Configuring the Process User Server

Call up

INUBIT Workbench > Administration > General Settings > Process User > Server

Process user server

To select and activate the server from which the process users are to be connected and queried (e.g., Liferay, BPC, Keycloak, LDAP, INUBIT, etc.).

Configuring Liferay as Process user server

If you have chosen Liferay as Process user server, configure the following options.

Option Explanation

Liferay process user server version

Version of the Liferay process user server, e.g.: 7.x/DXP

URL of the process user server

IP address/host or URL of your selected process user server.

Login for process user server

Login parameters for authentication at the process user server.

Password for process user server

Access password of your process user server.

Test connection to Liferay

To query the access permission to the given Liferay URL with the current user.

Configuring Business Process Center as Process user server

You can only choose the Business Process Center as Process user server after having configured the Business Process Center as Portal server.

Afterward, the API key configured for the portal server is set automatically. The connection to the Business Process Center is tested automatically based on the API key.

Configuring Keycloak as Process user server

If you have chosen Keycloak as Process user server, configure the following options.

Option Description

URL of the process user server

URL of the process user server (either full-qualified otherwise the default value is used)

Keycloak Server Realm

Fill in the Realm of the Keycloak Server.

Keycloak Server Client Id

Fill in here the Keycloak Client Id.

Keycloak Server Client Secret

Fill in here the Keycloak Client Credential.

Keycloak User Name

Fill in here the Keycloak username.

Keycloak User Id

Fill in here the Keycloak User Id.

Keycloak Password

Fill in here the Keycloak Password.

Test connection to Keycloak

Check whether Keycloak connection works properly.

Configuring the LDAP Server as Process user server

If you have chosen the LDAP-Server as Process user server, the REST interface is used to connect the portal to the INUBIT Process Engine. In this case, you have to ensure that only one session is used. For this purpose, there are the following memory cache settings.



LDAP Portal entity cache (user and roles)

To activate the cache for portal users and portal roles.

LDAP Portal cache timeout in seconds

To specify the timeout in seconds after which the cache will be reset. Users and roles are retrieved again from the portal.

Reset of the portal cache

To reset the portal cache manually. The users and roles are loaded from the portal into the cache again. This can be useful after portal administration to refresh users and roles in the Process Engine.

Configuring INUBIT as Process user server

If you have chosen INUBIT as Process user server, assigning/fetching of roles for tasks, diagrams, or reports, will be based on process roles.