Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

Sollten Sie diese INUBIT Version nutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Migration auf eine aktuelle Version. Die Dokumentation zur neusten INUBIT Version finden Sie hier. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support.

Patch Guide


This document describes the patch installation process for both INUBIT and Business Process Center. A patch installation is equivalent to an update of a given software version due to bug fixes or minor feature extensions.

Patching INUBIT

The patch installation process described in the following consists of two stages:

  • Default Patch Steps

    These default patch steps are mandatory and must always be performed for any patch activity, either automatically or manually.

  • List of version-dependent patch steps

    After the default patch steps, these patch steps must manually be performed in addition, depending on your current and required target software release.

When having installed a fresh INUBIT as of version, <inubit-installdir>/ includes the INUBIT sub-directory, for example: d:\inubit74\inubit

Patching the Portal

Patching Business Process Center (BPC)

Before patching the BPC, be sure to check the information in the BPC Changelog for the BPC version you are using.

Follow the detailed instructions at Patching BPC.

Patching Liferay

Follow the detailed instructions at Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP.