Dialog Descriptions in the Task Generator

Task Generator Properties Dialog

This dialog offers the following options:

Form sequence

Web application page

Refer to

Task list entry

Task properties

Not all properties are always displayed; the selected task type determines which properties are displayed.

  • Task name

    Name under which the task appears in the Task list.

  • Description

    Short text used as a description of the task displayed in the task list.

    Name and description can be multilingual. In Information type tasks, the description contains the actual information.

  • Time of generation


    • When the module is executed.

    • At a specified point in time.

  • Wait for next task (seconds)

    Waiting time in seconds, if the current task including the following server operations must be finished before the next task is displayed to the same user without a previous entry in the task list (see Display form directly option).

    After submitting the form, the web browser waits for a maximum of the configured time for the next form.

    The next form is displayed as soon as it is created after finishing the server operations. If the form could not be created within the maximum waiting time, the task list is displayed. In this case, the waiting time configured is too short and must be increased.

    0 value (default): There is no follow-on task.

  • Stop workflow execution

    When selected, the workflow execution will not be continued until the task has been executed.

    When the option is not selected, the task is triggered, and the workflow execution is continued immediately. In this case, the task response cannot be processed within the workflow, because the workflow will have advanced before the response is received.

    In test mode, the Technical Workflow always waits for the execution of a task.

  • Display form directly (without prior entry into the Task List)

    When selected, the form is displayed without first displaying the task list. This option is useful if the currently configured module generates a follow-up form to a form which is displayed in the task list.

    The follow-up form is only displayed, if the following conditions are met:

    • The value entered for the "Wait for next task" option is > 0 in the first task module in the respective workflow

    • The "Display form directly" option is activated in the follow-up module

    • The "Assign task only to the person who processed the prior task" option is activated in the follow-up module

By distributing user interactions to several forms, you can enable interaction with the server in between.

  • Assign task only to the person which processed the prior task

    Tasks are assigned to a process role, not to a person. This option ensures that a form is displayed only to the person who edited the previous form. In this context, the user is asked to provide his/her login name to ensure the form is not displayed to users with the same process role.

  • Timeout

    After the given time span is exceeded, the following happens:

    • The task is removed from the task list, provided that it is not still being processed.

    • The workflow execution is cancelled.

    • In the Queue Manager the workflow is listed with an error, if the option Do not rate timeout as error is not activated.

    • If an error exit is connected with the Task Generator, the error exit is executed.

    • If the option Do not rate timeout as error is not activated, an e-mail is sent to the given address.

      The time span defined in the Timeout field and the time of creation are used for calculating the time of the task’s expiration. This value is displayed in the field Expiration in the task list.

      0:0:0 value: There is no timeout. The task doesn’t end.

  • Timeout after, if blocked

    If a task is being processed, the timeout will keep running. When the timeout is exceeded, a second timeout is started with the period specified here. This will ensure that a task is not deleted while it is being processed, and that the work performed on the task can be completed and saved.

  • On timeout send e-mail to

    The e-mail address an e-mail is sent to if the task has not been completed when the timeout is reached.

    To ensure the e-mail can be sent, activate and configure the notification.

  • Do not rate timeout as error: When selected, no e-mail is sent when the specified timeout is exceeded. The task will be removed from the task list.

Permissions Dialog

In this dialog you define the recipients for tasks.


A process user server is configured.

Refer to

Task delivery

This area is displayed for the Form and Information task types only.

  • Use Access roles

    • Based on the Process user server configuration, a list of all existing process user roles is displayed.

    • If INUBIT is configured as Process user server, a list of all available process roles is displayed.

    • The task is assigned to all roles which are checked.

  • Task rule

    To assign the task to employees via a task rule.

Task delegation

This area is displayed for the Form and Information task types only.

  • Task rule

    To specify the role, group, or user to which the owner of a task can delegate the task. Select a task rule.

  • Enable delegation only for role

    By selecting a role you restrict the permission to delegate tasks to other role owners. Only owners of the selected role are allowed to delegate tasks.

    The role which may delegate tasks must be able to view these tasks and must thus be specified in the Task delivery area!

Web Application Connectors

In this area all published Web Application Connectors are displayed.

In the form you can use the properties of these Web Application Connectors, as for example rights, CSS classes and JavaScript code, by selecting the checkbox of a Web Application Connector.

Refer to

Application Profile Dialog in the Task Generator

The application profile dialog is displayed for the External program task type.


  • Application profile

    Select an application profile.

  • MiME type

    Enter the Mime type if the task is to be displayed in the browser and the external program is to be opened from within the browser.

  • Extension

    Suffix added to a file name, such as .doc for MS Word files. Not all programs recognize if a file can be opened by an external program when they access the file.

  • File recognition by the external program: Some programs use the extension only to determine whether a file can be opened. For these programs, it is important to enter an extension here, which will be appended to the file during the workflow execution. Be sure to enter the period before the extension as well.

  • Automatic appending of file extension: Some programs automatically append an extension to a file name if the file has no extension. If the correct extension has already been entered here, it will be appended again. If no extension has been indicated, and the application that has been invoked automatically appends an extension to the data, the input and output files no longer have the same name. In this case, the output and the input message have the same content, and user changes are not visible. It is therefore always safer to enter an extension.

    If several instances of one program are open, such as Microsoft Word in several windows, changes to a file that is to be edited as a task will not be applied. MS Word: If one instance of MS Word is open, and Word is invoked through the task list, the workflow execution will not stop because of the open MS Word instance, but will continue running. This means that changes will be lost rather than being transmitted to the next module! You should therefore make sure that the program being invoked by the task is not open before it is called up.

XSLT Mapper Settings Dialog

This dialog offers the following options:


  • Ignore input message

    When selected, the Source area in the Designer’s user interface remains hidden. In this case, only the users’ form input is used as input data.

  • Save source and target files on the server

    The source and target files are typically saved on the client machine only. Saving the files on the server has the following advantages and disadvantages:

    • Advantage: The module can be edited on other machines.

    • Disadvantage: The files are loaded each time the module is executed. If the files are large, this can have a negative impact on performance.

      If you deselect the option after editing and publishing, the files are deleted from the server along with the reference to the local copy on the client machine. The files will be empty the next time they are edited.

Form mapping (input)/output mapping

  • XSLT processor: Selects an XSLT processor. XSLT processors differ in terms of the language scope they support.

    Instead of using an XSLT processor that was included, you can use any other XSLT processor.

  • Cache the XSLT stylesheet

    If the module is called up several times in succession, caching the script will increase performance.

    • The activation of this option is rather more useful in productive environments than on development systems during design time.

      This will increase performance on systems with many XSLT modules or with a lot of executions of the same modules or on modules with rather complex stylesheets.

    • The activation of this option will increase the memory requirements of the JVM.

    • Nevertheless, the activation of this option can not be recommended if stylesheets from external resources are included (external meaning other than INUBIT including repository).

Refer to

Panel Layout Dialog in the Task Generator

By selecting a layout, you define the layout of your form. After having created the module, you can modify the layout manually any time.

Layout template

  • Vertical layout

    All elements which you add by dragging and dropping to the panel are positioned automatically vertically along the Y- axis.

  • Table layout

    Inserts a table element into the panel. You can add further elements into the table cells.

  • Absolute layout

    Allows to exactly position all form elements by dragging and dropping on the panel.

  • Client Generator

    The Client Generator layout template is deprecated and will be removed with the INUBIT 8.0 release. For identifying client generators in use enter generator as search string in the Global Search and choose the Module Properties as search option.

    Opens the Client Generator for creating a layout based on an XML Schema.

    The layout generated by the Client Generator is inserted automatically into a group element in the panel.