Managing Libraries and Drivers Using the CLI

You can–among other things–upload libraries and drivers to the Process Engine, register and deregister plug-ins, and delete libraries and drivers.

Uploading Drivers and Plug-ins to the Process Engine Using CLI

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli -u <user> [-p <password>]
    library ‑‑upload ‑‑type {driver|plugin} <file‑name>[ <file-name> ...]
  • Script mode

    startcli -u <user> -p <password> --execCommand "library ‑‑upload ‑‑type {driver|plugin} <file‑name> <file-name> ...]"

Command options

Option Description

-h, --help

Display this help


Upload library to the Process Engine

-t, --type

Type of jar file (required parameter)

Possible values are:

  • driver: Drivers

    Drivers–especially for the cache database–may be stored only in exactly one version in exactly one directory of the application server.

    You should therefore make sure that there are no other driver versions in your INUBIT installation before you install this driver or install a new version.

    For this purpose, check the following directories whether there is already a driver installed or another driver version of the driver you intend to upload:

  • plugin: Plugin

    In order to use a plug-in, you need to register it at the Process Engine.


startcli -p inubit --execCommand "library --upload --type plugin C:\inubit\pluginSDK\src\com\inubit\ibis\plugins\examples\ExampleModule\ExampleModule.jar"

Registering Plug-ins in the Process Engine Using CLI


  1. The support of Virtimo AG has licensed your self-developed plug-in.

  2. You have installed the new license file received from the support.

  3. You have uploaded the new plug-in to the Process Engine (refer to Uploading Drivers and Plug-ins to the Process Engine Using CLI).

  4. You have restarted the Process Engine.

Call up

  • Interactive Mode

    startcli [-u <user account>] [-p <password>]
    plugin ‑‑register ‑‑pluginName <name> ‑‑pluginGroup <group name> ‑‑serverClass <server class name> [‑‑clientClass <client class name>] [‑‑icon <file path>]
  • Script Mode

    startcli -u <user> -p <password> --execCommand "plugin ‑‑register ‑-pluginName <name> ‑‑pluginGroup <group name> ‑‑serverClass <server class name> [‑‑clientClass <client class name>] [‑‑icon <file path>]"

Command options

Option Description

-h, --help

Display this help


Register plug-in


Class that implements the client plug-in (optional)


Path to the module icon (optional)


Plug-in group (required parameter)


Plug-in name (required parameter)


Class that implements the server plug-in (required parameter)


startcli -p inubit --execCommand "plugin --register --pluginName ExampleConnector --pluginGroup Plug-ins --serverClass C:\inubit\server\lib\ext\ --icon C:\inubit\pluginSDK\src\com\inubit\ibis\plugins\examples\ExampleModule\example_module.gif"

Deregistering Plug-ins Using CLI


To deregister plug-ins using CLI, you need to start the CLI with an administrator account.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli -u <user> [-p <password>]
    plugin --deregister --pluginName <name>
  • Script mode

    startcli -u <user> -p <password> --execCommand "plugin `‑‑`deregister `‑‑`pluginName <name>"

Command options

Option Description

-h, --help

Display help


Deregister a plug-in


Specify the plug-in name


Plug-in name


startcli -p inubit --execCommand "plugin --deregister --pluginName ExampleConnector"

Listing Libraries Using CLI


To read a list of libraries in INUBIT Process Engine using CLI, you need to run the CLI with an administrator account.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli -u <user> [-p <password>]
    library --list --type {plugin|driver}
  • Script mode

    startcli -u <user> -p <password> --execCommand "library --list ‑‑type {plugin|driver}"

Command options

Option Description

-h, --help

Display help


List one or more libraries

-t, --type

Library type (required parameter) Possible values are:
driver: Drivers
plugin: Plugin

Deleting One or More Libraries Using CLI


To delete individual, multiple, or all uploaded libraries using CLI, you need to run the CLI with an administrator account.

Call up

  • Interactive mode

    startcli -u <user> [-p <password>]
    library [--delete|--deleteAll] ‑‑type {plugin|driver} [<fileName> [<fileName>]]
  • Script mode

    startcli -u <user> -p <password> --execCommand "library [‑‑delete|--deleteAll] ‑‑type {plugin|driver} [<fileName> [<fileName>]]"

Command options

Option Description

-h, --help

Display help


Delete one or more libraries


Delete all libraries

-t, --type {driver|plugin}

Library type (required parameter)

Possible values are:
driver: Driver
plugin: Plugin


Name(s) of the library or libraries: Required parameter for the option --delete and not allowed for the option --deleteAll.
Separate multiple file names with spaces.