Modules and System Connectors

Data Converters

Task Generator

  • The module comparison has been accelerated and improved.

  • With the INUBIT IS Configuration plugin, it is now also possible to update the content of tasks that do not time out.

XSLT Converter

  • The module comparison has been accelerated and improved.

  • Saxon has been updated to version 10.6.

  • XSLT 1.0 and XPath 1.0 processors are no longer supported.

  • XSLT 3.0 commands are supported.

Format Adapter

EDI-XML Adapter

  • Multiple EDI rules with different formats (EDIFACT, X12, DATANORM) can be deployed together.

  • EDI rules can be deployed to the remote Process Engine.

  • The EDI-XML adapter can now process envelopes that contain messages from different EDIFACT rules. Previously, only the processing of messages of one and the same EDIFACT rule was possible.

System Connector

AS4 Connector

Log4J2 is now supported in the AS4 Gateway, replacing the previous use of Log4J1. Logging is configured in the <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/ file.

Execution Connector

The path usage has been improved in such a way that no double quotes are needed. This is valid for both Windows and Linux.

FTP Connector

In the FTP Connector Properties dialog, you can limit the network bandwidth.

JMS Connector

A JMS Listener Connector can be configured via Partner Management.

Mail Connector

SSL-specific information such as keystore or truststore can now be stored on the Mail Connector.

RabbitMQ Connector

The RabbitMQ Connector is now supporting connections to queues of type Quorum.

Remote Connector

  • The Database Connector name is displayed in the JMX monitoring of database pools when using a Remote Connector.

  • The Remote Connector is implemented as REST service and can run on HTTPS.

VFS Connector

In the VFS Connector Base Configuration dialog, you can limit the network bandwidth.


INUBIT IS Configuration

With the INUBIT IS Configuration plugin, it is now also possible to update the content of tasks that do not time out.

PDF Toolbox

PDFToolbox now supports new option to read form fields and their value from a PDF document.

XML Validator

The Schematron validation is supported.