Die BPC Version 4.0 wird nicht mehr gewartet.

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Deploy BPC Modules (JAR/WAR files)


  • Karaf must be running

  • API-Key must exist (BPC Frontend → Core Services → API Keys)

In the example below Karaf uses the default port 8181.


The BPC deployment API is used to deploy jar/war files.

Usage of the deployment API to deploy jar/war-files

It must be a mime multipart data (multipart/form-data) POST to the /cxf/bpc-deployment/deployment/bundles/import endpoint.

In the example below CURL gets used to deploy the files ‘test.jar’ and ‘test.war’.

curl -X POST \
     -H 'X-APIKey: 1f697af5-c147-3d94-c529-e06f3f15bb87' \
     -H 'X-InitiatedByUser: inubit' \
     -H 'X-InitiatedFromServerName: localhost' \
     -H 'X-InitiatedFromServerUUID: inubit-installer' \
     -F file=@test.jar \
     -F file=@test.war \

Now the two files are deployed to the [Karaf]/deploy folder! :-)
