Thin Clients implementieren


Das Thin Client Interface der INUBIT-Software ermöglicht es, Thin Clients in beliebigen Programmiersprachen zu erstellen. Diese Thin Clients sorgen für die Kommunikation verschiedener Quell- und Zielanwendungen mit der INUBIT Process Engine und werden für folgende Aufgaben eingesetzt:

  • Daten senden an eine INUBIT Process Engine, um Workflows im synchronen oder asynchronen Modus auszuführen.

  • Daten empfangen, die von Workflows auf einer INUBIT Process Engine verarbeitet wurden.

Verfügbares Protokoll


Funktionsaufrufe des Thin Client Interface

Zur Kommunikation mit der INUBIT-Software gibt es folgende Funktionsaufrufe:

  • connectSOAP: Zur Verbindung mit der INUBIT Process Engine

  • login: Anmelden an der INUBIT Process Engine

  • logout: Abmelden von der INUBIT Process Engine

  • sendMessage: Asynchrones Senden von Nachrichten an die INUBIT Process Engine

  • receiveMessage: Asynchrones Empfangen von Nachrichten von der INUBIT Process Engine

  • convertMessage: Synchrones Aufrufen eines Workflows zur Verarbeitung von Nachrichten und Variablen in der INUBIT Process Engine

  • sendMessageUncompressed: Asynchrones Senden von Nachrichten an die INUBIT Process Engine

  • receiveMessageUncompressed: Asynchrones Empfangen von Nachrichten von der INUBIT Process Engine

  • convertMessageUncompressed: Synchrones Aufrufen eines Workflows zur Verarbeitung von Nachrichten in der INUBIT Process Engine

Alle Nachrichten werden base64-kodiert und komprimiert.


package com.inubit.ibis.utils;
import java.util.Properties;
import com.inubit.ibis.plugins.utils.IBISPluginPropertyHandler;
* This interface implements INUBIT Java Thin Client.
* ThinClientSOAP uses SOAP protocol to communicate with INUBIT.
public interface I_ThinClient {
* Connect a ThinClient to the INUBIT via the XML-RPC protocol.
* @param urlString IBIS servlet URL
* @param trustStoreFile trusted keystore, only for HTTPS relevant
* @throws InubitException
* Connect a ThinClient to the INUBIT via the XML-RPC protocol.
* @param urlString IBIS servlet URL
* @param trustStoreFile trusted keystore, only for HTTPS relevant
* @param keyStoreFile keystore file, only for HTTPS client authentication relevant
* @param keyStorePassword keystore password, only for HTTPS client authentication relevant
* @throws InubitException
* Connect a ThinClient to the INUBIT via the SOAP protocol.
* Only ThinClientSOAP implements this method.
* @param urlString INUBIT servlet URL
* @param trustStoreFile trusted keystore, only for HTTPS relevant
* @throws InubitException
public void connectSOAP(String urlString, String trustStoreFile) throws InubitException;
* Connect a ThinClient to the INUBIT via the SOAP protocol.
* Only ThinClientSOAP implements this method.
* @param urlString INUBIT servlet URL
* @param trustStoreFile trusted keystore, only for HTTPS relevant
* @param keyStoreFile keystore file, only for HTTPS relevant, client authentication
* @param keyStorePassword keystore password, only for HTTPS relevant, client
* @throws InubitException
public void connectSOAP(String urlString, String trustStoreFile, String keyStoreFile,
String keyStorePassword) throws InubitException;
* Login a user to use a workflow on an INUBIT
* @param username the username for the login
* @param password the password for the login
* @return the id of the user
* @throws InubitException
public String login(String username, String password) throws InubitException;
* Logout user from INUBIT
* @throws InubitException
public void logout() throws InubitException;
* Send a message asynchronously to INUBIT, compressed data transport.
* @param fileName the name of the file sent to the INUBIT
* @param inputMessageStream the input message with the data to be sent to the INUBIT
* @throws InubitException
public void sendMessage(String fileName,
InputStream inputMessageStream) throws InubitException;
* Receive asynchronously processed message from INUBIT, compressed data transport.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be downloaded from the INUBIT
* @param outputMessageStream the output stream to write the data from the server to
* @throws InubitException
public void receiveMessage(String fileName,
   OutputStream outputMessageStream) throws InubitException;
* Synchronous message processing by IS, compressed data transport.
* @param inputMessageStreams the input message with the data to be sent to the INUBIT
* @param outputMessageStreams the output streams to write the data from the server to
* @throws InubitException
public void convertMessage(InputStream[] inputMessageStreams,
OutputStream[] outputMessageStreams) throws InubitException;
* Synchronous message processing by INUBIT, compressed data transport.
* @param inputMessageStreams the input message with the data to be sent to the INUBIT
* @param outputMessageStreams the output streams to write the data from the server
* @param variables can optionally be defined for workflow execution
* @throws InubitException
public void convertMessage(InputStream[] inputMessageStreams,
OutputStream[] outputMessageStreams, IBISPluginPropertyHandler variables) throws
* Send a message asynchronously to IS, uncompressed data transport.
* @param fileName the name of the file sent to the IS
* @param inputMessageStream the input message with the data to be sent to the INUBIT
* @throws InubitException
public void sendMessageUncompressed(String fileName,
InputStream inputMessageStream) throws InubitException;
* Receive asynchronous processed message from IS, uncompressed data transport.
* @param fileName the name of the file to be downloaded from the INUBIT
* @param outputMessageStream the output stream to write the data from the server to
* @throws InubitException
public void receiveMessageUncompressed(String fileName,
OutputStream outputMessageStream) throws InubitException;
* Synchronous message processing by IS, uncompressed data transport.
* @param inputMessageStreams the input message with the data to be sent to the IS
* @param outputMessageStreams the output streams to write the data from the server
* @throws InubitException
public void convertMessageUncompressed(InputStream[] inputMessageStreams,
OutputStream[] outputMessageStreams) throws InubitException;
* Returns the object data as serialized XML string
* @param user
* @param objectName
* @param objectType
* @return object
* @throws InubitException
public String getObject(String user, String objectName, String objectType) throws


So gehen Sie vor

  1. Installieren Sie eines der unterstützten Java Development Kits.

  2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Dateien jsse.jar und jnet.jar im Verzeichnis <inubit-installdir>/_jvm/lib/ext abgelegt sind.

  3. Kopieren Sie die Dateien ibis.jar und ibis_tools.jar aus dem Verzeichnis <inubit-installdir>/inubit/client/lib auf den Thin-Client-Rechner.
    Fügen Sie den Pfad der Dateien zum CLASSPATH hinzu.

  4. Wählen Sie ein Protokoll (SOAP) für die Implementierung Ihres Thin Clients aus, und implementieren Sie den Thin Client entsprechend.

Beispiel: Thin Client und SOAP

package com.inubit.ibis.demo;
import com.inubit.ibis.utils.I_ThinClient;
import com.inubit.ibis.utils.ThinClientSOAP;
public class SoapClientDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // check the parameters
    if (args.length < 4) {
    // set the upload and download files
    File uploadFile = new File(args[0]);
    File downloadFile = new File(args[1]);
    // set the login name and password of the Input System Connector
    String login = args[2];
    String password = args[3];
    // create the SOAP thin client
    I_ThinClient client = new ThinClientSOAP();
    try {
      // connect the client to the local IS
      "\https://<server>:<port>/ibis/servlet/IBISSoapServlet", null);
      // login to the Input System Connector
      String userId = client.login(login, password);
      FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(uploadFile);
      FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(downloadFile);
      // perform a synchronous operation
      client.convertMessage(new InputStream[]{in},
        new OutputStream[]{out});
      // logout the thin client
      System.out.println("SOAP demo finished successfully");
    } catch (Exception e) {
   * Displays the usage parameters.
  private static void usage() {
    System.out.println("Usage: java " +
      SoapClientDemo.class.getName() +
      " <uploadFile> <downloadFile> <login> <password>");


  • Windows

    set IS_CLIB=<inubit-installdir>\client\lib
    javac –classpath %IS_CLIB%\ibis.jar;%IS_CLIB%\ibis_tools.jar
  • Unix

    export IS_CLIB=<inubit-installdir>/inubit/client/lib
    javac –classpath $IS_CLIB/ibis.jar:$IS_CLIB/ibis_tools.jar

Demo starten

Zum Testen benötigen Sie einen Workflow mit einem INUBIT IS Connector, der als Input Listener konfiguriert ist.

  • Windows

    java –cp .;%IS_CLIB%\ibis.jar;%IS_CLIB%\ibis_tools.jar
    input.xml output.csv catalog-in inubit
  • Unix

    java –cp .:$IS_CLIB/ibis.jar:$IS_CLIB/ibis_tools.jar
    input.xml output.csv catalog-in inubit