Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

Sollten Sie diese INUBIT Version nutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Migration auf eine aktuelle Version. Die Dokumentation zur neusten INUBIT Version finden Sie hier. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support.

Patching with the Patch Installer

You can use the patch installer either in graphical mode, console mode or unattended. The latter is reasonable for automated patching multiple systems.

Java version check

The java_home_path_setter.cmd script contains the following line with the required Java version number:


If the Java version set in the JAVA_HOME environment variable differs from the required Java version, a message is displayed, and the startup process is stopped when trying to start the INUBIT Process Engine or the Remote Connector. As long as the wrong version is used, neither the INUBIT Process Engine nor the Remote Connector can be started.

When not using AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.16 installed with INUBIT, you have to update the Java/JDK installation manually if the used Java version differs from the required Java version, refer to Updating JDK.

Adding drivers, libraries, and certificates after automated AdoptOpenJDK update

Additional drivers and libraries must be copied manually to the appropriate directories below the _jvm directory. This applies, for example, for the SAP library (sapjco3.dll or libsapjco3.so).

Certificates that are additionally installed in the _jvm directory must be reinstalled manually in the appropriate directory.

Make sure that enough disk space is available

If the installer returns the message There is not enough space to perform this installation. Please free some disk space and re-run this installer…​, the environment variable IATEMPDIR can be alternatively set to a disk partition that has enough space. Execute the following commands in the UNIX command line prompt and restart the installer.

  • For Bourne shell (sh), ksh, bash and zsh:

    $ IATEMPDIR=/<free‑disk‑space‑directory>
    $ export IATEMPDIR
  • For C shell (csh) and tcsh:

    $ setenv IATEMPDIR=/<free‑disk‑space‑directory>

Downloading the Executable Patch

Proceed as follows

  1. Download the patch installer for INUBIT 7.4 suitable for your operating system and the corresponding checksum file from the INUBIT User Portal.

    • Windows systems

      Patch Windows <version> (file patchWinX64-<version>.exe)

    • Linux systems

      Patch Linux <version> (file patchLinuxX64-<version>.bin)

  2. Make sure the patch installer has been downloaded correctly using the checksum file.

Executing the Patch Installer in Graphical Mode


You have loaded the executable patch (refer to Downloading the Executable Patch).

Proceed as follows

  1. Identify the user running the Process Engine.

  2. Activate the maintenance mode.

  3. Shut down all Remote Connectors.

  4. Shut down the Workbench.

  5. Shut down the Process Engine.

  6. Start the patch installer as the user running the Process Engine.

    Use the patch installer corresponding to your operating system without any option.


    • Windows


    • Linux


      A GUI opens with the patch installer start screen.

      If the patch installer is not able to start the GUI due to a missing graphical environment, e.g., on a Linux server, it automatically starts in console mode. In this case, proceed as described in Executing the Patch Installer in Console Mode.

  7. In the selection list at the bottom of the patch installer start screen, select your preferred installation language and click OK.

  8. In the Choose Install Set dialog, choose INUBIT Components.

    To patch Business Process Center, you can choose Business Process Center in the Choose Install Set dialog.

    For details how to patch the Business Process Center, refer to Patching BPC.

  9. As of INUBIT, AdoptOpenJDK is installed in the _jvm directory on the same level as <INUBIT-installdir>. During the patch installation, regarding the JDK configuration, the following happens:

    • If a _jvm directory already exists, the following steps are performed:

      • An existing _jvm_backup directory is removed.

      • The existing _jvm directory is renamed to _jvm_backup.

      • A new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • If no _jvm directory exists, a new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • The java_home_path_setter.{sh|cmd} script is not updated during patch installation. If necessary, adjust the JAVA_HOME environment variable in this script manually to be set to the new installed _jvm directory.

  10. Follow the instructions.

    Before installing the new BPC modules, the files in the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules are backed up to the <INUBIT-installdir>/bpc/bpc_modules/lastversion_backup/ directory.

    These backup modules can be used if you want to roll back to previous BPC modules.

    The current BPC patch workflows are stored as BusinessProcessCenter-workflow-patch-<bpcversion>.diagrams.zip file in the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules directory.

    Rollback scenarios:

    • Rollback of BPC modules is not possible for INUBIT patch and before because BPC modules are added as of INUBIT patch

    • If you want to rollback INUBIT by installing INUBIT patch installer or later after INUBIT patch, the respective patch version of BPC get overridden in <inubit_installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules directory. Hence, the patched BPC modules get lost. Additionally, the lastversion_backup directory created during INUBIT patch retains.

  11. Check the following log file for error messages: <inubit-installdir>/inubit_Patch_Install_<date_time>.log

  12. If Tomcat has been updated automatically to a newer version during the patch installation, the directory containing the former Tomcat named to: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup.

    The new Tomcat version is installed in the directory: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat

    Before starting the Process Engine, you only have to adjust the files you had adjusted in your former Tomcat installation.

    For further information regarding the automated Tomcat update and the remaining steps, refer to Updating Tomcat.

  13. Start the Process Engine.

  14. Deactivate the maintenance mode.

Executing the Patch Installer in Console Mode


You have loaded the executable patch (refer to Downloading the Executable Patch).

Proceed as follows

  1. Identify the user running the Process Engine.

  2. Activate the maintenance mode.

  3. Shut down all Remote Connectors.

  4. Shut down the Workbench.

  5. Shut down the Process Engine.

  6. Start the patch installer as the user running the Process Engine.

    Use the patch installer corresponding to your operating system with the –i console option.


    • Windows

      .\patchWinX64-<version>.exe -i console

    • Linux

      ./patchLinuxX64-<version>.bin -i console

  7. Follow the instructions.

  8. In the Choose Install Set dialog, choose INUBIT Components.

    To patch Business Process Center, you can choose Business Process Center in the Choose Install Set dialog.

    For details how to patch the Business Process Center, refer to Patching INUBIT BPC.

    Before installing the new BPC modules, the files in the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules are backed up to the <INUBIT-installdir>/bpc/bpc_modules/lastversion_backup/ directory.

    These backup modules can be used if you want to roll back to previous BPC modules.

    The current BPC patch workflows are stored as BusinessProcessCenter-workflow-patch-<bpcversion>.diagrams.zip file in the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules directory.

    Rollback scenarios:

    • Rollback of BPC modules is not possible for INUBIT patch and before because BPC modules are added as of INUBIT patch

    • If you want to rollback INUBIT by installing INUBIT patch installer or later after INUBIT patch, the respective patch version of BPC get overridden in <inubit_installdir>/server/portal/bpc_modules directory. Hence, the patched BPC modules get lost. Additionally, the lastversion_backup directory created during INUBIT patch retains.

  9. As of INUBIT, AdoptOpenJDK is installed in the _jvm directory on the same level as <INUBIT-installdir>. During the patch installation, regarding the JDK configuration, the following happens:

    • If a _jvm directory already exists, the following steps are performed:

    • An existing _jvm_backup directory is removed.

    • The existing _jvm directory is renamed to _jvm_backup.

    • A new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • If no _jvm directory exists, a new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • The java_home_path_setter.{sh|cmd} script is not updated during patch installation. If necessary, adjust the JAVA_HOME environment variable in this script manually to be set to the new installed _jvm directory.

  10. Check the following log file for error messages: <inubit-installdir>/inubit_Patch_Install_<date_time>.log

  11. If Tomcat has been updated automatically to a newer version during the patch installation, the directory containing the former Tomcat named to: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup.

    The new Tomcat version is installed in the directory: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat

    Before starting the Process Engine, you only have to adjust the files you had adjusted in your former Tomcat installation.

    For further information regarding the automated Tomcat update and the remaining steps, refer to Updating Tomcat.

  12. Start the Process Engine.

  13. Deactivate the maintenance mode.

Executing the Patch Installer in Unattended Mode

The unattended patch installer is reasonable for automated patching multiple servers.


  • You have loaded the executable patch (refer to Downloading the Executable Patch).

  • You have created an answer file by starting the patch installer using the option -r <path_to_answer_file> and choosing the INUBIT Components option in the Choose Install Set dialog.


    .\patchWinX64-<version>.exe -r c:\inubit\install\answer_74.txt

    The answer file looks like this:

    # Replay feature output
    # ---------------------
    # This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
    # It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
    #Choose Install Set
    #Choose inubit Install Folder
    #Setting JDK path

    For patching, the property USER_INSTALL_DIR (installation directory) is relevant.

    To patch the Business Process Center unattended, refer to Patching BPC Using the Unattended Patch Installer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Identify the user running the Process Engine.

  2. Activate the maintenance mode.

  3. Shut down all Remote Connectors.

  4. Shut down the Workbench.

  5. Shut down the Process Engine.

  6. Start the patch installer as the user running the Process Engine.

    Use the patch installer corresponding to your operating system with the following options:

    -i silent -f <absolute_path>/<answer>.txt


    .\patchWinX64-<version>.exe -i silent -f c:\inubit\install\answer_file.txt

  7. As of INUBIT, AdoptOpenJDK is installed in the _jvm directory on the same level as <INUBIT-installdir>. During the patch installation, regarding the JDK configuration, the following happens:

    • If a _jvm directory already exists, the following steps are performed:

      • An existing _jvm_backup directory is removed.

      • The existing _jvm directory is renamed to _jvm_backup.

      • A new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • If no _jvm directory exists, a new _jvm directory is created where the latest AdoptOpenJDK version will be installed.

    • The java_home_path_setter.{sh|cmd} script is not updated during patch installation. If necessary, adjust the JAVA_HOME environment variable in this script manually to be set to the new installed _jvm directory.

  8. Check the following log file for error messages: <inubit-installdir>/inubit_Patch_Install_<date_time>.log

  9. If Tomcat has been updated automatically to a newer version during the patch installation, the directory containing the former Tomcat named to: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup.

    The new Tomcat version is installed in the directory: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat

    Before starting the Process Engine, you only have to adjust the files you had adjusted in your former Tomcat installation.

    For further information regarding the automated Tomcat update and the remaining steps, refer to Updating Tomcat.

  10. Start the Process Engine.

  11. Deactivate the maintenance mode.

Patching BPC Using the Unattended Patch Installer

The unattended patch installer is reasonable for automated patching multiple servers.


  • You have loaded the executable patch (refer to Downloading the Executable Patch).

  • You have created an answer file choosing the Business Process Center in the Choose Install Set dialog by executing the patch installer once using the following option: -r <path_to_answer.txt>.


    .\patchWinX64-<version>.exe -r c:\inubit\install\answer_74.txt The answer file looks like this:

    # Replay feature output
    # ---------------------
    # This file was built by the Replay feature of InstallAnywhere.
    # It contains variables that were set by Panels, Consoles or Custom Code.
    #Choose Install Set
    #Choose BPC Install Folder

    For patching, the property USER_INSTALL_DIR (installation directory) is relevant.

Proceed as follows

  1. Start the patch installer corresponding to your operating system with the -i silent -f <absolute_path>/<answer>.txt options.


    .\patchWinX64-<version>.exe -i silent -f c:\inubit\install\answer_file.txt

  2. Check the following log file for error messages: <bpc-installdir>/inubit_Patch_Install_<date_time>.log

Updating Tomcat

If there is a newer Tomcat version as the current one, the patch installer automatically creates a backup of the Tomcat directory and installs the new Tomcat version. The following steps are performed:

  • The current Tomcat directory is renamed to: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup

  • The new Tomcat version is installed in the following directory: <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat

  • The configuration files server.xml, web.xml, and tomcat-users.xml are copied from the Tomcat_backup directory to the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/conf directory and they are renamed as

    • server_backup.xml

    • web_backup.xml

    • tomcat-users_backup.xml

  • If the Tomcat backup contains an AS4 Gateway, in the new Tomcat, the AS4 Gateway is updated to the latest version and Tomcat Manager is installed by default, too.

Once Tomcat is updated, it is automatically secured because only the both required directories ibis and ROOT are installed.


  • There is a new Tomcat version.

  • You have executed the patch installer without restarting the INUBIT Process Engine.

Refer to

Proceed as follows

  1. In the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, adjust all the files being adjusted in the previous Tomcat installation (Tomcat_backup directory) based on those files. Three files are copied and renamed automatically from the Tomcat_backup directory to the new <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/conf directory as follows.

    • tomcat-users_backup.xml

    • server_backup.xml

    • web_backup.xml

  2. If you have modified any other files (like script files from the ../Tomcat/bin directory), you have to adjust them accordingly in the newly installed Tomcat directory.

  3. Copy the database driver of your cache database form the ../Tomcat_backup/lib directory to the new ../Tomcat/lib directory.

  4. If you run INUBIT in cluster mode, you have to execute step 1 and 3 for all the other nodes in your cluster.

  5. Start the Process Engine(s).

  6. Deactivate the maintenance mode.

Updating the Used BouncyCastle Library

As of INUBIT, the BouncyCastle library is updated automatically. Once it is updated, an additional patch step is added to the patch step list, and the following steps are to be performed.

Updating scripts

In the following scripts, search for the file name of the current BouncyCastle library, e.g., bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar and replace it with the file name of the new BouncyCastle library, e.g.: bcprov-jdk15on-1.70.jar.

Most of the script files are already provided as *_patch.[sh|bat] files during the patch installation. So, if the scripts you used so far do not have any custom changes, you can back up the existing files and rename the *_patch.[sh|bat] files by removing the _patch part. Afterwards, you can use them as usual, because they are already updated to the new BouncyCastle version.

This approach is applicable if user do not have any custom changes in the script, else adoption required here.

  • <inubit-installdir>/server/benchmark/

    Update all .sh scripts for Linux and .bat scripts for Windows.

  • <inubit-installdir>/client/bin/

    Update the check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat script.

  • <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin

    Update the rc_nt_service_install.cmd script.

When having manually adjusted the following former scripts now located in the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup/bin directory, adjust the new scripts in the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin directory in the same way.

When having copied the scripts from the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup/bin directory to the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin directory, make sure that the file name of the new BouncyCastle library, e.g.: bcprov-jdk15on-1.70.jar is set in the following scripts.

  • check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat

  • startcli.sh/startcli.bat

  • ibis_nt_service_install.cmd

  • ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd

After the service installation files for Windows have been customized, the service must be reinstalled.

Updating the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script (for Liferay portals only)

Before patching

As an alternative to the following steps, you can rename the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script to installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions_patch.pl to let the patch installer add the new installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/portal/liferayInstallScripting/ directory. In this case, the following steps are not needed. When having adjusted the former script, you have to adjust the new script as well.

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/liferayInstallScripting/ directory.

  2. Open the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script for editing.

  3. Search for the file name of the current BouncyCastle library, e.g., bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar and replace it with the file name of the new BouncyCastle library, e.g.: bcprov-jdk15on-1.70.jar

    The file names are mentioned in the patch step. The new BouncyCastle library can be found in the following directory: <inubit-installdir>/client/lib

  4. Save the changes.