Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

Sollten Sie diese INUBIT Version nutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Migration auf eine aktuelle Version. Die Dokumentation zur neusten INUBIT Version finden Sie hier. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support.

Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP


You have performed the Default Patch Steps.

An additional patch step regarding patching Liferay is required, refer to List of version-dependent patch steps.

Proceed as follows

  1. Navigate to

    • Liferay 7.3/DXP: <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.3.10 directory

    • Liferay 7.4/DXP: <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.4.13 directory

  2. Extract the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive to a temporary directory.

  3. Navigate to the root directory below the temporary directory created in step 2.

  4. Open portal-ext.properties file

  5. Copy the property module.framework.web.generator.excluded.paths with the provided value to the clipboard.

  6. Navigate to the <Liferay_installdir>/ directory.

  7. Open the portal-ext.properties file for editing.

  8. Replace the existing property value for `module.framework.web.generator.excluded.paths `with the value from the clipboard.

  9. Back up all manually adjusted files, for example, the top_js-ext*.jspf files in the following directory: <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/webapps/ROOT/html/common/themes

  10. Restart Liferay for the changes to take effect.

  11. Navigate to

    • Liferay 7.3/DXP: <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.3.10 directory

    • Liferay 7.4/DXP: <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.4.13 directory

  12. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  13. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  14. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  15. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  16. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  17. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  18. Clear cache by deleting <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/work/Catalina/localhost folder.

  19. Adjust all manual adjusted files as you did in the files you have backed up in step 9.