Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

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Get user model data detail by element id

This resource provides a single element from a diagram by specifying the element id.

Only the following diagram types are supported:

  • Process Maps

  • Business Process Diagrams

  • Business Object Diagrams

  • Organization Diagrams

  • SOA Maps

  • System Diagram


URL: /model/nodeByModel/{modelName}/{nodeId}

Method: GET

Authorization: required

GET /ibis/rest/model/nodeByModel/TestBPD/298 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Host: localhost:8080

Request Parameters

Name Description Required Allowed values


Diagram element id




Specifies the user or user group (this is relevant when getting the information via the technical user)


Any string


Output information about elements view position (x and y coordinates)

no (default: false)

true or false


Verbose model data output

no (default: false)

true or false


Specify the version number to retrieve the information from

no (default: HEAD version)

Any integer


Specify the tag name to retrieve the information from


Any string


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Tye: application/xml;charset=UTF-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns4:Node type="bpdTask" id="298" xmlns:ns2="inubit.com/ibis/external/base" xmlns:ns4="inubit.com/ibis/external/model" xmlns:ns3="inubit.com/ibis/external/organigram">
    <ns4:Connection targetId="299" type="SequenceFlow" id="300">
            <ns2:Property name="ModuleSpecific" type="Map">
                <ns2:Property name="ConditionType" type="String">None</ns2:Property>
        <ns2:Property name="ModuleSpecific" type="Map">
            <ns2:Property name="StartQuantity" type="Integer">1</ns2:Property>
            <ns2:Property name="CompletionQuantity" type="Integer">1</ns2:Property>
            <ns2:Property name="LoopType" type="String">None</ns2:Property>
            <ns2:Property name="TaskType" type="String">Receive</ns2:Property>
            <ns2:Property name="GlobalTask" type="Boolean">false</ns2:Property>
            <ns2:Property name="Instantiate" type="Boolean">false</ns2:Property>


Authorization Failed (401)

Authorization with the given username and password failed. Please revisit both values and provide valid credentials.


        <title>Status page</title>

    <body style="font-family: sans-serif;">
        <p style="font-size: 1.2em;font-weight: bold;margin: 1em 0px;">Unauthorized</p>
        <p>The request requires user authentication</p>
        <p>You can get technical details <a
            Please continue your visit at our <a href="/">home page</a>.
Server Error (500)

Execution on the INUBIT server failed. Have a look into the response message, otherwise access to the INUBIT log is required to retrieve further information.