Logging SOAP Messages

For analyzing errors you can log the SOAP messages of Web services.

This logging is only available for Web services connectors using the Metro framework. Thus, the option Compatibility mode with version 5.0 (use Axis2 framework) must be deactivated.

Activating logging for individual Web Services

Proceed as follows

  1. Open the Web Services Connector for editing in the module editor.

  2. Display the Extended tab.

  3. In the Further options area, activate the Activate logging of SOAP messages (webservice.log) option.

  4. Publish and activate the module.

You can configure the maximum file size and number of log file(s) under INUBIT Workbench > Configuration > General Settings > Logging > Web Service refer to Web Service Logs.

You find the logs in the log directory <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/log/webservice.log[.x].

Sometimes no valid SOAP messages can be sent as a response from a web service provider; e.g. some servers return an HTML site with the header information Content-type: text/html. The content of the response will not appear in the log file.

In that case, add the module property enableResponseDebugging as free text to the variables mapping in the Web Service Connector and set it to true.

The content of such messages then will be displayed in the INUBIT Workbench error message, e.g. in the error pop-up of the test mode or in the tab Monitoring > System Log > Message column.