Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

Sollten Sie diese INUBIT Version nutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Migration auf eine aktuelle Version. Die Dokumentation zur neusten INUBIT Version finden Sie hier. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support.

Updating Elasticsearch

Manual cleanup

To clean up a standard Elasticsearch installation, follow these steps.

Backing up the old data and configuration

At this point at the latest, the BPC must be stopped.

The file INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION/config/elasticsearch.yml should be saved.

Then the entire directory INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION has to be renamed e.g. in INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION-delete.

Unpack Elasticsearch

The downloaded Elasticsearch package can be unpacked into INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS. There should now be a directory INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION again.

Transfer data

The folder INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION-delete/data has to be moved into INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION/data.

If the directory does not exist in the old package, then the path via the elasticsearch.yml is configured differently. If the data directory is outside the Elasticsearch directory, there is nothing else to do here.

Adapt configuration

If the configuration of the elasticsearch.yml has been adjusted, then the changes must be transferred to the new configuration. If the configuration corresponds to the delivery state, nothing further needs to be done.

Note that no configuration parameters with the prefix `xpack may be adopted.

BPC Starten

The BPC can now be started again.


Delete the downloaded Elasticsearch package and directory INSTALLATIONSVERZEICHNIS/elasticsearch-VERSION-delete.

Automatic cleanup

If you have the experience and necessary rights, you can also use the shell script for Linux. The deletion of the old Elasticsearch directory is commented out and must be done deliberately.

If Elasticsearch has been configured to be accessible via https, then the x-pack security was used. This is no longer available.

# BPC 3.x -> ES_VERSION=7.5.2 & VERSION_FOLDER=3.5.x (fits also for BPC < 3.5)
# BPC 4.0 -> ES_VERSION=7.10.2 & VERSION_FOLDER=4.0.x

# OS Windows -> OS_NAME=windows.zip
# (!) this script is for Linux shell, not for Windows PowerShell or Windows Terminal
# OS Unix/Linux -> OS_NAME=linux.tar.gz

# STOP Elasticsearch

# change dir to INSTALLATIONFOLDER which includes elasticsearch and karaf folder

# download fixed ES package
wget https://files.virtimo.net/bpc/latest/support/$VERSION_FOLDER/release/elasticsearch_$OS_NAME
# backup old config
cp elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION/config/elasticsearch.yml elasticsearch.yml_backup
# move old installation folder
mv elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION-delete
# extract new package
tar xzf elasticsearch_$OS_NAME
# copy data folder; (!) when the path.data property in the elasticsearch.yml file was changed (default is "${path.home}/data") then you have to change the pathes
cp -r elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION-delete/data elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION
# delete downloaded archive
rm elasticsearch_$OS_NAME

# delete old elasticsearch
# rm elasticsearch-$ES_VERSION-delete

# if elasticsearch.yml was changed; transfer the changes in the new one; don't set any properties with prefix "xpack"