Default Dialogs


System Connector modules connect source or target applications with the INUBIT Process Engine and generally pass on messages without transformations.

A System Connector module stores the specific protocol and authentication data for establishing the connection with the source or target applications.

System Connector modules can be validated manually, refer to Validating System Connectors.

When having opened more than one System Connector module for editing, only the System Connector module can be validated, which has been opened most recently. When trying to open another System Connector module, a corresponding warning message is displayed.

To validate a System Connector module, which has not been opened last, you have to close all System Connector dialogs opened after the dialog of the System Connector module you want to validate.

Incomplete System Connector modules can be designed and stored locally. Thereby, you can complete the final configuration at a later time.

A red name label indicates an incomplete System Connector module.

Refer to

Dialog System Connector Properties

This dialog offers the following options:

Connector type

There are the following basic configuration types for system connectors. For some system connectors, not all types can be configured. In this case, the corresponding options are deactivated.

  • Input connector

    A system connector that is configured as input connector fetches data from a source application and hands them over to its subsequent module. After the workflow execution, the input connector returns the result to the source application.

    It is always located at the start of a workflow. Hence, it has no preceding module, only a subsequent module.

  • Medium connector

    A medium connector usually transmits a synchronous call to an application, receives the response from the application, and forwards the response to the next module in the workflow.

    A medium connector is located in the middle of a workflow: Hence, it has both a preceding and a subsequent module.

  • Output connector

    An output connector sends data to a target application.

    An output connector is located at the end of a workflow. Hence, it has a previous module but no subsequent module.

    For a list of symbols used for modules in Technical Workflows, refer to Symbols in Technical Workflows and in the Directory Tree.

  • Listener connector

    A system connector can be run as a listener:

    • Input listeners wait for calls or data from a source application.

    • Output listeners provide data for a target system to collect.

Connector status

  • Active/inactive

    Technical workflows can run only active system connectors. Inactive System Connectors can only be run manually, for example, for testing.

Remote connector

When activated, the system connector connects to a remote connector on a remote host.

Not all types of system connectors can be used as remote connectors. This option is only active if the system connector can be used as remote connector.

System connectors configured as Listeners can never be used as remote connectors.

The Configuration button opens the dialog for entering the remote connector’s URL and the authentication data. Here, you can also start a connection test.

For more information about installing and configuring a remote connector, refer to Remote Connector.

Handling of connection errors

If the maintenance mode is activated after a connection error occurred, the Process Engine will no longer retry to establish the connection.

  • Client/caller connectors – connectors establishing a connection

    • Number of retries

      Specifies how many times the system connector should attempt to establish a connection with the system with which it is communicating. If the connection cannot be re-established, an error is thrown.

    • Retry interval

  • Time period between individual retries.

    • Timeout (in sec.)/ Default timeout

      Time in seconds taken to complete the whole workflow execution. This includes the connection made to the INUBIT server, module execution, and to external systems if any.

      In the File Connector, for example, it includes the time taken to connect to the file server and read the file.

      If the module execution did not complete within this period, the module is terminated and an error is thrown.

      However, in case of system connectors which connect to external systems (like FTP Connectors or VFS Connectors), changing this timeout will not influence any other timeouts involved in connecting to external systems.

      If you select the Default timeout option, the module execution timeout will be set to infinite.

      For FTP, HTTP, and REST Connectors only: The value specified in the Timeout (in sec.) field is used as server connection timeout.

      The variable mapping of the HTTP Connector also provides the following module properties:

      • RetryNumber (for the number of retries)

      • RetryIntervall (for the retry interval)

      • Timeout (for the server connection timeout)

  • Server/Provider connectors – connectors operating as listener

    The properties Number of retries, Retry interval and Timeout (in sec.)/ Default timeout can also be set and changed for connectors in listener mode. However, they are not relevant in these cases.

    Exception: TCP/IP Connector – it also uses the timeout setting in listener mode:

    • Timeout (in sec.)/ Default timeout

      The timeout setting controls the behavior of the socket created after the initial connection setup. Once the communication to the TCP/IP listener is started, the remote station has to provide data within the timeout period.

      Otherwise, the module execution is terminated and an error is thrown.

      The timeout value 0 disables the property.

Input/output message logging

If this option is activated, the system connector’s input and output messages are stored.

This function is useful for debugging and testing if, for example, messages do not reach the business partners and must be submitted again or if a workflow was carried out faultily and needs to be restarted using the same input messages. You can restart the workflows in the Queue Manager. There, you can also display the input and output messages.

Refer to

Only activate the input/output message logging if it is really needed. Otherwise, the file system might fill with files from the input/output message logging if there is only little disk space.

If input/output logging is activated for multiple system connectors and/or in the Technical Workflow itself, the smallest available specification is used.

If the input/output message logging is activated, you can define how many messages are to be stored:

  • Number of messages

    Defines the number of messages that are stored. If this number is exceeded in the course of the workflow execution, the oldest messages are deleted until the given number is reached again.

  • Synchronize with system log

    If this option is activated, the messages are treated as defined for the option System Logging in the diagram.

    If the option System Logging is not activated, the default settings are used, which are defined in the file <inubit-installdir>/inubit/server/ibis_root/conf/logsDBConfig.xml in the element dataEntriesLimit.

Dialog Scheduler

System connectors can be executed time-controlled. In this dialog, you define start times or start intervals. System connectors start in accordance with a schedule only if the Technical Workflow was published and activated on a server. In local mode and in test mode, scheduled system connectors are not started at all.


  • Scheduler activation

    If the option is activated, system connectors behave as follows:

  • Input System Connector

    Starts at the specified point in time at the given interval and triggers the processing of the Technical Workflow.

  • Output System Connector

    Sends messages to the target application at the specified time, prior to which it buffers the messages.

    If a system connector is started in an interval shorter than the workflow’s execution time (e.g. interval=10 s, execution=45 s), the workflow behaves as follows:

    • When the workflow is executed in parallel, it is started in the given interval. When the limit of parallel threads is reached, any further processing is queued.

    • When the workflow is not executed in parallel and is still running when called for its next execution, the workflow is not started again.


A system connector can be activated in the following ways:

  • Daily

  • Weekly (select one or more weekdays)

  • Monthly (select one or more days in a month)

    The scheduler can be configured to run on the last day of the month by selecting 31 in the month block in the Scheduler tab. As the last day of each month varies, it will be calculated internally in the scheduler and set accordingly.


Starting time at which the process should be started on the specified day. If an interval is activated, the process takes place at defined intervals (e.g. every 5 minutes).

In order to stop recurrence of the process, an end time must be defined.

Time frame

Time period (start and end date) during which the scheduler should be activated.

Input connectors’ reading behavior

  • If the scheduler is activated, the Mail Input Connector fetches only one mail.

    To receive more than one mail, for the Index of content of the mailbox as MIME XML, you can configure the Number of Mails parameter.

  • If the scheduler is activated, workflows containing the following input connectors are started as long as data are available.

    • INUBIT IS Connector

    • JMS Connector

  • If the scheduler is activated, the maximum number of executions per scheduled call can be configured for the following input connectors:

Medium/output connectors’ reading behavior

Connectors, which have a predecessor, are processed exactly once at each Workflow execution.

Error handling

  • Create log-entry on every faulty call

    If activated, an entry is generated in the Monitoring > System Log register for every error that occurs when the system attempts to start the system connector.

Dialog SSL Configuration

This dialog offers the following options for defining SSL settings when establishing a connection:

  • Server authentication

    If selected, the server, which is the connection target, must identify itself to the System Connector.

    If not selected, each SSL server is regarded as reliable.

    • Use truststore file
      If selected, clicking on the icon module guide 1047 1 opens a file explorer for uploading the truststore file containing the public key of the server.
      Java Keystore format is accepted as truststore, and PEM or DER formats are accepted as certificate.

    • Select from Credentials Manager
      If selected, clicking on the icon module guide 1047 1 opens the Credential selection dialog window to select the aliases. The Alias field is non-editable.

  • Client authentication

    If selected, the System Connector must identify itself to the server.

    • Use keystore file
      If selected, clicking on the icon module guide 1047 1 opens a file explorer for uploading the keystore file containing the public key of the client.

    • Select from Credentials Manager
      If selected, clicking on the icon module guide 1047 1 opens the Credential selection dialog window to select the aliases. The Alias field is non-editable.

      You need to enter the password for the private key.

Dialog Remote Connector Configuration

For more information about installing and configuring Remote Connectors refer to Remote Connector.

  • URL

    URL of the Remote Connector.

    Replace localhost with the name of the host on which the remote connector is installed, or by the IP address of that host.

  • Server authentication

    If selected then the remote connector of the remote computer must identify itself with a certificate to the system connector, you are configuring here.

    If not selected, then each SSL server is regarded as reliable.

    The Select file button opens a file explorer for uploading of the truststore containing the public key of the remote connector.

    After uploading, the system displays the end date of the key’s validity period.

  • Client authentication

    If selected, the system connector, which you are configuring here, must identify itself to the Remote Connector with a private key or a keystore, respectively.

    The Load keystore button opens a file explorer for uploading the keystore containing the private key and the public key of the Client.

    After uploading, the system displays the end date of the key’s validity period.

Connection test

  • Test connection

    For testing whether the connection can be successfully established using your configuration.

Using the Credentials Manager for Authentication


To use the credentials managed in the Credentials Manager for Authentication of System Connector modules which create a connection to third-party services, platforms and software.


Authentication using the Credentials Manager is available for the connectors in the following table:

System Connector Dialog

AS/400 Connector

AS/400 Connector Properties

AS2 Connector

  • Input Connector: AS2 listener configuration

  • Output Connector> HTTP(s) server configuration

Database Connector

Database connection and query type

Database Object Connector

DBO Connector database settings

FTP Connector

FTP Connector Properties

HTTP Connector

HTTP Connector Properties

INUBIT IS Connector

Input Connector: Authentication

Medium/Output Connector: Connection data

JMS Connector

Connection configuration

LDAP Connector

LDAP Connector properties

Mail Connector

  • Input Connector: Mail Connector Properties

  • Output connector: SMTP Connector Properties

RabbitMQ Connector

Connection configuration

Rest Connector

  • Input Connector: Resource Configuration

  • Medium/Output Connector: Request configuration

VFS Connector

VFS Connector base configuration

Web Services Connector

  • Input Connector: Module Editor > Extended

  • Medium/Output Connector: Module Editor > Invoked service

WebDAV Connector

WebDAV Connector

Proceed as follows

  1. In the respective System Connector dialog, choose the Select from Credentials Manager radio button.

  2. Select the row containing the respective credentials, from the list.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click the Test connection button to test if the System Connector works with the credentials of the chosen alias.