Folder Structure

Synchronous Execution Data

The following two folders contain transaction data of the synchronous execution mode:

<inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/swapsyncMainExec/ <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/swapSyncOtherExec/

These processes running via listener are not restarted on another node.

There is no data backup in case of synchronous execution.

Data are always kept only in memory. Swap mechanism happens in the following two cases:

  • Individual entries larger than 1 MB

  • If the accumulated size of all entries has exceeded a threshold of by default 25% of Xmx memory.

    The Xmx value can be configured via the RuntimeDataCacheXMXPercentage property in the ibis.xml file. The default value is 25.

Swap Folders

All transaction data are copied to disk and kept in memory.

The following two folders contain transaction data of the asynchronous workflow execution:

<inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/swapASyncMainExec/ <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/swapAsyncOtherExec/

Backup Folders

The following two folders contain backups of transaction data in case of a asynchronous workflow execution. These data are useful when a node crashes or shuts down in between. In that case, another backup node continues the execution by reading data from the is_transaction.xml (main data)/is_wait_transaction.xml file (other data).

<inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/backupAsyncMainExec <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data/binarystores/backupAsyncOtherExec

Testwatch Folder


The testwatch folder below the <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/ibis_data//binarystores/ folder contains a copy of transaction data once the workflow execution is complete.

Configuring the maximum number of temporary messages

The maximum number of temporary messages to be stored can be configured via the INUBIT Workbench: Administration > General Settings > Administration > Server > Maximum number of temporary messages

Asynchronous Execution Data

In ibis.xml, via the RuntimeDataBackupStore property can be configured whether data are stored in a database and/or in the file system.

  • FILE (default)

    Entries are persisted to file - only use for local caches.

    Use this setting if more performance is needed.

  • DB (database)

    Entries are persisted to database, the corresponding database table will be IBIS_RT_OTHER_DATA or IBIS_RT_EXEC_DATA as configured in ibis.xml.

    This applies to customers that want to have extra security.

  • NONE

    Entries are not persisted, only be kept in memory (entries are lost on Process Engine shutdown).