete all Queue Manager entries with the same Process ID. Otherwise, only the selected entries will be deleted.