Die INUBIT Version 7.4 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

Sollten Sie diese INUBIT Version nutzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen eine Migration auf eine aktuelle Version. Die Dokumentation zur neusten INUBIT Version finden Sie hier. Sollten Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support.

List of version-dependent patch steps

To upgrade to the desired version, you must perform all applicable patch steps from the following list whose patch level is higher than the current patch level and lower than or equal to the target version.

For example, if you want to upgrade to the target version and your current version is, you must complete all steps from patch version up to and including patch version

In case a patch step occurs several times, you must execute it once only (e.g., Tomcat updates).

List structure

  • Patch level

    Patch level requiring a manual patch action. Patching is necessary if you patch from a minor version to the indicated or to a higher version.

  • Component

    Components involved in the patch step.

  • Action

    Action(s) that must be performed.

Patch Step List

Liferay Plug-ins - Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

Refer to Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP.

No additional patch steps are required. to

No additional patch steps are required.

Manual step BEFORE patch installation required.

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.20


Updating to Tomcat 9.0.20

Process the following steps BEFORE starting the patch installer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Shut down the INUBIT Process Engine.

  2. From the directory <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, save all files that have been customized or that are especially adjusted to the system environment (for example, setenv.sh, server.xml, portal-ext.properties).

  3. Backup and delete the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat.

  4. Install the Process Engine to a temporary directory.

  5. Copy the Tomcat directory from that temporary installation folder ../server/Tomcat to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server directory of your INUBIT installation.

  6. In the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, adjust all the files adjusted in the previous Tomcat installation based on the files saved in step 2.

  7. Execute the patch installer of INUBIT

  8. In cluster mode: Execute steps 1 to 7 for all the other nodes in your cluster.

Workbench - Adjust the config.xml file


This step is necessary only if you have executed the deployment at least once.


Adjust the config.xml file for each user that has executed the deployment.

Proceed as follows

  1. On the system where the Workbench is installed, go to the following directory:

    • Linux:

      /home/<Linux username>/.inubit/Toolset/<inubit version>/work/<IP address>_<port>/
      <inubit username>/
    • Windows:

      C:\Users\<Windows username>\AppData\Roaming\inubit\Toolset\<inubit version>\work\<IP
      address>_<port>\<inubit username>\
  2. Open the config.xml file for editing.

  3. Search for all lines that contain WF.Deploy as the last part of a property name.

  4. Delete all the lines that contain WF.Deploy, e.g.: Last.IS.WF.Deploy, Last.RS.WF.Deploy

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Restart the INUBIT Workbench.

  7. If you have installed the Workbench on multiple systems, execute the steps above on all systems where a Workbench is installed.

Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP: Redeploying Liferay Plug-ins


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

  1. Open <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/<liferay_version>/ directory.

  2. Extract the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive.

  3. Copy the grid3-hrow.gif file from the liferay-INUBIT-bootstrap-1.0.0/ROOT/html/js/extjs/resources/images/default/grid/ directory to the clipboard.

  4. Paste the grid3-hrow.gif file from the clipboard to the <liferay_installdir>/Tomcat-dir/webapps/ROOT/html/js/extjs/resources/images/default/grid/ directory.

    If the ../ROOT/html/js/extjs/recources/images/default/grid directory does not exist, create it.

  5. Shutdown and restart Liferay for the changes to take effect.

  6. Continue with the steps in section Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP to

No additional patch steps are required.

Installer - Updating ibis.xml and logsDBConfig.xml


Updating the configuration files ibis.xml and logsDBConfig.xml with entries for the new properties noOfRetries and retryInterval.

This action is compulsory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the existing files ibis.xml and logsDBConfig.xml for editing.

  2. Open the template files ibis.xml.<db-type> and logsDBConfig.xml.<db-type> appropriate to the database type you use.

    Example: If you use a MySQL database, open ibis.xml.MySQL and logsDBConfig.xml.MySQL.

  3. Copy the relevant properties noOfRetries and retryInterval from the template file ibis.xml.<db-type> and logsDBConfig.xml.<db-type> respectively into the respective lines of the XML structure of the existing files ibis.xml and logsDBConfig.xml respectively.

  4. Save the files ibis.xml and logsDBConfig.xml.

  5. Close the template files ibis.xml.<db-type> and logsDBConfig.xml.<db-type>.

  6. Restart the Process Engine.

    In cluster mode, you can do the update node by node to avoid downtime.

Installer - Updating .bat or .sh Scripts Setting JAVA_HOME


Updating all .bat or .sh scripts setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable in order that the scripts make use of the central file <INUBIT-installdir>\java_home_path_setter.cmd or <INUBIT-installdir>/java_home_path_setter.sh.


The file <INUBIT-installdir>\java_home_path_setter.cmd or <INUBIT-installdir>/java_home_path_setter.sh. contains the correct path to the JDK used by INUBIT.

Proceed as follows


  1. Navigate to the directory <INUBIT-installdir>server\Tomcat\bin and execute the following steps with all .bat files in this directory:

    1. Open the .bat file for editing.

    2. Add the following lines before the first code line:

      rem # set JAVA_HOME by calling central java_home path setter
      set JAVA_HOME_PATH_SETTER="..\..\..\java_home_path_setter.cmd"
  2. Execute the following steps with all .bat files being in the following directories:

    1. Open the .bat file for editing.

    2. Add the following lines before the first code line:

      rem # set JAVA_HOME by calling central java_home path setter
      set JAVA_HOME_PATH_SETTER="..\..\java_home_path_setter.cmd"


  1. Navigate to the directory <INUBIT-installdir>server/Tomcat/bin and execute the following steps with all .sh files in this directory:

    1. Open the .sh file for editing.

    2. Add the following lines before the first code line:

      # set JAVA_HOME by calling central java_home path setter
      if [ -f "$JAVA_HOME_PATH_SETTER" ]
  2. Execute the following steps with all .sh files being in the following directories:

    1. Open the .sh file for editing.

    2. Add the following lines before the first code line:

      # set JAVA_HOME by calling central java_home path setter
      if [ -f "$JAVA_HOME_PATH_SETTER" ]

Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows to

No additional patch steps are required.

EDI Adapter - Adapt the EDI-XML to Consider Name and def Attributes in rule_hwed.xsd


After the patch installation, upload the file rule_hwed.xsd into the Workbench repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Start the INUBIT Workbench and login as user root.

  2. Click the Repository tab and select the view All.

  3. Open the repository folder Global > System > Schemas > EDI.

  4. In the file area, open the context menu and choose Add file or directory.

    → A wizard is displayed.

  5. Click the patch installation guide 24 0 icon to open the operating system’s file picker.

  6. Navigate to the folder <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/deploy/Global/System/Schemas/EDI and select the file rule_hwed.xsd.

  7. Specify that the files is supposed to be readable anonymously.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Finish to close the dialog and save the file.

Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

  1. Remove the following files from the ./lib/ext directory of the Java installation used by your Liferay installation.

    • bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar

    • ibis-system-7.0.0.jar

  2. Remove the endorsed directory below the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir> directory of your Liferay installation.

  3. Refer to Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Installer - Updating logsDBConfig.xml


Updating the configuration file logsDBConfig.xml with entries for the new audit logs limit properties maximumLimitDaysAuditLog , minimumLimitAuditLog, and maximumLimitAuditLog.

This action is compulsory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the existing file logsDBConfig.xml for editing.

  2. Copy the following property block into the <LogsDatabaseConfig> tag of the open file logsDBConfig.xml:

  3. Save the file logsDBConfig.xml.

  4. Restart the Process Engine.

In cluster mode, you can do the update node by node to avoid downtime. to

No additional patch steps are required.

Updating Plug-ins and User Profiles for EDI Signature Utility


To use the EDI Signature Utility, add the EDI Signature Utility as a new plug-in and add it to the following user profiles:

  • System Administrator

  • EAI Developer

  • Project Lead

Proceed as follows

  1. Create an edi_sign.xml file in a temporary directory <local_temp_dir>, for example /tmp or c:\tmp, with the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Name>EDI Signature Utility</Name>
      <ClientComment>EDI Signature Utility Plugin, Toolset Version 6.0</ClientComment>
      <ServerComment>Server Version 6.0</ServerComment>
      <LastUpdateTime>12.09.2019 11:45:00</LastUpdateTime>
  2. Start the INUBIT CLI as user root in a shell or the command prompt.

    startcli -u root [<URL>]

  3. Switch to cache mode:

    CLI|root@{hostname}> cachemode
  4. Upload the plug-in data stored in the <local_temp_dir>\edi_sign.xml file.

    CACHE|root@{hostname}> put PLUGIN_DATA "EDI Signature Utility" <local_temp_dir>/
  5. Download the System Administrator user profile to the <local_temp_dir>/SystemAdmin.xml file.

    CACHE|root@{hostname}> get USER_PROFILES "System Administrator" <local_temp_dir>/
  6. Download the EAI Developer user profile to the <local_temp_dir>/SystemAdmin.xml file.

    CACHE|root@{hostname}> get USER_PROFILES "EAI Developer" <local_temp_dir>/
  7. Download the Project Lead user profile to the <local_temp_dir>/SystemAdmin.xml file.

    CACHE|root@{hostname}> get USER_PROFILES "Project Lead" <local_temp_dir>/
  8. Open the following files downloaded before and add the line <Use>EDI Signature Utility</Use> above the </Profile> tag and save the changes afterwards:

    • <local_temp_dir>/SystemAdmin.xml

    • <local_temp_dir>/EAIDeveloper.xml

    • <local_temp_dir>/ProjectLead.xml

  9. Upload the changed files using the following commands:

    CACHE|root@{hostname}> put USER_PROFILES "System Administrator" <local_temp_dir>/
    CACHE|root@{hostname}> put USER_PROFILES "EAI Developer" <local_temp_dir>/
    CACHE|root@{hostname}> put USER_PROFILES "Project Lead" <local_temp_dir>/
  10. Exit the cache mode and the INUBIT CLI using the exit command.

  11. Restart the Process Engine or all the Process Engines of the cluster.

Installer under Linux - Deactivate Memory check


Set the CHECK_DISK_SPACE environment variable to OFF.

Proceed as follows

  • C shell (csh, tcsh)

    Execute the following command before starting the installation from here.


  • Unix shell, Korn shell, Bourne shell (sh, ksh, bash)

    Execute the following command before starting the installation from here.


Process Engine - Updating BouncyCastle library


Update the bouncy castle library

Proceed as follows

  1. Download the bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar file from Maven Central Repository and replace bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar in the folders below the INUBIT installation folder:


    As of patch level, this step is no longer needed because the BouncyCastle library is updated automatically.

  2. Change bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar to bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar in the following scripts in the following folders below the INUBIT installation folder.

    • ./server/benchmark/

      Update all .sh files for Linux and .bat for Windows.

    • ./client/bin/

      Update the check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat file.

    • ./server/Tomcat/bin/

      Update the following scripts:

      • check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat

      • startcli.sh/startcli.bat

      • ibis_nt_service_install.cmd

    • ./remoteConnector/bin

      Update the rc_nt_service_install.cmd script.

INUBIT Liferay Plug-in Deployment Script - Updating BouncyCastle library


Update the BouncyCastle library

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/liferayInstallScripting directory.

  2. Open the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl file for editing.

  3. Change the file name bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar to bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar.

  4. Save the changes.


Changing the company logo in the portal-ext.properties file of the Liferay installation

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/<Liferay_version>/ directory.

  2. Extract the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive to a temporary directory.

  3. Go to the ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/logo/ directory below the temporary directory created in step 2.

  4. Copy the logo_virtimo.png file to the clipboard.

  5. Paste the logo_virtimo.png from the clipboard to the <Liferay_installdir>/Tomcat-dir/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/logo/ directory.

  6. Go to the <Liferay_installdir>/ directory.

  7. Open the portal-ext.properties file for editing.

  8. Search for the line containing the string: image.default.company.logo

  9. Change the line as follows:


  10. Restart Liferay for the changes to take effect.

Process Engine, Cache - Update EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml File


Updating the EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml file in both the cache and the Process Engine


  • You have successfully executed the patch installer.

  • The new EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml file is available in the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/edi directory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Updating EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml file in the cache

    1. Start the INUBIT CLI.

    2. Enter the cache mode using the cachemode command.

    3. Execute the following command:

      put EDI_RULES EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/edi/
    4. Exit the cache mode.

  2. Updating EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml back-up file in the Process Engine

    1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/edi directory.

    2. Delete the existing EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml.bak file.

    3. Rename the EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml file to EDIFACT-ORDERS-D-96A.xml.bak.

Manual step BEFORE patch installation required.

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.31


Updating to Tomcat 9.0.31

Process the following steps BEFORE starting the patch installer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Shut down the INUBIT Process Engine.

  2. From the directory <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, save all files that have been customized or that are especially adjusted to the system environment (for example, setenv.sh, server.xml, portal-ext.properties).

  3. Backup and delete the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat.

  4. Install the Process Engine to a temporary directory.

  5. Copy the Tomcat directory from that temporary installation folder ../server/Tomcat to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server directory of your INUBIT installation.

  6. In the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, adjust all the files adjusted in the previous Tomcat installation based on the files saved in step 2.

  7. Execute the patch installer of INUBIT

  8. In cluster mode: Execute steps 1 to 7 for all the other nodes in your cluster.

Repository - Updating the EDIFACT Folder


Update the content.xml File in the EDIFACT folder


You have updated your INUBIT installation to INUBIT patch level

Proceed as follows

  1. Log on to the Workbench as INUBIT administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > EDI Specification > EDIFACT folder.

  4. Delete the existing content.xml file.

  5. Open the context menu and choose the Add file or directory item.

  6. Open the <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/deploy/Global/System/EDISpecification/EDIFACT/content.xml file.

  7. Click on Next and Finish to add the content.xml file to the INUBIT Repository.

No additional patch steps are required.

All Components – Update JDK/Java to Version 11.0.7


Update the JDK/Java installation used by your INUBIT installation(s) for all INUBIT components to Version 11.0.7 as described in the Updating JDK section.

Process Engine - Updating the BouncyCastle Library to Version 1.65


Update the bouncy castle library to version 1.65

Proceed as follows

Replace the file name bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar with bcprov-jdk15on-1.65.jar in the following scripts in the following folders below the INUBIT installation folder.

  • ./server/benchmark/

    Update all .sh scripts for Linux and .bat scripts for Windows.

  • ./client/bin/

    Update the check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat script.

  • ./server/Tomcat/bin/

    Update the following scripts:

    • check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat

    • startcli.sh/startcli.bat

    • ibis_nt_service_install.cmd

  • ./remoteConnector/bin

    Update the rc_nt_service_install.cmd script.

INUBIT Liferay Plug-in Deployment Script - Updating the BouncyCastle Library to Version 1.65


Update the BouncyCastle library to bcprov-jdk15on-1.65.jar in the INUBIT Liferay Plug-in Deployment Script

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/liferayInstallScripting/ folder.

  2. Open the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script for editing.

  3. Search for the bcprov-jdk15on-1.64.jar file name and replace it with the following file name:


  4. Save the changes.

Windows INUBIT Start Scripts - Updating Title, Service Name, and Service Description


Windows only: Update title, service name, and service description in the INUBIT start scripts for Windows

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/ folder.

  2. Open the ibis_nt_service_install.cmd script for editing.

  3. Search for the SERVICE_NAME variable.

  4. Replace the value INUBIT IS Tomcat with the string INUBIT 7.4 Service.

  5. Add a new line below the line where you have set the SERVICE_NAME variable.

  6. Copy the following command in the newly added line:

    set SERVICE_DESCRIPTION=INUBIT 7.4 Process Engine available as a service

  7. Search for the string %JAVA_SERVICE_EXE%" -install.

  8. Add a new line below the line with the string %JAVA_SERVICE_EXE%" -install.

  9. Copy the following command in the newly added line:

    sc description "%SERVICE_NAME%" "%SERVICE_DESCRIPTION%"

  10. Save your changes.

  11. Open the ibis_nt_service_uninstall.cmd script for editing.

  12. Search for the SERVICE_NAME variable.

  13. Replace the value INUBIT IS Tomcat with the string INUBIT 7.4 Service.

  14. Save your changes.

  15. Open the setenv.bat script for editing.

  16. Search for the TITLE variable.

  17. Replace the value INUBIT with the string INUBIT 7.4 Service.

  18. Save your changes.

Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

No additional patch steps are required.

Manual step BEFORE patch installation required.

Process Engine – Updating Tomcat to 9.0.35


Update Tomcat to 9.0.35

Process the following steps BEFORE starting the patch installer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Shut down the INUBIT Process Engine.

  2. From the directory <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, save all files that have been customized or that are especially adjusted to the system environment (for example, setenv.sh, server.xml, portal-ext.properties).

  3. Backup and delete the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat.

  4. Install the Process Engine to a temporary directory.

  5. Copy the Tomcat directory from that temporary installation folder ../server/Tomcat to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server directory of your INUBIT installation.

  6. In the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, adjust all the files adjusted in the previous Tomcat installation based on the files saved in step 2.

  7. As of INUBIT, the <INUBIT-installdir> placeholder contains the additionally INUBIT sub-directory.

    When patching from INUBIT for Linux below version, you have to adjust the following scripts and configuration files, or you have to replace them with the corresponding files from the backup directory. Proceed with one of the following steps for the files listed below.

    • inubitis

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitis script with the corresponding script from the backup directory.

      • Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitis.conf file.

    • inubitis.conf

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitis.conf file with the corresponding file from the backup directory.

      • Adjust the IS_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.

    • inubitSystemd

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitSystemd script with the corresponding script from the backup directory.

      • Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitis.conf file.

    • inubitrc

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc script with the corresponding script from the backup directory.

      • Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/ remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf file.

    • inubitrc.conf

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf file with the corresponding file from backup directory.

      • Adjust the RC_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.

    • inubitrcSystemd

      • Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrcSystemd script with the corresponding script from backup directory.

      • Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf file

  8. Execute the INUBIT patch installer.

  9. In cluster mode: Execute steps 1 to 8 for all the other nodes in your cluster.

Key Manager – Displaying new Columns Containing Certificate Details


In the Key Manager, activate the new checkboxes to display certificate details.


You have executed the patch installer successfully.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench.

  2. Display the Monitoring > Key Manager tab.

  3. Right-click the table header and check the checkboxes for both new columns Serial number and Subject.

Liferay 7.0 – Unchecking the Expose Global Option to use the Updated Fusion Charts Library


Uncheck the Expose global option to use the updated fusion charts library in Liferay 7.0 to display reports in Report Viewer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log on to Liferay 7.0 as Liferay administrator.

  2. Open the Control Panel.

  3. Navigate to Configuration > System Settings > Foundation tab.

  4. Click JavaScript Loader.

  5. Uncheck the Expose global option.

  6. Click Save or Update in order for the changes to take effect.

Certain Scripts can be Used with Relative Paths – Renaming New Scripts and Adjusting them if necessary


When you want to use a script with a relative path: Rename the new script to be used with a relative path, and adjust it if necessary.


There is a new script containing the _patch string in its name.

Proceed as follows

  1. Backup the script you are using currently.

  2. Remove the _patch string from the corresponding new script.

  3. When having adjusted the formerly used scripts, adjust the renamed scripts with changes you made before to the backed up scripts.

  4. Save the changes.

Scripts to Install/Uninstall the Process Engine as a Service under Windows – Adjusting the Scripts


Windows only: To ascertain the Java version correctly, the install/uninstall scripts to start the Process Engine as a Service under Windows need to be adjusted

Proceed as follows

  1. If the Process Engine is installed as a service stop the Process Engine service.

  2. Uninstall the Process Engine service.

  3. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin directory.

  4. Open the ibis_nt_service_install.cmd script for editing.

  5. Replace two lines as follows:

    Lines to be replaced:

    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /i
    "version"') do set JAVA_VERSION=%%g
    for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_^" %%i in ('%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -fullversion 2^>^&1')
    do set "jver=%%i"

    New lines to replace:

    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('""%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version 2>&1 | findstr /i
    version"') do set JAVA_VERSION=%%g
    for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_^" %%i in ('""%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -fullversion 2>&1"')
    do set "jver=%%i"
  6. Save the changes in order for the changes to take effect.

  7. Open the ibis_nt_service_uninstall.cmd script for editing.

  8. Replace two lines as follows:

    Lines to be replaced:

    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -version 2^>^&1 ^| findstr /i
    "version"') do set JAVA_VERSION=%%g
    for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_^" %%i in ('%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -fullversion 2^>^&1')
    do set "jver=%%i"

    New lines to replace:

    for /f "tokens=3" %%g in ('""%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version 2>&1 | findstr /i
    version"') do set JAVA_VERSION=%%g
    for /f tokens^=2-5^ delims^=.-_^" %%i in ('""%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -fullversion 2>&1"')
    do set "jver=%%i"
  9. Save the changes in order for the changes to take effect.

  10. Now, you can install and start the Process Engine as a Service.

INUBIT Repository – Updating AS4 Mapping Templates and CPA Files


Update the AS4 Mapping templates in the Global Repository and the CPA files used for AS4 Connectors.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates directory.

  4. Right-click the AS4 directory.

  5. Choose the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files as4-cpa-repository.xml and as4-cpa-repository.xsd are updated to the new version.

  6. In order to update all CPA xml files used for your AS4 Connector modules, replace bosch-si.com with virtimo.de in all these CPA xml files. to

No additional patch steps are required.

Installer under Linux – Updating java_home_path_setter.sh


Linux only: Updating the java_home_path_setter.sh file in case of a Linux installation and the JAVA_HOME path contain spaces.

This action is compulsory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the <inubit-installdir>/java_home_path_setter.sh file.

  2. Check if JAVA_HOME is set and has a space in the path.

    If so, enclose the path in double quotes, for example:

    JAVA_HOME="/home/inubit/jdk 11"

  3. Save the file.

In cluster mode, you can do the update node by node to avoid downtime.

Liferay 7.x/DXP – Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/<Liferay_version>/ directory.

  2. Extract the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive to a temporary directory.

  3. Open root directory below the temporary directory created in step 2.

  4. Open the portal-ext.properties file for editing.

  5. Copy the property module.framework.properties.org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation with the provided value to the clipboard.

  6. Open the <Liferay_installdir>/ directory.

  7. Open the portal-ext.properties file for editing.

  8. Paste the copied property value from clipboard, which was copied in step 5, to the end of the portal-ext.properties file.

  9. Restart Liferay for the changes to take effect.

Manual step BEFORE patch installation required.

Process Engine – Updating Tomcat to 9.0.37


Update Tomcat to 9.0.37

Process the following steps BEFORE starting the patch installer.

Proceed as follows

  1. Shut down the INUBIT Process Engine.

  2. From the directory <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat, save all files that have been customized or that are especially adjusted to the system environment (for example, setenv.sh, server.xml, portal-ext.properties).

  3. Backup and delete the Tomcat directory of your INUBIT installation <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat.

  4. Install the Process Engine to a temporary directory.

  5. Copy the Tomcat directory from that temporary installation folder ../server/Tomcat to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server directory of your INUBIT installation.

  6. For Linux only: If INUBIT or Remote Connector was installed as a service, the following steps are necessary.

    As of INUBIT, the <inubit-installdir> placeholder contains the additional INUBIT sub-directory. When patching from INUBIT for Linux below version, you have to adjust the following scripts and configuration files or you have to replace them with the corresponding files from the backup directory.

    • If INUBIT was installed as a service using Systemd, proceed as follows:

      • Stop the inubit systemd service if already running.

      • Remove the symbolic link named INUBIT.service in the /etc/systemd/system directory.

      • Proceed with the following steps for the files listed below.


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitis.conf file with the corresponding file from the backup directory. Adjust the IS_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitSystemd script with the corresponding script from the backup directory. Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/ Tomcat/bin/inubitis.conf file.


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubit.service file with the corresponding file from the backup directory. Adjust the PIDFile variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/catalina.pid file. Adjust the CATALINA_HOME environment variable with the correct path: CATALINA_HOME=<INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat Adjust the WorkingDirectory variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin Adjust the ExecStart variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitSystemd start Adjust the ExecStop variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/inubitSystemd stop Create the symbolic link for inubit.service as mentioned in inubit documentation (refer to section Installing the INUBIT Process Engine Under Linux as Service Using Systemd).

    • If INUBIT was installed as a service using SysVinit, proceed as follows:

      • Stop the SysVinit service if already running

      • Proceed with one of the following steps for the files listed below.


        Replace the /etc/init.d/INUBITis script with the corresponding script from the backup directory. Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/INUBITis.conf file.


        Replace the /etc/inubitis.conf file with the corresponding file from the backup directory. Adjust the IS_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.

    • If Remote Connector was installed as a service using Systemd, proceed as follows:

      • Stop the rc systemd service if already running.

      • Remove the symbolic link named rc.service in the /etc/systemd/system directory.

      • Proceed with one of the following steps for the files listed below.


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf file with the corresponding file from backup directory. Adjust the RC_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrcSystemd script with the corresponding script from backup directory. Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf


        Replace the <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.service file with the corresponding file from backup directory. Adjust the WorkingDirectory variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin directory. Adjust the ExecStart variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrcSystemd start Adjust the ExecStop variable with the correct path to: <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrcSystemd stop Create the symbolic link for rc.service as mentioned in INUBIT documentation (refer to section Installing the INUBIT Remote Connector Under Ubuntu as Service Using Systemd)

    • If Remote Connector was installed as a service using SysVinit, proceed as follows:


      Replace the /etc/init.d/inubitrc script with the corresponding script from the backup directory. Adjust the CONFIG_FILE variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin/inubitrc.conf file.


      Replace the /etc/inubitrc.conf file with the corresponding file from backup directory. Adjust the RC_DIR variable with the correct path to the <INUBIT-installdir> directory.

  7. For all files being not adjusted in step 6 but being adjusted in the previous Tomcat installation in the Tomcat directory <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat of your INUBIT installation: Adjust all the remaining files based on the files saved in step 2.

  8. Execute the INUBIT patch installer.

  9. In cluster mode: Execute steps 1 to 8 for all the other nodes in your cluster.

All Components – Update JDK/Java to Version 11.0.8


Update the JDK/Java installation used by your INUBIT installation(s) for all INUBIT components to version 11.0.8 as described in the Updating JDK section.

Process Engine as a Service under Windows – Using Log File Rotation


Optionally: To provide log file rotation when operating the INUBIT Process Engine as a service, use the newly provided scripts.

The following scripts to install/uninstall INUBIT 7.4 Service are available in the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin\ directory after having patched your INUBIT installation:

  • ibis_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd

  • ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd

Proceed as follows

  1. When you have already installed the INUBIT Process Engine as a service:

    1. Stop the INUBIT Process Engine service.

    2. Uninstall the INUBIT Process Engine service.

      Refer to the section Installing/Uninstalling the INUBIT Process Engine as Service Under Windows.

  2. Open the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin\ directory.

  3. Open the ibis_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd script for editing.

  4. Configure the following parameters accordingly to your needs:


      • 0: No log file rotation

      • 1: Log file rotation


      Configure the maximum log file size in bytes. By default, the maximum log file size is set to 10 Mbyte:



      • 0: The log files are rotating only if the maximum log file size configured using the NSSM_ROTATE_FILE_SIZE parameter has exceeded when the service is (re)started.

        If the service shall run for a long time without being restarted, this value should not be used.

      • 1: The log files are rotating while the service is running.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Execute the ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd script to install the INUBIT Process Engine service.

    → The INUBIT Process Engine is installed as INUBIT 7.4 Service with the start type Automatic, and it can be started. Once the system is (re)started, the INUBIT 7.4 Service is started automatically.

  7. Start the INUBIT 7.4 Service using the Services application or the following command: net start "inubit BPM 7.4 Service"

    → Depending on your configuration, in the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\logs directory, the following log files rotate/do not rotate.

  8. To stop the INUBIT 7.4 Service, use the Services application or the following command: net stop "inubit BPM 7.4 Service"

  9. To uninstall the INUBIT 7.4 Service, execute the ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd script in the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin\ directory.

Remote Connector as a Service under Windows – Using Log File Rotation


Optionally: To provide log file rotation when operating the Remote Connector as a service, use the newly provided scripts.

The following scripts are available to install/uninstall the inubit IS Remote Connector service in the <inubit-installdir>\remoteConnector\bin\ directory after having patched your INUBIT installation:

  • rc_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd

  • rc_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd

Proceed as follows

  1. When you have already installed the Remote Connector as a service:

    1. Stop the Remote Connector service.

    2. Uninstall the Remote Connector service.

      Refer to the section Installing/Uninstalling the Remote Connector as Service

  2. Open the <inubit-installdir>\remoteConnector\bin\ directory.

  3. Open the rc_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd script for editing.

  4. Configure the following parameters accordingly to your needs.


      • 0: No log file rotation

      • 1: Log file rotation


      Configure the maximum log file size in bytes. By default, the maximum log file size is set to 1 Mbyte:



      • 0: The log files are rotating only if the maximum log file size configured using the NSSM_ROTATE_FILE_SIZE parameter has exceeded when the service is (re)started.

        If the service shall run for a long time without being restarted, this value should not be used.

      • 1: The log files are rotating while the service is running.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Execute the rc_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd script to install the INUBIT Remote Connector service.

    → The INUBIT Remote Connector is installed as INUBIT IS Remote Connector service with the start type Automatic and it can be started. Once the system is (re)started, the INUBIT IS Remote Connector service is started automatically.

  7. Start the INUBIT IS Remote Connector service using the Services application or the following command: net start "inubit IS Remote Connector"

    → Depending on your configuration, in the <inubit-installdir>\remoteConnector\log directory, the following log files rotate/do not rotate.

  8. To stop the INUBIT IS Remote Connector service, use the Services application or the following command: net stop"inubit IS Remote Connector"

  9. To uninstall the INUBIT IS Remote Connector service, execute the rc_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd script in the <inubit-installdir>\remoteConnector\bin\ directory.

Repository – Update the iSConfiguration Template File


Update the IS Configuration template file to be able to use the getWorkflowList operation with the UserName element in order to retrieve a username.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the Workbench as root administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the /Global/System/Mapping Templates/IS Configuration/ Repository path.

  4. Right-click the IS Configuration folder and choose the Update Directory context menu item.

    → The configuration.xml file stored in this folder will be replaced with the file provided by the patch installer.

BPC Portal – Preparatory Work for the purpose of Configuring Documentation Modules


Preparing your patched your INUBIT installation in order to configure and deploy documentation modules for the BPC portal.


You have configured the Business Process Center as portal server.

Proceed as follows*

  1. Open the Configuration > General Settings > Portal > Portal Deployment tab.

    After having patched, the value of the Documentation modules in BPC option is 0/0.

  2. To load the DocumentationModule configuration file click the patch installation guide 40 0 icon at the Documentation modules in BPC option.

  3. The configuration file is loaded and can be configured, refer to the Configuring documentation modules for BPC section in the INUBIT Administration Guide.

    → The Documentation modules in BPC option has a value greater than 0/0, depending on how many documentation modules you have configured.

No additional patch steps are required.

Liferay Portal – Updating the jQuery Library


When using a Liferay portal 7.x/DXP: Patch Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP to update the jQuery library

Proceed as follows

  1. Stop Liferay.

  2. Navigate to the <inubit-installDir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/<Liferay-version> directory.

  3. Extract the jquery-3.5.1.js and jquery-3.5.1.min.js files from the ROOT/html/js/jquery/ directory of the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive.

  4. Navigate to the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/webapps/ROOT/html/js/jquery/ directory.

  5. Remove the existing jquery*.js files, for example jquery-1.9.1.js and jquery-1.9.1.min.js.

  6. Copy the extracted files jquery-3.5.1.js and jquery-3.5.1.min.js to the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/webapps/ROOT/html/js/jquery/ directory.

  7. Navigate to the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/webapps/ROOT/html/common/themes/ directory.

  8. Open the top_js-ext.jspf file for editing.

  9. Replace the string /html/js/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.min.js in line 7 with the following string: /html/js/jquery/jquery-3.5.1.min.js

  10. Start Liferay for the changes to take effect.

Process Engine – Optional: Removing unnecessary Tomcat directories


Optional: To increase the security of your INUBIT installation, remove unnecessary Tomcat directories

Proceed as follows

  1. Stop the INUBIT Process Engine.

  2. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/webapps/ directory.

  3. Remove the following directories:

    • docs

    • examples

    • manager

    • host-manager

  4. Start the INUBIT Process Engine.

Process Engine – Updating the SAP JCo and IDoC libraries to version 3.1


  • For downloading the installation files, you need a username and a password for the SAP Marketplace.

  • The SAP installation instructions state that a JDK 1.3 or higher is required.


When using SAP Connectors with SAP JCo 3.0 libraries: Update the SAP JCo and IDoC libraries to version 3.1.

Proceed as follows

  1. In a browser, open the URL https://support.sap.com/en/product/connectors/jco.html.

  2. Download the 3.1 version of the following libraries and decompress them:

    • SAP IDOC Class Library, for example sapidoc3_3.1.x.zip

      Contains sapidoc3.jar

    • SAP Java Connector (suitable for your operating system), for example sapjco3-NTintel-3.1.x.zip


      • sapjco3.jar

      • depending on your choice for example sapjco3.dll (Windows) or libsapjco3.so (Linux)

  3. Copy the files sapidoc3.jar and sapjco3.jar to the directory <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/webapps/ibis/WEB-INF/lib.

    If you get an error message referring to the missing middleware layer, read the SAP note 684106 (which you find in the SAP Marketplace) and apply the solution suggested there.

  4. Depending on your operating system, copy the `.dll/.so `files to one of the following directories:

    • Windows

      • When starting the INUBIT Process Engine via the Start menu: <java-installdir>\bin

      • When using the inubit Process Engine as a service under tomcat: <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin

    • Linux


      You may also need to add the directory to the PATH environment variable.

  5. Restart the INUBIT Process Engine.

INUBIT Repository – Updating AS4 Mapping Templates


Update the AS4 mapping templates in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates directory.

  4. Right-click the AS4 directory.

  5. Choose the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files as4-cpa-repository.xml and as4-cpa-repository.xsd are updated to the new version.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widget Directory


Update the files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. Right-click the Widgets directory.

  5. Select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the EDI Specification


Update the content.xml file in the Global Repository as the following rule versions have been added:

  • D16A

  • D16B

  • D17A

  • D17B

  • D18A

  • D18B

  • D19A

  • D19B

  • D20A

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. Right-click the EDI Specification directory.

  5. Select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The new rule versions have been added to the content.xml file.

INUBIT Repository – Updating AS4 Mapping Templates and CPA Files


  • Update the AS4 mapping templates in the Global Repository regarding the new connectiontimeout property.

  • Update the CPA XML files used for your existing AS4 Connector modules to use the new connectiontimeout property.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates directory.

  4. Right-click the AS4 directory.

  5. Choose the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files as4-cpa-repository.xml and as4-cpa-repository.xsd are updated to the new version.

  6. To use the connectiontimeout property in the CPA XML files used for your existing AS4 Connector modules, add it to the CPA XML files as in the templates and adjust the default value (60 seconds) if necessary. to

No additional patch steps are required.

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.43


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.43 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

Repository – Updating the IS Configuration Template File


Update the IS Configuration template file in order that the user root can use the cacheOperation operation with the get or the put element to retrieve or write data from or to the cache database.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the Workbench as root administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the /Global/System/Mapping Templates/IS Configuration/ repository path.

  4. Right-click the IS Configuration folder and choose the Update Directory context menu item.

    → The configuration.xml file stored in this folder will be replaced with the file provided by the patch installer.

INUBIT Repository - Updating TextExample.xml File for MIME Adapter


Update the TextExample.xml file in the Global Repository to use the new headers BCC and Reply-To to configure and to use the recipient for a blind copy and the reply-to address.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates directory.

  4. Right-click the MIME Adapter directory.

  5. Select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The TextExample.xml file is updated and can be used.

Repository – Updating the PDF Toolbox directory


Update the PDF Toolbox Repository path in order to import the schema files Embed.xsd and Merge.xsd provided by the patch installer. These schema files can be used to validate the input message, refer to the PDF Toolbox.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the Workbench as root administrator.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the /Global/System/Mapping Templates/PDF Toolbox/ Repository path.

  4. Right-click the PDF Toolbox folder and choose the Update Directory context menu item.

    → Both files Embed.xsd and Merge.xsd are stored in this folder.

All Components - Updating Scripts Due to the BouncyCastle Library Update


Update the listed scripts regarding the BouncyCastle library update to version bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar

Proceed as follows

Replace the file name bcprov-jdk15on-1.*.jar with bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar in the following scripts.

  • <inubit-installdir>/server/benchmark/

    Update all .sh scripts for Linux and .bat scripts for Windows.

  • <inubit-installdir>/client/bin/

    Update the check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat script.

  • <inubit-installdir>/remoteConnector/bin

    Update the rc_nt_service_install.cmd script.

  • <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/liferayInstallScripting/

    Update the installInubitLiferayDXPExtensions.pl script.

When having manually adjusted the following former scripts now located in the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup/bin directory, adjust the new scripts in the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin directory in the same way.

When having copied the scripts from the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat_backup/bin directory to the <INUBIT-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin directory, make sure that the bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar file name is set in the following scripts.

  • check_is_status.sh/check_is_status.bat

  • startcli.sh/startcli.bat

  • ibis_nt_service_install.cmd

Process Engine as a Service under Windows - Re-installing the Service


Windows only: Re-install the Process Engine if it is installed as a service.


You have installed the INUBIT Process Engine under Windows as a service.

Proceed as follows

  1. Stop the INUBIT Process Engine service.

  2. Uninstall the INUBIT Process Engine service using one of the scripts ibis_nt_service_uninstall.cmd or ibis_nt_service_nssm_uninstall.cmd from the backup directory:


    When having manually adjusted the former ibis_nt_service*install.cmd scripts now located in the <inubit-installdir>\server\Tomcat_backup\bin directory, adjust the new ibis_nt_service*install.cmd scripts in the <INUBIT-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin directory in the same way.

    When having copied the ibis_nt_service_uninstall.cmd scripts from the <INUBIT-installdir> \server\Tomcat_backup\bin directory to the <INUBIT-installdir>\server\Tomcat\bin directory, make sure that the bcprov-jdk15on-1.68.jar file name is set.

  3. Install the INUBIT Process Engine service using one of the scripts ibis_nt_service_install.cmd or ibis_nt_service_nssm_install.cmd in the following directory:


  4. Start the INUBIT Process Engine service.

No additional patch steps are required.

Linux - Adjust User To Run INUBIT Process Engine as Service Using systemd

To install the INUBIT Process Engine as a service using systemd, by default, the username is used who has installed INUBIT. If this user differs from the user is running the INUBIT Process Engine as a service using systemd, you have to adjust the username.


For Linux only: Adjust the username in the inubit.service configuration file.

Proceed as follows

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/ directory.

  2. Open the inubit.service file for editing.

  3. In the line starting with User=, replace the existing username with the user who shall run the INUBIT Process Engine as a service using systemd.

  4. Save the changes.

    → The user configured in the INUBIT.service file can run the INUBIT Process Engine as a service using systemd.

Liferay Portal - Patching Liferay Portal 7.3/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.3/DXP

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.3.10/ directory.

  2. Extract the liferay-inubit-bootstrap-1.0.0.jar archive to a temporary directory.

  3. Go to temporary directory created in step 2.

  4. Open the portal-ext.properties file.

  5. Copy the property module.framework.properties.org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation with the provided value to the clipboard.

  6. Go to the <Liferay-installdir>/ directory.

  7. Open the portal-ext.properties file for editing.

  8. Replace the module.framework.properties.org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation property and its value in the portal-ext.properties file from the property and its value copied in step 5 to the clipboard.

  9. Restart Liferay for the changes to take effect.

  10. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.3.10 directory.

  11. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar file to the <Liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  12. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  13. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar file to the <Liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  14. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  15. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar file to the <Liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  16. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out file or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  17. Clear the cache by deleting the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/work/Catalina/localhost directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widget Directory


Update the files in the Global Repository.

When having adjusted the existing Widget.xsl files in the directories ExtFormPanel and/or Grid, update the files manually as follows:

Replace the line Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider()); by the following lines:

if (typeof BpcCommon == 'undefined') {
   Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.LocalStorageProvider());

Proceed as follows

You must not execute the following steps if the existing Widget.xsl files in the directories ExtFormPanel and/or Grid were manually adjusted. In this case, adjust the files as described above.

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Widgets directory.

  4. Right-click the ExtFormPanel directory.

  5. Select the Update Directory menu item.

  6. Right-click the Grid directory.

  7. Select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The Widget.xsl files in both directories are updated to the new version.

  8. Redeploy the tasklist instances.

Liferay Portal - Patching Liferay Portal 7.3/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.3/DXP

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to the <inubit-installdir>/server/portal/inubitPlugins/7.3.10/ directory.

  2. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  3. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.api-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  4. Copy the com.INUBIT.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferay-installdir>/deploy directory.

  5. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  6. Copy the com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar file to the <liferayinstalldir>/deploy directory.

  7. Wait for the message that com.inubit.ibis.portal.liferay.service-wsdd-1.0.0.jar is started to appear in file <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/logs/catalina.out or in the startup Command Prompt window (Windows only).

  8. Clear the cache by deleting the <Liferay-installdir>/<Tomcat-dir>/work/Catalina/localhost directory.

No additional patch steps are required.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.2.4.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Liferay Portal - Redeploying Tasklists


Redeploy tasklists on Liferay Portal


  • You have configured Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. In the INUBIT Workbench, display the Configuration > General Settings tab.

  2. Open the configuration area Portal > Portal Deployment.

  3. At the option Portlet-Archive click Open patch installation guide 48 0. A dialog opens.

  4. In the area Archives on portal server in the column Action click the Redeploy archive icon patch installation guide 48 1 for the archive containing the tasklists.

  5. Confirm the next dialog.

  6. The deployment starts. A dialog with a progress bar is displayed.

  7. After the deployment has been finished successfully, this dialog is closed automatically.

  8. Close the dialog.

AS4 Gateway Table Partitioning


Update the file <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/as4-gateway.xml.


You have updated your INUBIT installation to INUBIT patch level

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the file <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/as4/as4-gateway.xml for editing.

  2. Add the following entry:

    <!-- SQL script file name. This script is run during AS4 gateway start up -->
    <entry key="sql.script.filename"></entry>
  3. Save and close the file.


Update the service-related script files INUBITrcSystemd and start_rc.sh.


You have updated your INUBIT installation to INUBIT patch level

Proceed as follows

  1. Go to folder <inubit-installdir>/inubit/remoteConnector/bin.

    cd <inubit-installdir>/inubit/remoteConnector/bin

  2. Rename the file INUBITrcSystemd to INUBITrcSystemd_original.

    mv inubitrcSystemd inubitrcSystemd_original

  3. Rename the file INUBITrcSystemd_patch to INUBITrcSystemd.

    mv inubitrcSystemd_patch inubitrcSystemd

  4. Rename the file start_rc.sh to start_rc_original.sh.

    mv start_rc.sh start_rc_original.sh

  5. Rename the file start_rc_patch.sh to start_rc.sh.

    mv start_rc_patch.sh start_rc.sh

  6. Adjust the script files if any custom changes were made in inubitrcSystemd_original and start_rc_original.sh.

  7. If not already done, create the systemd service and start or restart the Remote Connector systemd service.

Workbench - Replacing Start Script


To update the Workbench in background, there are new Workbench start scripts to make sure that former versions of the existing files (ibis.jar and ibis_tools.jar) are backed up automatically:

Linux: start_local_patch.sh Windows: start_local_patch.bat

When not using the start_local_patch.[sh|bat] script, you have to make sure that the existing files (ibis.jar and ibis_tools.jar) are backed up manually before starting the update in background.


You have successfully patched the INUBIT installation to INUBIT

Proceed as follows

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/client/bin directory.

  2. Rename the existing start_local.[sh|bat] script to start_local_old.[sh|bat].

  3. Rename the start_local_patch.[sh|bat] script to start_local.[sh|bat].

  4. When having manually adjusted the former start_local.[sh|bat] script, adjust the new start_local.[sh|bat] script in the same way.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Liferay Portal - Redeploying Tasklists


Redeploy tasklists on Liferay Portal


  • You have configured Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. In the INUBIT Workbench, display the Configuration > General Settings tab.

  2. Open the configuration area Portal > Portal Deployment.

  3. At the option Portlet-Archive click Open patch installation guide 50 1. A dialog opens.

  4. In the area Archives on portal server in the column Action click the Redeploy archive icon patch installation guide 50 2 for the archive containing the tasklists.

  5. Confirm the next dialog.

  6. The deployment starts.

    A dialog with a progress bar is displayed.

  7. After the deployment has been finished successfully, this dialog is closed automatically.

  8. Close the dialog.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widget.xsl file


Update the Widget.xsl file in the /Global/System/Widgets/ExtFormPanel/ Repository directory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Widgets > ExtFormPanel directory.

    • When having adjusted the Widget.xsl file manually, add the format: 'json' line as follows:

      var bundle = Ext.create(bundlePackage,{
        bundle : 'Application',
        path: path,
        lang : '<xsl:value-of select="lang"/>',
        noCache: true,
        format: 'json'
    • Otherwise, right-click the ExtFormPanel directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

      → The Widget.xsl file in the ExtFormPanel directory is updated to the new version.

  4. Redeploying or adjusting Web Application Connector modules

    • Liferay portal: Redeploy the Web Application Connector modules as described in the Deploying modified portlets section of the Workbench User Guide.

    • BPC portal: When using a custom form panel for a Web Application Connector module, modify it similar to the updated Widget.xsl file in the ExtFormPanel repository folder in step 3 and in the form submission handler function.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.1.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.2.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widgets Directory


Update the files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Widgets directory.

  4. When having adjusted the current Widget.xsl file in the ExtFormPanel directory manually, backup the current Widget.xsl file, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the following directories successively and select the Update Directory menu item.

    • ExtComboBox

    • ExtDateField

    • ExtFormPanel

    • ExtNumberField

    • ExtTextField

    • Grid

      → The files in the Widgets directories are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up the Widget.xsl file in step 4, adjust the updated Widg`et.xsl` file as the Widget.xsl file you have backed up before.

Isode Code - Updating to Version 18v07


Update the Isode system libraries to version 18v07.


  • You are using the X.400 connector.

  • You have received the required Isode library files from Virtimo AG.

Installing Isode for Windows

Proceed as follows

  1. Install the Isode client and select the setup Typical.

  2. To add the path of the Isode clients’ bin directory to the global Path variable, select Start > Settings > Control panel. The window Control panel is displayed.

  3. Double-click the entry System. The dialog System properties opens up.

  4. Display the Advanced tab.

  5. Click the Environment variables button. A dialog with the same name opens up.

  6. In the System variable area select the Path variable.

  7. Click the Edit button.

  8. At the end of the existing entries, add a semicolon sand the path to the bin directory of the Isode client.

Installing Isode for Linux

Proceed as follows

  1. Create pp user under the bin user group if the user does not exist.

  2. Install the Isode files.

  3. Make sure that the pp user has read and write access to both directories /etc/isode and /var/isode.

All Components – Update Java/JDK to Version 11.0.12


Update the Java/JDK installation used by your INUBIT installation(s) for all INUBIT components to version 11.0.12 as described in the Updating JDK section.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.3.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Liferay Portal - Redeploying Process Viewer Portlets


Redeploy Process Viewer portlets on Liferay Portal


  • You have configured Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. In the INUBIT Workbench, display the Configuration > General Settings tab.

  2. Open the configuration area Portal > Portal Deployment.

  3. At the option Portlet-Archive click Open patch installation guide 54 0. A dialog opens.

  4. In the area Archives on portal server in the column Action click the Redeploy archive patch installation guide 54 1 icon for the archive containing the Process Viewer portlet.

  5. Confirm the next dialog.

  6. The deployment starts. A dialog with a progress bar is displayed.

  7. After the deployment has been finished successfully, this dialog is closed automatically.

  8. Close the dialog.

Liferay Portal - Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Adjust the top_js-ext.jspf file


You have configured Liferay 7.x/DXP as portal.

Proceed as follows

  1. Stop your Liferay.

  2. Navigate to the <Liferay-installdir>/Tomcat/webapps/ROOT/html/common/themes/ directory.

  3. Open the top_js-ext.jspf file for editing.

  4. Replace the string /group/control_panel with the string /control_panel.

  5. Delete the <Liferay-installdir>/Tomcat/Work/Catalina/localhost directory.

  6. Start your Liferay for the changes to take effect.

Liferay Portal - Patching or Redeploying Tasklist


Patch or redeploy Tasklist Ext.


You are using Tasklist Ext or tasklists based on Tasklist Ext on a Liferay portal.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Configuration > General Settings > Portal Deployment > Task Lists on the portal menu.

    • When using the default Tasklist Ext, redeploy the Tasklist Ext.

    • When using a custom copy of Tasklist Ext

      1. Add the remoteFilter: true, statement as follows:

        var <xsl:value-of select="$wid"/>storeExtJsIS = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
          storeId: 'taskliststore',
          autoLoad : false,
          pageSize: <xsl:value-of select="$pageRows"/>,
          remoteSort: true,
          remoteFilter: true,
          remoteGroup : true,
      2. Save the changes.

      3. Re-deploy the custom copy of Tasklist Ext.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.4.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the PDF Toolbox Repository Directory


Update the files in the PDF Toolbox Repository directory.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates > PDF Toolbox directory.

  4. When having adjusted the current files in the PDF Toolbox directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the PDF Toolbox directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the PDF Toolbox directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up the files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the ExtFormPanel Directory


Update files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Widgets directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the ExtFormPanel directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the ExtFormPanel directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the ExtFormPanel directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.3.5.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the ExtFormPanel Directory


Update files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Widgets directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the ExtFormPanel directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the ExtFormPanel directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the ExtFormPanel directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

Repository - Updating EDIFACT Directory


Update the EDIFACT Directory to EDIFACT D20B


You have updated your INUBIT installation to INUBIT patch level

Proceed as follows

  1. Log on to the Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > EDI Specification > EDIFACT directory.

  4. Right-click the EDIFACT folder to open the context menu and choose the Update Directory item.

    → The EDIFACT directory is updated to EDIFACT D20B.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules


Update the BPC modules to version 3.4.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Liferay Portal - Patching or Redeploying Tasklist


Patch or redeploy Tasklist Ext.


You are using Tasklist Ext or tasklists based on Tasklist Ext on a Liferay portal.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as administrator.

  2. Open the Configuration > General Settings > Portal Deployment > Task Lists on the portal menu.

    • When using the default Tasklist Ext, redeploy the Tasklist Ext.

    • When using a custom copy of Tasklist Ext, proceed as follows:

      1. Add the following statement three times below the if(columnName == 'creation' statements.

        if (dateInMilli === undefined) {
          dateInMilli = item[k].getValue().valueOf();

        Afterwards, the three new statements must look like this:

        if (columnName == 'creation' || columnName == 'expiration') {
          var dateInMilli = item[k].dateValue;
          if (dateInMilli === undefined) {
             dateInMilli = item[k].getValue().valueOf();
          var operator = item[k].config.operator;
          var filterUrl = '&filterField='columnName'&filterValue='dateInMilli'&filterComparison='+operator;
          newfilterUrl = newfilterUrl.concat(filterUrl);
      2. Save the changes.

      3. Re-deploy the custom copy of Tasklist Ext.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the IS Configuration Directory


Update the configuration.xml file of the IS Configuration utility module in the Global repository in order to use the VersionCheckInComment attribute for the modifyModuleProperties operation. With this attribute, you can add a version check-in comment for modules during modification using the IS Configuration utility.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System > Mapping Templates directory.

  4. Right-click the IS Configuration directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the IS Configuration directory are updated to the new version. Afterwards, the Modify_Module_Properties_Type section looks like this:

    patch installation guide 59 0

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.54


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.54 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.4.1


Update the BPC modules to version 3.4.1.


  • You have installed the BPC portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

All Components - Updating Scripts Due to the Log4j2 Critical Security Vulnerability


To prevent Log4j2 from critical security vulnerability.

For the latest information even when using BPC, Elesticsearch, and Karaf, refer to Virtimo’s INUBIT news ticker.

After having patched all your INUBIT components to the version, there are new script versions named *_patch.[sh|bat|cmd].

You can use these scripts by removing the _patch part of the file name.

When having adjusted an existing script manually before, you can use the corresponding new scripts to add the log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true parameter to your existing scripts correctly.


Add the log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true parameter to relevant scripts.


You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. Make sure that the JVM_PARAMS="$JVM_PARAMS -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" parameter is set in the following scripts:

    • setenv.sh (when using Liferay even Liferay’s setenv.sh)

    • start_rc.sh

  2. Make sure that the set JVM_PARAMS=%JVM_PARAMS% -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true parameter is set in the following scripts:

    • setenv.bat (when using Liferay even Liferay’s setenv.bat)

    • ibis_nt_service_install.cmd (when using the Process Engine as a service)

    • start_rc.bat (when using the Remote Connector)

    • rc_nt_service_install.cmd (when using the Remote Connector as a service)

  3. Make sure that the "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true is set in the following scripts:

    • backup.bat

    • restore.bat

  4. Make sure that the "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true is set in the following scripts:

    • backup.sh

    • restore.sh

  5. Make sure that the "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true parameter is set in each line containing "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" in the migration.sh script.

  6. Make sure that the "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true parameter is set in each line containing "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" in the migration.bat script.

Process Engine - Updating the BouncyCastle Library to Version 1.70


Update the bouncy castle library to version 1.70.

No additional patch steps are required.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.4.5


Update the BPC modules to version 3.4.5.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widgets Directory


Update the files in the Global repository.

Proceed as follows

For a BPC portal using BPC INUBIT webapp module and/or Process Interaction module

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the Widgets directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the Widgets directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

For a Liferay portal when using a webapp and/or a tasklist if any corresponding diagram was edited

For diagrams being not edited, the following steps are not necessary.

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Global > System directory.

  3. When having adjusted files in the Widgets directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  4. Right-click the Widgets directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

  5. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

  6. Redeploy the portlets.

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.58


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.58 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

Process Engine - Removing MVCC attribute From the JDBC URL For an H2 Database


For security reasons, remove the MVCC attribute From the JDBC URL For an H2 Database

Proceed as follows

  1. Navigate to <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf directory.

  2. Open ibis.xml file for editing.

  3. Search for the jdbcUrl property.

  4. Remove the MVCC=TRUE; attribute from the JDBC URL.

  5. Save the changes.

  6. Open logsDBConfig.xml file for editing.

  7. Search for the `<url> `tag.

  8. Remove the MVCC=TRUE; attribute from the JDBC URL.

  9. Save the changes.

  10. The Process Engine needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widgets Directory


Update the files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

For a BPC portal using BPC INUBIT webapp module and/or Process Interaction module

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the Widgets directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the Widgets directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

For a Liferay portal when using a webapp and/or a tasklist if any corresponding diagram was edited

For diagrams being not edited, the following steps are not necessary.

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the Widgets directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the Widgets directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

  7. Redeploy the portlets.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.1


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.1.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

No additional patch steps are required.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.3


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.3.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Liferay Portal - Re-deploy WebApps portlet

This is only required if you are facing issues in loading WebApps in Liferay Portal.


Re-deploy Liferay WebApps portlet.


You are using Liferay Portal.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.3


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.3.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

INUBIT Repository - Updating the Widgets Directory


Update the files in the Global Repository.

Proceed as follows

For a BPC portal using BPC INUBIT webapp module and/or Process Interaction module

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open the Repository tab.

  3. Open the Global > System directory.

  4. When having adjusted files in the Widgets directory manually, backup the current files, for example, to the file system.

  5. Right-click the Widgets directory and select the Update Directory menu item.

    → The files in the Widgets directory are updated to the new version.

  6. When having backed up files in step 4, adjust the updated files as the files you have backed up before.

No additional patch steps are required.

Reinstalling the Remote Connector

INUBIT comes with a new Remote Connector. To connect INUBIT with new Remote Connector, Remote Connector version must be or higher.


Reinstall the Remote Connector.


  • Watch Dog support is discontinued from INUBIT onwards.

  • New Remote Connector URL: https://myRemoteSystem:8585/rc

  • System Connectors having old Remote Connector URL will be automatically redirected to new Remote Connector URL during execution.

  • You can update Remote Connector URL with https://myRemoteSystem:8585/rc in System Connectors (optional).

  • For new Remote Connector setup, refer to the INUBIT Administration Guide.

Proceed as follows

  1. Save/archive the installation folder of the previous Remote Connector.

  2. Install the new Remote Connector.

  3. Configure the new Remote Connector.

  4. Uninstall the previous Remote Connector if the new Remote Connector can be successfully operated.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.5


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.5.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.6


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.6.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.7


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.7.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.


Adapt the OAuth2-related properties during the deployment.

Proceed as follows

  1. Log in to the INUBIT Workbench as root.

  2. Open Configuration > Deployment.

  3. Open the ibis_deploy.xml file.

  4. Copy the desired OAuth2 properties depending on the modules or system connectors which were added or updated in the ibis_deploy_template.xml file.

  5. Click the OK button.

  6. Restart the INUBIT Process Engine.

If there is no manual configuration necessary, proceed as follows:

  1. Copy <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/ibis_deploy_template.xml file.

  2. Rename the file to ibis_deploy.xml.

  3. Remove the ibis_deploy.xml.bak file.

  4. Restart the INUBIT Process Engine.

No additional patch steps are required.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.9


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.9.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Remote Connector - Merging Files


Compare and merge the generated files with the suffix _`patch.[bat|cmd|sh] and _backup.[bat|cmd|sh] `after patch installation with original configuration:

  • Windows:

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/rc_nt_service_nssm_install_patch.cmd

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/rc_nt_service_nssm_uninstall_patch.cmd

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/start_rc_patch.bat

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/rc_nt_service_install_patch.cmd

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/rc_nt_service_uninstall_patch.cmd

  • Linux:

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/INUBITrc_patch

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/INUBITrcSystemd_patch

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/start_rc_patch.sh

    • <INUBIT‑installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin/remote_conf_backup.xml


You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. If Remote Connector is running as a service and the patch is applied for the same, stop Remote Connector Service.

  2. Go to folder <INUBIT-installdir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin.

  3. If custom configurations exists, rename your existing files *.[bat|cmd|sh] to *_original.[bat|cmd|sh] to keep a backup of your configuration.

  4. Rename files _patch.[bat|cmd|sh] to .[bat|cmd|sh].

  5. If custom configurations exists, compare and merge files _original.[bat|cmd|sh] and .[bat|cmd|sh].

  6. If any backup files _backup.[bat|cmd|sh] has been created after patch installation compare and merge files *_backup.[bat|cmd|sh] and .[bat|cmd|sh].

  7. If Remote Connector is running as a service and the patch is applied for the same:

    • Uninstall Remote Connector Service:


    • Install Remote Connector Service:


    • Start Remote Connector Service.

No additional patch steps are required.

No additional patch steps are required.

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.10


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.10.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.68


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.68 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

BPC - Updating Widgets Directory in the Global Repository

For BPC INUBIT webapp module and Process Interaction module users only.


Synchronize files in the Widgets directories in the local Global Repository Hierarchy with the files stored in the corresponding directories on the Process Engine.

When updating the Widgets directory, files in the Global directory and its sub-directories are updated as new version, added, or deleted according to the content of the directories on the Process Engine.


You are logged in to the Workbench as INUBIT administrator root.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the Repository tab.

  2. Navigate to the Global > System > Widgets directory.

  3. Right-click the Widgets directory.

  4. Choose the Update Directory menu item from the context menu.

    → The directory including its sub-directories is updated. No further message is displayed.

Patching Liferay Portal 7.x/DXP


Patching Liferay 7.x/DXP

Proceed as follows

BPC Portal - Updating BPC Modules to Version 3.5.11


Update the BPC modules to version 3.5.11.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Updating SFTP Cipher algorithms

If you are facing SFTP connection issues after patching INUBIT, you have to configure the SFTP Cipher algorithms within the Workbench Server Configuration. Refer to Administration Guide.

If already -D JVM parameters configuration for JSch was set in setenv.[bat|sh] file, it will be overridden by the configuration implemented within the Workbench.


Remove existing -D `JVM parameters set for `JSch `in `setenv.[bat|sh] file.


You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

Removing the existing -D JVM parameters set for JSch in the setenv.[bat|sh] file is optional.

  1. Go to <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin directory.

  2. Open setenv.[bat|sh] file for editing.

  3. Remove -D JVM parameter set for JSch.

    Example: set JVM_PARAMS=%JVM_PARAMS% -DJSch.kex=diffie-group14-sha1

  4. Save setenv.[bat|sh] file.

Updating scripts


Adapt scripts for the Process Engine, INUBIT Workbench, and Remote Connector.


You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

Process Engine

  1. Create the back-up of setenv.[sh/bat] from <install-dir>/INUBIT/server/Tomcat/bin.

  2. Rename setenv.[sh/bat] to setenv_backup.[sh/bat].

  3. Rename setenv_patch.[sh, bat] to setenv.[sh/bat].

  4. If you made any changes to the existing setenv_backup.[sh/bat], adjust setenv.[sh/bat] accordingly.

INUBIT Workbench

  1. Create the back-up of start_local.[sh/bat] from <install-dir>/INUBIT/client/bin.

  2. Rename start_local.[sh/bat] to start_local_backup.[sh/bat].

  3. Rename start_local_patch.[sh/bat] to start_local.[sh/bat].

  4. If you made any changes to the existing start_local_backup.[sh/bat], adjust start_local.[sh/bat] accordingly.

Remote Connector

  1. Create the back-up of start_rc.[sh/bat] from <install-dir>/INUBIT/remoteConnector/bin.

  2. Rename start_rc.[sh/bat] to start_rc_backup.[sh/bat].

  3. Rename start_rc_patch.[sh/bat] to start_rc.[sh/bat].

  4. If you made any changes to the existing start_rc_backup.[sh/bat], adjust start_rc.[sh/bat] accordingly.

Changing Repository Workspace Path

This is an optional patch step.


Change Repository workspace path to an absolute path.


You have successfully executed the patch installer for INUBIT.

Proceed as follows

  1. Open <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/conf/repository.xml file for editing.

  2. Go to entry:

    <Workspace name="${wsp.name}">
    <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
        <param name="path" value="${wsp.name}"/>
  3. Change param value to <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/workspaces/${wsp.name}"/>

  4. Open workspace.xml files for editing located in the directories:

    • <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/workspaces/ibis

    • <inubit-installdir>/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/workspaces/security

  5. Go to entry:

    <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
        <param name="path" value="${wsp.name}"/>
  6. Change param value to <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/workspaces/${wsp.name}"/>

  7. Delete previously created empty folders, which will not be used anymore with above changes.

    • <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/ibis

    • <inubit-installdir>/server/Tomcat/bin/security and above

Update BPC modules to version 3.5.12


Update the BPC modules to the latest version.


  • You have installed BPC or Liferay as portal for INUBIT.

  • You have configured BPC or Liferay as portal server for INUBIT.

  • You have successfully executed the latest patch installer for INUBIT or BPC.

Proceed as follows

INUBIT patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <inubit-installdir>/portal/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

BPC patch installation

  1. Navigate to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc_modules directory.

  2. Copy the updated modules (frontend and backend) to the <bpc-installdir>/bpc/<Karaf-dir>/deploy directory.

Rename CLI start script

This step is optional. Run it if you are having trouble calling the CLI.

Proceed as follows

After running the patch installer, rename the startcli.sh_patch script to startcli.sh or startcli.bat_patch to startcli.bat.

Only default patch steps are required.

Update EDIGAS files in repository

This step is optional and only necessary if you use EDI in connection with EDIGAS messages using auto-detection.


  1. The INUBIT Process Engine has started

  2. You are connected to the process engine with a workbench

  3. You have access to the repository

How to proceed

  • Update the EDIGAS-MESSAGES.xml file in the repository

    1. Switch to the Repository tab

    2. Select the following path in the navigation tree: Global > System > EDI Specification > Rule Metadata

    3. Switch to the file table

    4. Right-click to open the context menu and select the following entry: "Import"

    5. Use the file EDIGAS-MESSAGES.xml

    6. Alternatively, you can also import this zip file directly under Global.

  • Remove the EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml file from the repository

    1. Switch to the Repository tab

    2. Select the following path in the navigation tree: Global > System > EDI Specification > Rule Metadata

    3. Right-click on the "EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml" file in the table on the right

    4. Execute the following entry from the context menu: "Delete…​"

  • Remove the EDIGAS-SUBSETS.xml file from the server file system

In addition to deleting from the repository, the file (if any) must also be removed from the INUBIT server file system at <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/repository/deploy/Global/System/EDI Specification/Rule Metadata to prevent deployment to the repository the next time the Process Engine is started.

Update BPC modules to version 3.5.13

Process Engine - Updating JDK to 11.0.18


As the java distribution has been updated automatically to version 11.0.18 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating JDK

Update BPC modules to version 3.5.15

Process Engine - Updating Tomcat to 9.0.73


As Tomcat has been updated automatically to version 9.0.73 during patch installation, check whether manual steps are necessary.

Proceed as follows

Refer to Updating Tomcat

Only default patch steps are required.

Only default patch steps are required.

BPC - Temporary activation to load inline JavaScript in a browser

This step is required if you are using INUBIT WebApp or INUBIT Process Interaction module in BPC and encounter problems related to JavaScript code execution.

By default, the Karaf applies CSP restrictions informing browsers to prevent inline JavaScript code execution. In order for the affected modules to work, any JavaScript must be loaded via referencing the resource properly.

As a temporary workaround the inline JavaScript execution can be re-enabled by setting a specific module property.

Enabling inline JavaScript execution is potentially a security risk. Virtimo recommends strongly to rework all JavaScript usage towards using JS files referenced from within the HTML.


  • BPC is up and running

  • BPC user with admin rights is logged in

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the INUBIT WebApp modules configuration tab in BPC

  2. Select the module instance where the inline JavaScript should be re-enabled

  3. In the specific module’s configuration set the property "SanitizeHTML" to value false (deselect checkbox).

Only default patch steps are required.

Only default patch steps are required.

Only default patch steps are required.

Update BPC modules to version 3.5.19

Update BPC modules to version 3.5.20

Only default patch steps are required.