Version-dependent patch steps

To upgrade to the desired version, you must perform all applicable patch steps from the following list whose patch level is higher than the current patch level and lower than or equal to the target version.

For example, if you want to upgrade to the target version 8.0.18 and your current version is 8.0.3, you must complete all steps from patch version 8.0.4 up to and including patch version 8.0.18.

In case a patch step occurs several times, you must execute it once only (e.g., Tomcat updates).

List structure

  • Patch level

    Patch level requiring a manual patch action. Patching is necessary if you patch from a minor version to the indicated or to a higher version.

  • Prerequisites

    Conditions that must be met for you to perform the patch step manually.

  • Action/Proceed as follows

    Action(s) that must be performed.


Update BPC modules to version 4.0.14

Load external references in XML


It is not mandatory to configure these JVM properties.

By default, external DTD and external entity loading are disabled, DOCTYPE is allowed but not resolved.

The loading of XML is used extensively in INUBIT. This starts with the configuration files, continues with the communication between Workbench and Process Engine, also includes the execution of modules up to the display of watchpoints in a technical workflow.

Proceed as follows

For change those default settings additional JVM properties must be set in the start scripts of Workbench, CLI, Server or Remote Connector. The following properties are allowed:


true (default) | false

Deactivate (true) or activate (false) loading of external DTDs


true | false (default)

Disallow (true) or allow (false) DOCTYPE usage in XML


true (default) | false

Deactivate (true) or activate (false) resolving of external entities inside XML


To adjust the configuration in the Process Engine startup script, the following file is opened: <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/bin/

And adds the following lines to the JVM_PARAMS block:



Update EDIGAS files in repository

This step is optional and only necessary if you use EDI in connection with EDIGAS messages using auto-detection.


  1. The INUBIT Process Engine has started

  2. You are connected to the process engine with a workbench

  3. You have access to the repository

How to proceed

  • Update the EDIGAS-MESSAGES.xml file in the repository

    1. Download the latest version of EDIGAS-MESSAGES.xml online from Virtimo sources or reach out to Virtimo support

    2. Switch to the Repository tab

    3. Select the following path in the navigation tree: Global > System > EDI Specification > Rule Metadata

    4. Switch to the file table

    5. Right-click to open the context menu and select the following entry: "Import…​"

    6. Chose the downloaded file EDIGAS-MESSAGES.xml and finish the import

    7. Alternatively, you can also import this directly under Global.

  • Remove the EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml file from the repository

    1. Switch to the Repository tab

    2. Select the following path in the navigation tree: Global > System > EDI Specification > Rule Metadata

    3. Right-click on the "EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml" file in the table on the right

    4. Execute the following entry from the context menu: "Delete…​"

  • Remove the EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml file from the server file system

    In addition to deleting from the repository, the file (if any) must also be removed from the INUBIT server file system at <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/deploy/Global/System/EDI Specification/Rule Metadata to prevent deployment to the repository the next time the Process Engine is started.

Process Engine - Updating JDK to 11.0.18


As the java distribution has been updated automatically to version 11.0.18 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating JDK

Update BPC modules to version 4.0.15

8.0.18 Spring 2023

Workbench - Update the Widgets directory in the repository

Running the patch updates the files widget.xsl and widget_bpc.xsl in the repository. If you have made any manual adjustments to these files, create a backup before running the patch.

This step is optional and only necessary if one the below folders is not appearing in the Workbench after patching:

  • Global > System > Widgets > ExtTreePanel

  • Global > System > Widgets > resources

Tree Widgets is used by BPC INUBIT WebApp module and Process Interaction module.


  1. Process Engine is up and running.

  2. You are logged-in into a Workbench as a System Administrator.

Proceed as follows

  1. Switch to tab Repository

  2. In the navigation tree choose the following path: Global > System > Widgets.

  3. Open the context menu by right-clicking the folder Widgets in the tree.

  4. Click on the action Update directory.

  5. The directory including its subdirectories will be updated.

  6. The missing folders and their content will be visible afterward.

BPC - Temporary activation to load inline JavaScript in a browser

This step is required if you are using INUBIT WebApp or INUBIT Process Interaction module in BPC.

The above modules use JavaScript, which is located directly in the HTML output. By default, the Karaf instructs browsers not to execute such JavaScript code. In order for the modules to work, this Content-Security-Policy-Header statement in the Karaf must be adapted so that browsers execute such JavaScript code.


  • Karaf’s configuration file jetty.xml has been relocated as described here

  • BPC/Karaf has been stopped

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the file jetty.xml

  2. Locate the section "Set Response Headers"

        <!-- ==================== -->
        <!-- Set Response Headers -->
        <!-- ==================== -->
        <Call name="insertHandler">
                <New id="RewriteHandler" class="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.RewriteHandler">
                    <Set name="rules">
                        <Array type="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.Rule">
  3. Find the Item element "header-csp".

    1. If no such element exists add a new Item element.

  4. To the element <Set name="value"> add behind script-src the value 'unsafe-inline'.

  5. The Item element should look like this:

      <New id="header-csp" class="org.eclipse.jetty.rewrite.handler.HeaderPatternRule">
        <Set name="pattern">/*</Set>
        <Set name="name">Content-Security-Policy</Set>
        <Set name="value">script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; form-action 'self'; worker-src 'self' blob: ;</Set>
  6. Safe and close the file

  7. Now you can start BPC/Karaf

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.73


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.73 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

Update BPC modules to version 4.1.0


Remove Elasticsearch

Since Elasticsearch is no longer used from BPC version 4.1.0 and replaced by Opensearch.


  • BPC is used together with Opensearch

  • All data are available in Opensearch

Proceed as follows

  1. Stop the BPC

  2. Run the patch installer and update the BPC installation

    1. Opensearch will be installed and configured.

    2. For a manual conversion, follow the instruction.

  3. Navigate to the <bpc_install_dir>/bpc folder.

  4. Back up all necessary files and folders in the elasticsearch sub-folder

  5. Remove the elasticsearch subdirectory

  6. Start the BPC

Update BPC modules to version 4.1.1


Only standard patch steps are required.


BPC - Temporary activation to load inline JavaScript in a browser

This step is required if you are using INUBIT WebApp or INUBIT Process Interaction module in BPC and encounter problems related to JavaScript code execution.

By default, the Karaf applies CSP restrictions informing browsers to prevent inline JavaScript code execution. In order for the affected modules to work, any JavaScript must be loaded via referencing the resource properly.

As a temporary workaround the inline JavaScript execution can be re-enabled by setting a specific module property.

Enabling inline JavaScript execution is potentially a security risk. Virtimo recommends strongly to rework all JavaScript usage towards using JS files referenced from within the HTML.


  • BPC is up and running

  • BPC user with admin rights is logged in

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the INUBIT WebApp modules configuration tab in BPC

  2. Select the module instance where the inline JavaScript should be re-enabled

  3. In the specific module’s configuration set the property "SanitizeHTML" to value false (deselect checkbox).

Process Engine - Updating JDK to 11.0.19


As the java distribution has been updated automatically to version 11.0.19 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating JDK

Update BPC modules to version 4.1.2

Update logs database manually

While executing the patch installer all necessary files are updated or installed. When starting the Processing Engine afterward, the underlying databases are updated automatically.


If you encounter errors in functionality due to inconsistencies in the database the table structure can be updated manually.


  1. Stop the Process Engine

  2. Open <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/patchLogsDB.xml

  3. Navigate to the section reflecting your configured database flavor

  4. Apply all SQL statements

  5. Start the Process Engine


Checking the API key stored for BPC


  • The INUBIT is linked to the BPC Portal

  • An API key was stored in the server configuration under Portal > Portal server > BPC

How to proceed

  1. Log in to the Process Engine using the workbench

  2. Go to the Administration > General Settings tab

  3. In the tree structure on the left, select Portal > Portal server

  4. Check the value for the "API Key for the BPC connection" option

  5. If the value is filled, you do not need to do anything else

  6. If the value is empty, continue here

  7. Click on the "…​" button on the right in the same table row

  8. In the "API key for the BPC connection" dialog that opens, select an API key from the dropdown or click on the New button

  9. As soon as a new API key is displayed, close the dialog by clicking on the OK button

  10. Click on the Save button in the toolbar → The BPC API key is now set and updated accordingly on the Process Engine

Update BPC modules to version 4.1.3


Workbench - Update the IS Configuration directory in the repository

Running the patch installer updates the file configuration.xml under Global> System> Mapping templates > IS Configuration in the repository. If you have made any manual adjustments to the file, create a backup before running the patch.


  1. Process Engine is up and running.

  2. You are logged-in into a Workbench as a System Administrator.

Proceed as follows

  1. Switch to tab Repository

  2. In the navigation tree choose the following path: Global > System > Mapping Templates> IS Configuration

  3. Open the context menu by right-clicking the folder IS Configuration in the tree

  4. Click on the action Update directory

The directory including its subdirectories and configuration.xml file will be updated and ready to be used.


Update BPC modules to version 4.1.5

8.0.25 Winter 2023

Update OAuth2 properties of system diagrams


  • The INUBIT Process Engine is started and available

Do the following

  1. Log in as System Administrator with the INUBIT Workbench.

  2. From the burger menu, open Configuration > System Diagrams.

  3. Open the systemdiagram_config.xml file.

  4. Apply all OAuth2 properties from the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/systemdiagram_config_template.xml file.

  5. Click the OK button*.

  6. Restart the INUBIT Process Engine

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.80


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.80 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

Process Engine - Updating JDK to 17.0.7


As the java distribution has been updated automatically to version 17.0.7 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating JDK

Process Engine – Update H2 database


The H2 database is used as an INUBIT internal database.

The use of the H2 database is not recommended for productive use.


By updating INUBIT to this version, a previously used H2 database file will no longer be accessible. Therefore, the contents of this database must be backed up before patch installation.

Do the following

  1. Stop the Process Engine

  2. Back up the H2 database file with the following command:

    java -cp h2-<old-driver-version>.jar -url jdbc:h2:/<path-to-old-db-file>/<database-name> -user <username> -script -options compression zip

    The file is created, which contains the contents of the H2 database.

  3. Remove the following files:

    • <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/database/<h2-db-file-name>

    • If present: <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/log/dbh2

  4. Run the patch installer

  5. Restore the backed up H2 database content:

    java -cp h2-<new-driver-version>.jar -url jdbc:h2:/<path-to-new-db-file>/<database-name> -user <username> -script -options compression zip

    The database file is restored from the file at the specified path.

Using the latest script files


Start the Process Engine

INUBIT is now being rolled out with JDK 17. To do this, various script files in INUBIT had to be adapted. In order to use these changes to the script files, manual adjustments are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Follow the instructions under updating script files.

Update BPC modules to version 4.1.8


Only standard patch steps are required.


Only standard patch steps are required.


Process Engine – Prevent disclosure of server information

It is considered a potential security vulnerability to leak server information (server name, version, etc.) in responses sent by a server application. This type of information has already been removed from all server responses, the only exception being the error responses.


Updating the INUBIT with the patch installer also removes the server information from error responses.

The content of the server response is controlled via the <ErrorReportValve> entry in the server.xml file. For more information, see here.

Proceed as follows

  • Check the server.xml file. It should not contain an ErrorReportValve entry. If so, we recommend checking the file entry manually after running the patch installer.

  • Run the patch installer. The necessary entry <ErrorReportValve> is added or adjusted in the server.xml file.

Manual check

  • Open the server.xml file

  • Find the lines with the entry <ErrorReportValve>

  • Make sure: showServerInfo="false"

The value false indicates that no server information should be sent in error responses.

Further adjustments to the ErrorReportValve are possible. For more information, see here.


Only standard patch steps are required.


Add IGUASU connector in system diagram and deployment


It is necessary to update the systemdiagram_config.xml file to override the IGUASU Connector module properties in system diagrams.

Process as follows

  • Go to the burger menu and open the "Configuration" menu

  • Open the "System diagrams…​" entry within the configuration.

  • Switch the view of the systemdiagram_config.xml file to text format

  • At the end of the file add the following entry:

    <Resource name="IGUASU Connector">
       <Target class="com.inubit.ibis.configuration.workflowtool.systemdiagram.shapes.ExtSystem"/>
         <Property name="IguasuURL" type="String" displayName="ServerURL"/>
  • Save the systemdiagram_config.xml file

  • Close the dialog


It is necessary to update the ibis_deploy.xml file to override module properties of the IGUASU Connectors in deployment.

Proceed as follows

  • Go to the burger menu and open the "Configuration" menu

  • Open the "Deployment…​" entry within the configuration.

  • Switch the view of the ibis_deploy.xml file to text format

  • At the end of the file add the following entry:

    <Property name="IGUASU Connector" type="ListProperty">
       <Property name="IguasuURL" type="String" displayName="ServerURL"/>
       <Property name="IguasuCallableFlowKey" type="String" displayName="FlowID"/>
  • Save the ibis_deploy.xml file

  • Close the dialog

After completing the above steps, restart the Process Engine and Workbench.


Update BPC modules to version 4.1.9


Upgrade Keycloak to version 24.0.x


You are already using Keycloak as an identity provider for INUBIT.


Upgrade Keycloak and the corresponding client library in INUBIT to version 24.0. The Keycloak upgrade is not backwards compatible and therefore both the Keycloak application and the data stored in the database must be migrated.

Proceed as follows

  1. Read Keycloak Migration Guide to learn about the latest migration changes.

  2. Stop the Keycloak server if it is running.

  3. Read Preparing for upgrading and follow the preparation steps.

  4. Run the Virtimo Digitalization Suite patch installer and upgrade to the latest Keycloak version on your computer.

  5. Read Migrating the database and follow the database migration steps.

  6. Read the remaining sections like Migrating themes and follow the instructions.

  7. Once all the above steps are completed, start the Keycloak server.

  8. Login to Keycloak admin console and navigate to Realm Settings and change the value of "Unmanaged attributes" to "Enabled"

  9. Navigate to Authentication and then to Required Actions tab . Change the value of "Verify Profile" to "off"


Only standard patch steps are required.


Enable HTTPs TLSv1.3 by default


Only the versions TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 are currently classified as secure.

To enable the latest TLS version on both the server and client side, configure the settings so that only TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 are supported.

Proceed as follows

  • The values for -Dhttps.protocols=…​ have been adjusted:

    • New (recommended) value: -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3

    • BUT: This may cause HTTPs connections between the Process Engine and other servers that rely on older TLS versions to no longer work.

  • The values for -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=…​ have been adjusted:

    • New (recommended) value: -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3

  • Check the values in the following files and adjust them accordingly:

  • Also use the files created by the patch installer with the suffix _patch.[bat|sh] to access the file contents recommended by Virtimo AG.

After completing the above steps, restart the Process Engine and Workbench.


Update ActiveMQ Client library to version 5.18.4


You are already using one of the JMS providers, e.g. ActiveMQ.


If you get a runtime error like NoSuchMethodError() when using the JMS provider, make sure that no other versions of the JMS API are present in <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/webapps/ibis/WEB-INF/lib.

Do the following

  1. Stop the Process Engine

  2. Remove the provider-specific JMS JAR file from <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/webapps/ibis/WEB-INF/lib

  3. Start the Process Engine


Plugin JSON Formatter in INUBIT registration

In order to use the INUBIT plugin "JSON Formatter" it needs to be registered so it become available in module editor and workflow designer.


  1. Stop the Process Engine

  2. Rename the plugin.xml.bak into plugin.xml under <inubit‑installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf>.

  3. Add JSON Formatter plugin details to the plugins.xml:

        <Name>JSON Formatter</Name>
        <ClientComment>JSON Formatter</ClientComment>
        <ServerComment>JSON Formatter</ServerComment>
        <LastUpdateTime>25.09.2024 10:00:00</LastUpdateTime>
  4. Rename profile.xml.bak into profile.xml under <inubit‑installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf>.

  5. Add the entry below entry to all the profiles which need this plugin:

    <Use>JSON Formatter</Use>
  6. Save all changes

  7. Start the Process Engine

If you are using a Workbench that is older than 8.0.36, perform the following additional steps:

  1. Stop the Workbench

  2. In the Process Engine, locate the file <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/process_engine/webapps/ibis/WEB-INF/lib/plugin-utility-jsonformatter.jar

  3. Place this file in your Workbench installation under <inubit-installdir>/inubit/client/lib/ext

  4. Start the Workbench


AS4 log file path

To place the as4gateway.log file under <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/log.


  1. Stop the Process Engine

  2. Change the following entry to <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/ and specify the absolute path to the target folder where the as4gateway.log file should be created:

    # Log into <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/log
  3. Save all changes

  4. Start the Process Engine


Configuring the Log Cleanup Service under Windows


The patch installation has been performed.

Proceed as follows

  1. Set up the required scripts

    1. Save the script file ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd.

    2. Rename the file ibis_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd to ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd.

    3. Save the script file ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall.cmd.

    4. Rename the file ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd to ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall.cmd.

  2. Installing the service

    1. Run the ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd script to install the service.

      When installing the INUBIT Process Engine as a service via the ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd script, a new service called LogCleanupService is additionally installed and started automatically. This service is configured to run the log_cleanup.cmd script, which contains the logic for log cleanup.

      The log_cleanup.cmd script calls the pe_log_cleanup_conf.bat configuration file, which defines the following variables:

      • MAX_FILE_COUNT: Specifies the maximum number of log files to keep. Defaults to 10.

      • MAX_AGE_DAYS: Specifies the maximum number of days the log files should be kept for. Defaults to 7 days. If both values ​​are specified, MAX_FILE_COUNT takes precedence. Attention: To use the age restriction, Powershell must be installed on the Windows system.

      • LOG_DIR: Defines the directory where the log files are located.

      • INTERVAL_MINUTES: Sets the interval at which the cleanup should be performed. Defaults to 60 minutes.

      • LOG_PATTERNS: Defines the log file patterns the script looks for. Specify multiple patterns separated by spaces (e.g. stderr stdout).

    2. Make sure that all necessary services are started

      If you adjust values ​​in the configuration file pe_log_cleanup_conf.bat in the folder <inubit-installdir>\server\process_engine\bin\, then you must restart the LogCleanupService service.
  3. Uninstall services

    1. Stop the LogCleanupService service

    2. Stop the Process Engine service.

    3. Run the ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall.cmd script.