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Get user task details

This endpoint provides the details of a single task available for a certain user. The user is identified by the given authentication.


URL: /task/tasks/{taskId}

Method: GET

Authorization: required

GET /ibis/rest/task/tasks/23 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Host: localhost:8080

Request Parameters

Name Description Required Allowed values


Unique task identifier


Any integer


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Tye: application/xml
Content-Length: 1290

<Task id="e9c47c0c-82b8-481d-8343-b883da299c0a" process="32361" creation="1261055573295" expiration="1261059173295" action="Form" wait="0" test="true" popup="false">
    <Name xml:lang="de">zwei zusätzliche felder</Name>
    <Description xml:lang="de">qa_task_portal_9</Description>
    <Unit name="Administrator" type="Role"/>
    <Field xml:lang="de" name="zwei" index="2" type="String">test wert 2</Field>
    <Field xml:lang="de" name="eins" index="1" type="String">1261055573277</Field>
The response will be empty if no task with the given id was found.

